Super God

Chapter 2142: Provoking Yun Qing

Yun Feiyang has a pure bloodline, and the senior members of the Yun family will definitely pay attention to it and must vigorously cultivate it, so many elders have taken the initiative to invite them.

Who doesn't want to cultivate a promising future, and if he succeeds in the future, he will follow his famous history.

The former Yun Feiyang was similar to the air in the eyes of many elders, but now it has been verified by the bloodline, and it has suddenly become a very sought-after sweet.

"Have you heard?"

"Dozens of elders fought for Yun Fei in the high-level meeting, and they were too quarrelsome. The elders of the second elder and the elder elder almost nearly fought!"

"Having two-fifths of the bloodline is definitely the object of many high-level competitions."

Yun's sister-in-law talked quietly, with a deep envy on his face.

At this moment, they can only envy Yun Feiyang, and have no qualification to jealous and mock him.

Living in the cloud, the crowded sidelines, the days are better off, because the high lineage lineage will not pierce themselves in front of them with pride.

As for the sentence "the lowest paracollateral" will also be destined to withdraw from the stage of history, after all, it is a lowest paraphrase, which has detected two fifths of the blood!


The five elders stood on the tower and pointed to the people of the next line in the residential area below, saying, "Because your blood is verified, let them straighten their waists."

Yun Fei Yang said: "Everyone is a member of the Yun clan, why do you have to distinguish between high and low."

Five elders sighed: "When absolute equality is achieved in this world, there will be no more distinction between good and cheap."


He said: "Follow me to the martial arts pavilion."

In the clan hall, dozens of elders struggled to teach Yun Feiyang, but in the end Yun Yeye decided to let the five elders come.

Probably because both of them are from the same side.

To be honest, although the five elders are above the emperor, there is no good way to teach this demon-class clan, so I decided to take him to the martial arts palace to choose bloodline martial arts first.

Yun Fei said: "Five elders, I have one more thing to deal with."

The five elders were quite surprised: "What is it?"

Yun Feiyang said earnestly: "Initiate a challenge to Yunqing's descendant Yunqing."

In the Solo World, he said that he came to Yunyu. The first one was to abuse Yun Qing first, but now he naturally has to do it.


Elder Five thought of the young heirloom who lived in the clouds and had a blood purity of 5%.

In particular, I know that this son has an arrogant personality and has never looked at his sideline. Yun Feiyang has to challenge him and he must have been despised.


Elder Wu said earnestly: "Yun Qing is the heir of Wumai. With your current strength, it is best not to provoke him."

"Five pulses?"

Yun Fei Yang said: "What do you mean?"

The five elders immediately explained to him.

The huge cloud territory, although all of them survived from the Yun clan, there must be many branches. The so-called Jiumai is recognized as the strongest and closest to the ancestor.

of course.

The nine veins are not fixed.

Any branch can be replaced as long as it is strong and has the strength to crush other veins.

Throughout the ages, people of the Yun clan have branched and scattered leaves and differentiated many veins, but the cloud domain always has only nine strongest veins.

Yun Qing comes from the five veins of the current strongest nine veins. Six of the strong veins in his vein are called elders and have a very high right to speak.

After learning everything, Yun Fei said: "Unexpectedly, the cloud domain has such a complicated division of veins."

"More than complicated."

The five elders said: "For the sake of benefit and rights, the major veins are often intrigues."

Yun Feiyang shrugged and said, "Whether that guy is five or six veins, if he offends me, he must pay the price."

He was determined to fight Yun Qing.

Five elders said: "Yun Qing is a superior emperor. Challenge him with your current strength. You certainly won't take advantage of it. If you offend the five pulses, you won't be worth it."

Yun Feiyang didn't care about offending the five veins, but I have to admit that his strength is indeed lower than that guy. Now it's tricky to fight him.


He temporarily gave up challenging Yun Qing and said: "We go to the Wuji Pavilion."

Anyway, people in the cloud can challenge him anytime and anywhere, and they are not in a hurry.

not to mention.

Yun Da cheap God is very much looking forward to, what is the difference in bloodline martial skills left by the ancestors.


The Wuji Pavilion is located on the west side of the Yuncheng. There are strong guards inside and outside. The ordinary descendants are not allowed to enter without authorization.

"Sophisticated courtyard."

Yun Feiyang walked in with the five elders, looked at the surrounding buildings, and marveled at the heritage of the ancient Yun clan.


Suddenly, he stopped and looked at the group of descendants on the left.


Five elders secretly said.

The descendants of the group came from the Five Veins, and Yun Qing, who was talking about it, was among them. At this moment, Yun Fei was also found, and his eyes flashed a bit of coldness.

"Ha ha."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "It's so coincident."

"It's Yunfeiyang!" The other sons of Wumai also found him, and their eyes suddenly flashed a complex luster.

Yun Qing suppressed the anger in his heart and said, "Let's go."

However, when he passed by Yun Feiyang, the latter said lightly: "Boy, why are you not arrogant?"


Yun Qing heard the Fists clenched.

Yun Feiyang smiled coldly: "Remember, just like you, the garbage with only 5 percent bloodline, after seeing me, how far away you roll quickly."


Yun Qing's eyes were split.

The five veins of the lineage were also angry.

After all, their bloodline purity is not even comparable to Yunqing, and it must be **** in the eyes of this guy.

to be frank.

If a single round of blood.

With Yun Feiyang's purity of two-fifths, it is entirely possible to be proud of the entire Yun clan, saying that they are garbage, it is not an exaggeration.

Some people may think that lying on the trough, with a little skill, is just so troublesome?


Yun Feiyang is Dese.

If he is unsure, he will not claim to be an arrogant fairy.

What's more, since he didn't verify the bloodline, he was ridiculed by the Yun's progeny, and now he is more powerful than them after the verification.

It used to be bullied by you, but now I’m better than you, and I’m more fearful. That’s not a low-key, it’s a soft egg.

"Just like you, only 5% **** garbage, after seeing me, how quickly you roll away."

Yun Feiyang's sentence deeply penetrated Yun Qing's proud heart, making him angry, and his fists were getting tighter and tighter.

"Aren't you upset?"

"Come on."

Yun Feiyang stepped up, and Dang'er Lang said, "Beat me?"


Five elders twitched at the corners of their mouths.

He swears to see his collateral lineage for the first time in the ancestral land of the cloud, dare to arrogantly provoke an orthodox lineage, and it is the five lineage lineage in the strongest nine veins!

(End of this chapter) (s:)

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