Super God

Chapter 2143: Contract Zutai

Yun Feiyang's character is like this.

If you are unhappy with me, I will make you even more unhappy, so when you meet Yun Qing in the Wuji Pavilion, you will desperately challenge each other.

of course.

This guy is not stunned.

Knowing to provoke Yun Qing in a martial arts pavilion, he did not dare to give him a hundred guts.

Sure enough, in the face of such an arrogant provocation, Yun Qing could only clenched his fists despite his anger.


Yun Feiyang laughed.


The five elders almost fell.

You humiliate him so much that you are not angry.


Yun Qing gritted his teeth and said: "Don't think that with two-fifths of the bloodline, you can show off your power in the cloud!"


Yun Feiyang took a step back and looked at Elder Five, timidly: "This guy's tone of voice is terrible."

For such a cheap behavior, the five elders can only use collapse to express their emotions.


Yun Feiyang spread his hands and said: "No way, who will let me have two-fifths of blood, you only have five percent?"

This body movement, this speech.

Not to mention Yunqing and Wumai's lineage, even the five elders have the urge to beat him.

have to say.

There is still a long way to go in the realm of the Great God Yun, but in terms of death, he definitely leads the way.

Yun Qing was bleeding with his mad heart, and finally fisted, said angrily: "Yun Feiyang, dare to go to Zutai with me!"


Yun Feiyang was at a loss.

The elders hurriedly said: "The ancestral platform is arranged by the ancestors, and all the people can resolve all the grudges on it."

It turns out so.

Yun Feiyang realized that she could go, but not now.

Yun Qing said with anger: "When!"

Yun Feiyang thought for a while and said, "Three days later."

"it is good!"

Yun Qing glared at him and said, "Three days later, I'm waiting for you at Zutai. I hope I won't make an appointment!"

"Fresh appointment?"

Yun Feiyang sneered.

To be honest, even if Yun Qing does not challenge, he will find time to challenge him after visiting the Wuji Pavilion.

"let's go!"

Yun Qing left with five veins.

It's just that after just a few steps, Yun Feiyang said lightly: "Remember what I said just now, how far I see me in the future."


Yun Qing finally couldn't help it, and a spit of blood spewed out.

"Brother Qing..."


Yun Qing shook his hand, thinking he was okay, and continued to start, his anger had reached its peak.

The other heirs hurried to keep up, but before leaving the Wuji Pavilion, they all turned back and glared at Yunfei.


Five elders sighed secretly and said: "This guy offends all five-line descendants."



Just out of the martial arts pavilion, the angry Yun Qing punched the big tree next to him and instantly smashed it into powder.

"Brother Qing!"

"That kid is too rampant!"

The five veins are all angry.

If they were not just Wuji Pavilion just now, they might not be able to suppress their anger and shoot.

"Damn fellow!"

Yun Qing clenched his fists, his eyes spitting fire: "Three days later, I must break your corpse!"

As a proud orthodox heir, he has been humiliated in this way, so no matter how strong Yun Feiyang's bloodline is, it makes him feel murderous!


Under the leadership of the five elders, Yun Feiyang entered the martial arts pavilion, where rows of bookshelves were lined up, on which countless blood martial arts related to the Yun clan were placed.

"The martial arts here are more common, so follow me to another floor."

Five elders.

Any force's martial arts pavilion has different levels, as does the Yun's martial arts pavilion.

With Yun Fei Yang's pure bloodline, naturally, he will not choose martial arts among the inferior ones.


The five elders stopped at the end of the martial arts pavilion and took out a piece of exquisite jade. The streamer flashed immediately, and a dark door appeared on the wall.

"go in."


Yun Feiyang strode forward.

As soon as I walked in, I found that it was a narrow room with only two bookshelves.

Five elders said: "The bloodline martial arts stored here are the best of my Yun clan, you can choose one at will."

"One kind?"

Yun Fei said: "Too few."

The five elders said with a smile: "You can choose all of them based on the purity of your bloodline, but these superior bloodline martial arts are carefully selected by the ancestors. Anyone who wants to practice small masters will need tens of thousands of years."

Yun Feiyang understood.

He was worried that he had too many choices and had no time to practice one by one.


Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Choose one."

He said, walked to the bookshelf and watched carefully.

There are ten bloodline martial arts placed on the first row of bookshelves, which are full of heart, fist, sword, etc. Each martial art starts with ‘big’.

Thinking of the supernatural powers of the red old monster and the black emperor, Yun Feiyang secretly said: "Is it awesome martial arts superpowers, like to use the name "big"?"


As long as a certain degree of martial arts magical power is reached, it will be named with large characters, such as Dahonghongyan and Daheitian Engulfing.

This is not arbitrary, nor can any martial arts be worthy of large characters. Only true high-level martial arts can qualify for the name of big.


When the level of a martial art and supernatural power is infinitely close to the emperor, or is already the is worthy of the word big.


After flipping through the second bookshelf, Yun Fei's eyes stayed on an older cheat book with the four-character handwriting carved on it.

"Isn't this the martial art that guy used to perform?"

Yun Feiyang instantly remembered that in Qing Luo Yun, Yun Qing had exhibited the sign of great compassion.

The five elders said: "The Handprint of the Great Compassion is the blood martial art that is required by the Yunyu Heirloom after the bloodline verification."

Yun Fei said: "Since everyone can learn, why is it placed on the high bookshelf?"

The elders of the five explained: "Only the first three types of the handwriting of the Great Compassion practiced by the Yun Family's sister-in-law, and the complete nineth handwriting of the Great Compassion stored here."

"So it turns out."

Yun Fei Yang said: "Is Yun Qing's cultivation of the compassion's handprint complete?"

The elders of the five thought for a moment and said, "This year, I realized the ultimate three types of compassion before the handprint, and got the last six types."


Yun Feiyang took out the great compassion fingerprint and said, "I'll choose it."

Five elders said: "Little guy, the first three types of the compassion handprint, there is not much difficulty in understanding, but the last six types are unpredictable."

"The higher the unpredictability, the more valuable the practice."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Furthermore, if the match three days later, if you use the same martial arts to defeat Yun Qing, wouldn't it be happy?"


The five elders were dumbfounded.

Is this kid going to use the handwriting of the Great Compassion to defeat Yun Qing who is also practicing the handprint of the Great Compassion in Zutai three days later?


The elders of the five elders twitched and said, "Although your bloodline is of high purity, it will take three days to complete the complete compassion of the handprint.

(End of this chapter) (s:)

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