Super God

Chapter 2161: Are you framing me?

Yun Feiyang has repeatedly performed the three changes of the God of War soul body in the Wanshi Continent, the Little God Realm, and even the True Martial Realm, which is unique and chic.

However, just today, in the Valley of Chaos Beast, all the Yun's descendants who came to participate in the training were exhibited together and the strongest power broke out.

To describe, only spectacular!



Numerous energy rays sounded in the valley, and the most active one was Yun Feiyang. He held the Hunyuan Qiankun sword and attacked the eighth-grade emperor beasts again and again.


However, due to the violent rush, it was difficult to avoid the other party's bombardment. On the spot, he was shot hundreds of feet away, and a mouthful of blood was sprayed out.


When the other Yunshi descendants grabbed the eight-grade emperor-level beasts and shot, they gathered their bloodlines and martial arts.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In the face of thousands of Yun's maidens who practiced the secret method of the blood of the Great Soul, the sturdy fierce beast couldn't eat it anymore. The bombardment retreated, and his eyes showed great pain.

"This guy can't hold it anymore!"

Yun Feiyang wiped off the bleeding at the corner of his mouth, rushed over with the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, and yelled angrily, "Go together and avenge the dead clan!"

"Kill! Kill!"

Thousands of Yun's descendants shouted angrily.

They exploded frantically, bombarded frantically, and the power was not retained at all.

It is undeniable that they are revenge for the five-maiden lineage, and in fact also for themselves. After all, if this beast does not die, they will be in danger.

Inside the clan hall.

Looking at the clan's concerted efforts to fight against the Eighth Grade Beast, Yun Zaiye proudly said: "These young generations can be so united, my Yun family will continue to be strong!"

Many elders nodded one after another.

The five elders said: "Yun Feiyang once had a conflict with the five-maiden lineage, but now he does not count on his previous suspicions and lays down his life to avenge it. This measure is admirable!"

"Not bad."

The elders nodded again.

Looking at Yun Feiyang, who always rushes to the front, his eyes are appreciated.

The sad five-veined elders were so angry.

They sent their sister-in-law to participate in the training, with the purpose of killing Yun Feiyang. As a result, this guy was not only safe, but his sister-in-law was almost dead, and he was given a good reputation that he didn't think about.


Within Chaos Valley.

The powerful bombing sound gradually weakened, and the eight-grade beasts fell to the ground under the attack of thousands of Yun's descendants.

Double fists are invincible against all fists, even if this fierce beast is powerful, in the end it is still bruised and exhausted by the crowded Yun's descendants.


Yun Feiyang flew by, condensing a strong sword spirit, directly chopping off the head of an eight-grade emperor-level fierce beast, and then stumbled on the ground.


Thousands of Yun's descendants sat down one after another, gasping for breath, obviously exhausted and exhausted.


However, when they just sat down, Yun Sui was angry and said: "It's you who killed my five-maiden lineage!"

Yun Feiyang said coldly: "What do you mean?"

Yun Sui said angrily: "If you didn't come close deliberately, how would the Eighth-grade Emperor Beast find us!"


"If that guy doesn't pass, the five-maiden lineage won't die so much."

Many Yun's descendants spoke quietly.

The mournful elders of the Five Veins said that their eyes were splitting, and their own heirs died so much. It was this guy who brought the Eighth Grade Emperor Beast!

The eight elders gritted their teeth and said: "Patriarch, Yun Feiyang has caused my five-maiden heirloom to die tragically. The crime is very evil. Please be severely punished!"

Five elders and thirteen elders immediately frowned.

If the matter is as Yunsui said, the guy deliberately attracted the beast, the matter must be very serious!

Yun Feiyang said coldly: "Lao Tzu was chased and ran around everywhere. How do you know that your five veins are here!"


"Are you framing me?"

The sisters were silent.

They thought that Yun Feiyang had been chased everywhere, quite agree, this guy did not think too much, just happened to go to the position where the five-maiden line was hiding.

"Yun Sui."

An entourage persuaded: "The situation was dangerous at that time. How could Yun Feiyang know that you had escaped from you?"

"Not bad."

Other prostitutes agreed with the Tao, at this time they still said one thing, can not let Yun Sui so wronged others.

What's more, after Yun Feiyang escaped, he saw that the five-maiden lineage was killed and rushed up in desperation. It is enough to prove that he not only did not intentionally, but also cares about his family very much!

Seeing that everyone was biased towards Yun Feiyang, Yun Sui clenched his fists tightly, and the anger burning in his heart was more intense.

He also knew that the guy wasn't intentional. After all, he used the space laws to shuttle back and forth.

But what a great opportunity.

If the planting is successful, the senior management will definitely punish him.

Poor Yunsui didn't realize that Yun Feiyang wasn't unintentional, he just deliberately led the fierce beast.

have to say.

This guy's routine is very deep.

From the beginning of the escape, to the spatial laws that were later implemented, it was completely textbook-level acting.

So that everyone was fooled by him, thinking that it was a coincidence that led the fierce beast to the place where the five-maiden lineage was hiding.

The five elders said: "Eight elders, the fall of the noble line of Guimai is sad, but you can't frame Yun Fei at will."

"Look at the old man."

The elder thirteen said lightly: "Some people have the opportunity to take advantage of the communique."

The elders of the Five Veins blushed.

Eight elders said: "Patriarch, please replay the picture at that time, so as to prove whether Yun Feiyang is intentional!"

This guy doesn't give up yet.


Yun Zaoye communicates the image formation method, replays the pictures that happened in the Valley of Chaos Beast, especially from the murder of the beast to kill Yun Feiyang to the Five Veins Elders watch carefully, and pay attention to Yun Feiyang's every move, As long as he is not at all wrong, he will definitely attack.

The tragedy is.

Yun Da cheap **** acting is professional.

When the elders watched the playback carefully, they could not find any flaws.

"Eight Elder."

Five elders said: "You have also watched the replayed image. Are you still confused?"

The eight elders were silent for a while, but they could only say: "The patriarch, the old man is suspicious."

Yun Zaiye said: "The five-maiden lineage has fallen so much that the head of the clan can understand the mood of the eight elders."

With that said, the light curtain must be removed.


It was at this time that the elder thirteen stopped: "The patriarch, the old man is very curious, why did this sleeping beast wake up for no reason?"

This statement reminded other elders.

You know, this eight-grade emperor-level beast lives in the valley deep all year round, and usually sleeps a lot, and should not wake up easily.

Yun Zaidao said: "Look then."

In other words, driving the image formation method and rewinding the picture before attacking Yun Feiyang. Soon, many elders saw Yun Sui and sneaked into the scene where the fierce beast entangled the area.


The elder thirteen said: "No wonder the eight-grade emperor-level beast will wake up. It turns out that the five-line heirloom broke into without knowing whether it was alive or not.

"Thirteen Elders!"

Eight Elder said angrily: "You said too much!"


The elder thirteen pointed at the image and said coldly: "Your family's heirs, blatantly awakening the beast, and then ran towards Yunfei, and the law of space halfway disappeared. I am afraid it is to borrow a knife to kill?"

The elders present were not blind.

They can see from the replay of the picture that Yun Sui broke into the fierce beast to occupy the site and ran towards Yun Fei, obviously intentionally.

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