Super God

Chapter 2162: The gap between playing and not playing

Secretly sneaked into the area of ​​the fierce beast, deliberately led to Yun Feiyang, what Yun Sui did, as long as the elders present were not blind, they could see it at a glance.

The elders of the Five Veins looked ugly one by one.

They didn't expect that Yunsui, such an asshole, was so stupid that he didn't know the cover-up, letting people see at a glance that he was borrowing a knife to kill.

to be frank.

Yun Feiyang is also borrowing a knife to kill.

But from the performance, it is completely crushed Yun Sui.

The elder thirteen sneered: "The murderous beasts used to borrow the knife to kill people, but the result was not as expected, but instead planted stolen and framed, your sister-in-law, the means is really OK.

The five elders looked extremely ugly.


Thirteen Elders arched and said: "The matter is very clear. Yunsui's behavior has violated the rules of the family. Please handle it according to the rules of the family!"

"Oh, okay."

Yun waved wildly: "Maybe it was unintentional, don't make a fuss."

He knew that Yun Sui must be intentional.

But if so many maidens died in the Five Veins, it would be considered a price to pay for it, so naturally there is no need to delve into it.

The five elders said: "The patriarch, Yun Feiyang has driven the tribes, and the same enemy has wiped out the eight rank beasts. The old man thinks that it should be commended."

"Not bad."

Yun Zaidao said: "It's a good praise."

Other elders agreed.

After all, if it were not for him at the time, the clan could not be so united.

The elders of the Five Veins were silent, because it was a blessing that the patriarch had not blamed Yunsui.

Yunsui borrowed a knife to kill people, which affected the lineage people.

Yun Feiyang also borrowed a knife to kill people, which not only hit the five veins hard, but also left a good impression in the hearts of many elders.

This is the gap between playing and not playing.


Yun Feiyang looked at Yun Sui and secretly said: "Play tricks with Lao Tzu, you are still very tender."

Did not kill this guy, this time the plan to borrow a knife to kill is a little imperfect, a little flawed.

It doesn't matter.

It's a **** warning.


The eight-grade emperor-level beast was slashed by Yunfeiyang, so the points were counted on him, directly adding fifty points!

Next, the training continued, because the difference between other participants and Yun Feiyang was too big, so I lost my suspense early.

After a few days.

The experience is over.

The elders counted the points on the waist card and announced on the spot: "The first name is Yun Feiyang, points are 5,632 points!"


"Five... five thousand six hundred and thirty-two?"

Hearing this number, the entourage who participated in the training experience shook his eyes. After all, the best of them barely got more than a thousand points!

However, when the elders announced again that the second Yunhang's score was 4,000, everyone almost fell to the ground.

Yun Feiyang, who has two-fifths of blood, has so many points that they can still barely accept that a fairy level is far higher than himself, and it is too much to beat self-esteem!


After the training, Yun Feiyang and Yun Hang came to the Clan Hall.

The former was awarded the first place with ten ancestral blood pavilions and 20,000 spirit stones, while the latter received the first place with five ancestral blood pavilions and 5,000 spirit stones.

According to the previous rules, the first place to obtain 10,000 spirit stones, Yun Feiyang has 20,000, because the previous organization participants bombed fierce beasts together, revenge for the five-line heirloom.

"Thank you Patriarch."

Yunfeiyang will accept the reward.

Intentionally or unintentionally, he looked at the five elders of Wumai, and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Yun Sui dared to fight his ideas in Chaos Beast Valley, and it must have been given by this group of elders, so naturally he should be provocative.

"Damn fellow!"

Five elders were angry.

When he saw Yun Feiyang's strange smile, he instantly understood that this guy must have deliberately led the fierce beast in front of his own lineage!

What if I know?

It's not just pressing on the anger, watching Yun Feiyang take away the reward, and swing away.

Yun Feiyang's provocative smile, Yun Yanye also saw it, sighed in his heart: "This kid is really an uneasy character."

He naturally knew what Yun Sui was doing in Chaos Beast Valley. It must have been given by the Five-Elder Elder, but at this time he could only pretend not to know.

no way.

As a patriarch, there is also the pain of the patriarch.


On the way back to the residence.

The elder Five preached: "Boy, you are not guilty, dare to frame the Wumai lineage like this."


Yun Feiyang laughed.

Some things need to be done in front of people, some things do not need to be concealed.

The five elders shook their heads and said: "The five veins have lost so many descendants. The enmity between you is probably beyond the point of being resolved."

Yun Fei said: "As long as they dare to provoke me, they will definitely pay a more painful price."

There was no expression on his face, but there was a chill in his speech.

The five elders could feel it deeply and secretly said: "This kid is not good. If the people of the five veins continue to fight against him, the end will definitely be very tragic."


What did he think of: "Do you know the people of Jiu Mei?"

"Nine Veins?"

Yun Feiyang shook his head and said: "I don't It's strange."

Five elders said: "Since I don't know, why does the thirteen elders of the nine veins help you every time? Isn't it just targeting the five veins?"

"Help me say something?"

Yun Fei Yang said: "What do you mean?"

The elders of the five elders were about to speak out about these family halls.

After hearing this, Yun Feiyang held his chin and said, "It's a bit weird."


Five elders said: "You better take the time to visit elder thirteen."


Yun Feiyang nodded.

Jiumai and Wumai have always had grievances. The enemy of the enemy is a friend, and he will definitely go around.

The arrogant Yun Feiyang doesn't think he can compete with Wumai with his current strength. If he reaches Jiulian as an ally, it will definitely be beneficial and harmless.

"Just now."

He asked Yun Hang to return alone and change his route to the ancestral home where Jiu Mai lives.


In the northwest corner of Yuncheng, there is a mansion with a large area, which is the Jiumai Zuyuan.

Yun Feiyang walked over and looked at the imposing mansion, the vigorous and powerful plaque, and whispered softly: "The ancient five veins at that time should also be so brilliant."


It was at this time that Hong Liang laughter came from inside the door, and the elder thirteen came out and said: "Yun Feiyang, you are finally here."

Yun Feiyang hurriedly prayed: "Junior, see the 13 elders."

No matter what the reason, for the self in the clan hall, repeatedly and the five pulse lips and tongue and sword, he was still grateful from the heart.

Of course, the puzzle is.

Finally came? What does this sentence mean? Does he know that he will visit Jiumai?

When he was invited into the conference room, he asked, and the elder thirteen answered: "Little fellow, do you know Yun Neutron?"

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