Super God

Chapter 2379: Dead great, dead well


The blood light array suddenly shivered, and immediately collapsed into nothingness.

The blood waiting for the outside was very happy, but when they looked at it, they found that there was no blood visible on the ground except the blood.

what's the situation?

Everyone stunned and looked at each other.


It was at this time that Yun Feiyang, who was the incarnation of Guan Shanba, hurriedly flew from the sky, panicking and said: "Eighteen brother, run away, then the Yunjia heir and the Tianyi patriarch's chief have come over!"

This acting is a hundred points!

The **** eighteen people who are confused, no longer care about the Great Venerable, hurriedly flew up to the stars of the distant universe.

Yun Feiyang followed, and his deity was integrated into the ring of fortune, and all the hundred blood drops flying over were handed over to Ling Sha Luo to replace the toxins inside.

to be frank.

Destroy the Great Venerable and reap the rewards.

As long as Lingsa Luo replaces all the blood drops, gives them to Murong Zhan and others, and uses the Halloween Saint Emperor Dan, they can definitely build more emperors in a short time.

"Great Yin Yang technique should be very suitable for the cultivation of Yunli brothers and sisters."

Yun Feiyang murmured.

This magical power not only requires him to practice himself, but also allows his brothers to practice.

What's more, Yunli and Yunhua major in Yin and Yang attributes, and the Great Yin and Yang technique must be very suitable for them.

Blood Venerable Lord was destroyed.

Memories, blood drops, supernatural powers, souls, and even corpses can all be used by Yunfeiyang.


Yunli searched for refining the Halloween Saint Emperor Dan in the vast universe. Yun Feiyang could only pass the Great Yin Yang technique to Yunhua first, and she was very happy after she got the formula.

The previous life was a **** of Yin and Yang, and this time also majored in Yin and Yang.

Great Yin Yang magical power is really the most suitable for her.

Some people may ask, is this not the magical power of the Blood Palace? Without blood of the blood of a family, can outsiders practice?

In fact, the Three Thousand Great Techniques are not unique to the ethnic groups.

Their existence dates back a long time ago, and any martial arts can practice, but some ethnic groups and forces occupy it as their own, forming a unique family.

For example, the Tianyi tribe, who possessed the Great Refining Technique and the Great Destruction Technique, became a unique supernatural power over time due to monopoly and no rumor.

After handing over the yin and yang mantra to Yunhua, Yun Feiyang came to the Changsheng Clock and smiled, "You have been wronged."


The longevity bell trembles slightly, as if replying to him, he feels wronged.

The three sword energies previously condensed against the Xuanxian Avenue outside the Huaxing Field have caused it to suffer a lot of blows, and it is still dull today.

These great treasures should have a strong self-healing function, so why are they still weak?

Because Yun Feiyang is using this product, when he contends with the three sword spirits, he uses the soul power of everyone to collect all the fierce sword spirit formed during the impact into the clock!

At this moment, the internal body of the Changsheng Clock gathers the majestic and powerful swordsmanship, and furiously collides and furiously resists.

No wonder Yun Feiyang would say that he was wronged. It turned out that this grievance was due to accommodating the fierce sword intention, rather than using the treasure to counter the three sword qi.

In the previous situation, it was possible to burp at any time, and to include the strong swordsmanship. I am afraid this kind of thing can only be done by him.


Yun Feiyang's thoughts moved into the independent space in the Changsheng Clock, and the strong swordsmanship flooded the surroundings, making his face difficult to look.

Thanks to the previous collision, most of the irritability has been eliminated, otherwise with his current strength, he will definitely be torn apart instantly.

Yun Fei Yang Pan sat down, the soul power diffused, floated in the space, touched with the strong sword, and spied on the meaning.

For him, the sword spirit condensed by Daoxuan Xianxian is a huge treasure for him. If he can be enlightened, there must be a qualitative leap in the understanding of sword path.

of course.

Yun Feiyang is also a very courageous person. He came to realize the powerful sword intention, and second, he distracted himself from practicing the Yin-Yang technique.


A month later.

Ling Sha Luo replaced and distributed all the toxins in the 100 blood drops.

After Murong Zhan, He Qi and others took it, the state quickly broke to the peak emperor level.

Immediately after that, they did not stop, and once again served the Wansheng Emperor Dan prepared by Yunfeiyang for it, and then moved from the emperor level to the emperor, and the cultivation was greatly increased.

If the outside warrior knows that the six-seventh-grade emperor class can enter the Xiaodao Xuanxian in a short time, he will surely die in envy.

During this month, although Yun Feiyang has always been aware of Jianyi in Changsheng Zhong, it is difficult to spy on the mystery of it.

One is the sword spirit left by Daoxuan Xianxian, and the other is the magical power of the top ten of the three thousand great arts. If you want to gain something in tens of days, it is absolutely impossible.


Yun Feiyang realized here, and the Taoist body in the starry sky continued to escape with the Blood Eighteen and others, and finally landed on a deserted plane.

"Vice host."

One of the men said: "The Lord Venerable is gone, what should we do?"

Along the way, they are always thinking, isn't the Supreme Venerable integrated into the **** array to heal? Why did the formation disappear, and the others disappeared?

Blood Eighteen is also very The branch hall disappeared with the explosion of the Star Zone, and now the Venerable has disappeared. What should I do and myself?

"Eighteen brothers."

Yun Fei Yang said: "Will you go to the nearest branch?"

Knowing the location of the Blood Palace headquarters, he had no plans to go anymore, but decided to destroy more of the Blood Palace's sub-chambers and rudders.

Blood Shiliang said, "Yes, go to other halls!"

So, with his men and Yun Feiyang, he flew towards the endless starry sky, and finally stopped in a larger area to get in touch with the branch in this place.

The Taoist body followed the blood eighteen and continued to lurking in another hall, the deity left the customs after a hundred years of enlightenment in the longevity bell.

This kind of deep sword and magical power needs a lot of time to realize. Without being in a hurry, what he will do next is to contact Tian Ruoqi and destroy the surrounding blood palace.

Don’t ask why Yun Dachen God knows the location, because he has ingested the memory of the Venerable Lord, not only knows where the headquarters is, but also knows where the rudder and branch are located!

"Listen to the sea?"

Tian Ruoqi said: "Are you sure there is a rudder in the Blood Palace?"


Yun Feiyang laughed.


Tian Ruoqi immediately contacted the clan, rushed to the listening area in the fastest time, surrounded all the contact points of the Blood Palace sub-helm, and launched a clearing operation.

After an hour.

Under the thunderous shot of the Tianyi tribe, there were blood hall branches and even large and small dark spots in the listening area, all of them were destroyed, and the main and auxiliary rudders also died on the spot.

This is just the beginning.

Yun Feiyang, who has the memory of the Venerable Lord, continues to lead Tian Ruoqi to find the position of the sub-helm, waiting for the blood palace to be destroyed in large numbers.

In another area, Lao Tzu is also undefeated and is acting. He has a sword alone, and he runs into the rudder or the hall alone, carrying out a mad killing in the realm of six thousand swords.

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