Super God

Chapter 2380: Special life


In a city in a certain domain, there were decades of blood palaces divided into rudders, which were reduced to ruins under the outbreak of powerful forces, and all the main and deputy rudder masters and members died.

"Bash, bash!"

Tian Ruoqi waved her wings and flew out of the rolling dust with the blood-stained hybrid Qiankun sword, just like a beautiful killing god.

"This is the seventh."

Yun Feiyang, who was sitting in the elegant restaurant in the distance, took a sip of tea, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Relying on the memory of the Venerable Lord, he and Tian Ruoqi shot out one after another, eradicating the seven blood palaces, ruining nearly 10,000 members.

This is a good harvest, at least for the Blood Palace.

"That guy should have destroyed the second branch too."

Yun Feiyang murmured.

When he acted, I was also undefeated.

Although the two are far away, they can use the soul jade seal to maintain communication.

of course.

Mostly Yun Feiyang asked.

Lao Tzu's undefeated mood was better, and he replied coldly. If he was in a bad mood, he chose silence.

Cooperating with such a person really makes Yun Da cheap God depressed.

Tian Ruoqi, who had just wiped out a sub-rudder, walked into the Yajian lightly and asked, "Where is the next target?"

"No hurry, no hurry."

Yun Feiyang laughed: "Sit down and have a cup of tea first."


Tian Ruoqi gave him a white look, but he also sat down.

The tea is good, but she didn’t want to enjoy it, but said: "We have frequently shot recently, and the blood palace will definitely attract attention, and maybe another great respecter will be sent."

Yun Feiyang laughed: "Dare to come, just kill."

Tian Ruoqi said lightly: "Do you think, depending on the strength of the three of us, can you kill the Supreme Lord?"

That battle in the Huaxing Realm made her once again deeply understand that if the strength of the Blood Palace Grand Sovereign, if the sword energy condensed by Daoxuan Xuan Xian appeared, it would be hard to say who won or lost.

Yun Fei Yang said: "As long as you give me a little more time, the cooperation of the three of you and you will definitely destroy the Great Venerable."

This is not bragging, it is true.

Now, he needs some time to understand the remaining sword spirit of Changsheng Zhong and practice Great Yin and Yang. Once he gains something, his strength will definitely improve!

In fact, in the Battle of Huaxing, Yun Feiyang exhibited Burning Heaven and the unbreakable outbreak of Lao Tzu, and the gap between them and Great Venerable narrowed indefinitely.

Not to mention victory, at least not to be suppressed.

What's more, Yun Feiyang has another useless card, that is, Zhutian Sword Array. If it is arranged to use the refined Hunyuan Qiankun sword as an array, it will definitely be stronger than before.

It's a pity that because the condensed sword spirit of Daoxuan Xianxian appeared, it disrupted all plans, otherwise it would be hard to say who wins and who loses.

Seeing what he said so seriously, Tian Ruoqi said: "How long?"

"A year or so."

Yun Fei said.

One year in the outside world, a thousand years of the ring of nature.

In his judgment, after a thousand years of insight, he should have gained something.


After extinguishing the seven sub-rudders one after another, Yun Feiyang temporarily stopped acting, because the Taoist body sent a message after mixing into the branch hall, and the Blood Palace was already on high alert.

To deal with this mysterious organization, you have to take it slowly and consume it slowly. If you force it too hard to provoke it, you may counterattack in spite of everything.

Next time.

Yun Feiyang put his mind completely on comprehension of Jianyi and cultivation of Yin and Yang, and strive to gain something as soon as possible.

The undefeated Lao Tzu on the other side also chose to retreat after practicing several rudders.

The mysterious organization of the Blood Palace, in the eyes of the warriors, dismissed all the Bai people's disgraced faces, and even the tribes dare not leave the ancestral land.

Yun Feiyang and Lao Tzu were undefeated, but they were able to destroy a lot of rudders one after another. It also proved that whoever offends must pay the price.


The looming throne of skeletons stood in the dark starry sky, the blood ancestor sat on it, his eyes twinkled with glare, and he looked abnormally horrible.

"The Lord."

A Great Venerable said: "The sixth elder is dead."

"Who killed?"

Blood Ancestor's voice was dark.

The Venerable shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"do not know?"

The gleaming glance of the blood ancestor's eyes became more gloomy, as if to anger.

The Venerable was frightened and warned: "Before the death of the sixth elder, his subordinates tried to rely on the reverse of time and space to spy on the murderer, but they were blocked by some kind of terrorist force."

The ten Great Venerables in the Blood Temple each have magical powers.

For example, the previous possession of the big division technique with Tian Ruoqi, such as the possession of the big Yin and Yang technique killed by Yunfei Yang.

This great Venerable's supernatural power is great time technique.

These supernatural powers are not offensive type, they can peep into the past and the future after being put into play, they can understand the ultimate, and can even travel through the past and the future.

Of course, traversing the past and the future only exists in legends, and the strong man who practiced the big time technique can peep at most. There is no record so far, and some people can traverse.

When he realized that the sixth elder had fallen, he used his magical powers to look into the past, hoping to find the murderer, but he was blocked by a strong force.

This great respecter has been peeping into the past countless times since he practiced great yin and yang. This has never happened before.

"It seems."

Blood ancestor said: "Someone blocked the past and prevented you from investigating the cause of the sixth son's death."

Blocked the past?

His Holiness was his opinion, it can block the past and prevent the big time technique from prying, and the cultivation base must be above himself!

"The Lord."

Venerable Dao said: "In this vast universe, will there be strong men who block the past?"


Blood Ancestor said: "There are still many."

He said, looking at the distant starry sky intentionally or unintentionally.

The ethereal world, the study room of the pride temple.

Shen Tianxing, who was looking through the books, smiled faintly and said, "This person can perceive my existence, and his strength is not simple."

Is it possible that Dean Shen used Tongtianxiu to block the past, making it difficult for the Venerable to spy on Yunfeiyang's murder and murder?

It's not Shen Tianxing.

Nor is it any strong man, but God!

This day is not the heaven of rule-executors, but the sky in the true sense.

Shen Tianxing put the book down and smiled, "The fellow's apprentice is the man destined to heaven, and he is the darling of heaven. How can the world see through his magical powers and divination so that he can spy on his past and future?"

Hearing this, readers should understand.

Yun Feiyang, who has the destiny of destiny, will not be spied.

Great Venerable used magical powers to spy on the past, as long as he was involved, he would be hindered by the power, and that kind of power was not formed by the warrior, but condensed by heaven!

It is also difficult to use magical powers to spy on the undefeated Lao Tzu, because the fate is unfathomable.

Even the sky is difficult to speculate, and relying solely on the martial arts magic and divination, it is naturally difficult to calculate his past and future.

Since it is an extremely rare special life, it naturally has special treatment.

of course.

All about it.

Yun Feiyang and Lao Tzu are undefeated.

The second life was afraid of being stared at by the Blood Palace. After several sub-rudders were destroyed, they began to practice honestly.

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