Super God

Chapter 2388: Have this ability can try

The two-winged lizard man, as a rare ancient fierce beast, is characterized by its extremely fast speed, even Tian Ruoqi may not be comparable.

Yun Feiyang wanted to catch it, it was very difficult.


Two-winged lizard man is careless

Or, to be too confident in his own speed, Yun Feiyang seized the opportunity, applied the laws of space, and quickly blocked the area.

Are you fast?

Come, under the seal of Laozi space, you will show me quickly!

The poor two-winged lizardman was compressed in a fixed area, and because the previous speech was not a good thing, it was annoying and flying, and finally it was inevitable to be madly squandered.

"is it wrong?"

"I... I was wrong^"

"Can you pretend to be forced in the future?"

"No more!"

"Quickly integrate the soul into the scroll, Lao Tzu is in a hurry."

"Good! Good!"

The two-winged lizard man who was abused for half an hour, integrated his soul into the portrait just drawn, and has since become a flying contract beast.

This guy is quite tragic.

The four beasts of the Golden Spirit Sacred Ape are nothing but ill-treatment, and because they are too pretentious and unbelievable, they are bruised and beaten by Yun Feiyang, and their meridians are seriously damaged.

After accepting another beast, Yun Feiyang took everyone to continue.

On the way, Tian Ruoqi finally couldn't help but ask: "Are you here to surrender the ancient fierce beasts, or are you looking for the Avenue Tree?"


Yun Feiyang replied.

Tian Ruoqi said: "There are so many ancient beasts in Kurong's territory. Are you going to surrender them all?"

Yun Feiyang laughed: "If you have this ability and conditions, you can try."

Tian Ruoqi was speechless.



There were roars from the deeper inner circle. From the perspective of carrying power, it was obviously comparable to the blood palace.

"Brush! Brush!"

Suddenly, two streamers flew out from inside.

That is Yun Feiyang and Tian Ruoqi, as for the contract beast, it is the ring of advance income creation.

Before long, the two stopped in a safe area.

"Oh shit."

Yun Feiyang wiped the forehead sweat beads and said, "Fortunately, I run fast, otherwise I will be slapped by the big guy, and I will be seriously injured without dying!"

Tian Ruoqi gave him a white look and said, "Don't you want to take away all the beasts in Kurong's territory, why run?"


Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

He wanted to take it, but not long after he had left, he actually encountered an ancient fierce beast comparable to the blood-sovereign lord in front of a pure land.

When they were in Huaxingyu, the three of them joined forces to fight against the Venerable Master, and none of them had the upper hand. Let Yun Feiyang surrender to this powerful existence.

So when the ancient fierce beast appeared, the first reaction was to run!

Fortunately, the speed is not slow, and escaped smoothly.

"Heavenly Patriarch."

Yun Fei said: "Don't bury me."


Tian Ruoqi raised her eyebrows.

To be honest, I was very happy to see this guy frightened by the powerful ancient fierce beast.


Yun Fei, who surrendered to the five-headed ancient fierce beast, was full of confidence, but after encountering a stronger existence, he really understood that the realm of dry glory really cannot be underestimated!

He didn't dare to wave, changed his high-profile style, and touched it carefully, for fear of disturbing the powerful ancient beasts around him.

Yun Feiyang with high profile is very high profile, Yun Feiyang with low profile is very low profile.

He who runs the anti-tian tactics and shields all breaths, like ghosts, walks in the deepest inner circle, even if it is very close to some ancient fierce beasts, he has not been found.

Tian Ruoqi always followed.

The woman did not know what method was used, and shielded her breath so that she would not be noticed by the beast.



The two men traveled through the dangerous inner circle, passing through the pure land, hiding the powerful ancient fierce beast.

Yun Feiyang traveled deeper and deeper, and saw more powerful fierce beasts, only to realize that he had taken away all the fierce beasts before, which was really ridiculous.

As the mysterious level is second only to the realm of Hongmeng and the realm of blood and sea, there must be something terrible, otherwise it will make the martial arts smell change.


After two hours.

Yun Feiyang and Tian Ruoqi didn't know how long they had walked, how many pure land they passed by, and they never found the Avenue Tree.

"Can't go."

Tian Ruoqi preached: "The ancient fierce beasts that exist around are not weaker than the Blood Palace Lord. Once they are discovered, we must have big trouble."

Yun Feiyang said: "I won't stop without finding the Avenue Tree."

Tian Ruoqi looked at him and said, "Everything must be done within our abilities, and if we have to be brave for a while, we will only make ourselves in desperation."

Yun Fei said: "I have experienced more desperate situations in my life. If you are afraid of the hands, you will not have today's achievements."

Between speaking, continue to go deeper.

Tian Ruoqi shook her head and followed her. After all, she came here, and it didn't make sense to go back.

Soon, the two stopped not far from the pure land of the other side. The standing tree was covered with ripe fruits and a faint fragrance.

Yun Feiyang said in surprise: "Youth stays in the tree forever!"


The tree that grows in the pure land is the tree of eternal youth, and the fruit that is full is the fruit of eternal youth.

Tian Ruoqi's beautiful eyes sparkle, and women are still very excited about the fruit of being able to maintain youth

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "Wait here, I will pick you one."

Tian Ruoqi hurriedly stopped and said, "There must be a strong ancient fierce guardian here!"

"It's okay."

Yun Fei said: "Take it and run."

Although Tian Ruoqi wanted to dissuade, Amy's heart occupied her mind and still compromised: "Be careful."


Yun Feiyang concealed the breath perfectly, quietly approaching the pure land, and smoothly landed in front of the fruit-filled youth standing in the tree.

"The breath of these fruits seems to be stronger than the fruit I cultivate."

Originally planning to take only one fruit, he quickly reached out his hands and picked more than a dozen, which was so dazzlingly fast.

If it weren’t for fear that the release of Xiannian would disturb the ancient fierce beasts guarded, the goods might be taken up and taken away.

Yun Feiyang swears that he has been very careful, and after picking the twentieth, he suddenly felt a heat wave in the treetops.

"not good!"

He stepped back on the cloud and stepped back quickly.

At the moment of leaving, a huge head rushed out of the treetops, the mouth of the blood basin was opened, and a disgusting breath was revealed.

It's a huge python, with a color similar to the youthful permanent tree. It's hard to catch unless it bursts out suddenly.


The python dragged his mouth and chased Yunfei.

The body stretched on the tree continued to stretch, to be completely detached, as long as hundreds of feet!


Tian Ruoqi Liu's eyebrows were tightly wrinkled, and she hurriedly spread her wings and flew towards Yunfeiyang.

"Roar! Roar!"

Ancient fierce beasts on the surrounding pure land rushed out after hearing the movement.

For a time, countless fierce beasts comparable to the Blood Palace Lord, followed by Yun Feiyang's buttocks, the vast breath, shocked the ethereal state of dry glory!

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