Super God

Chapter 2389: Speed ​​duel!

Yun Feiyang's ring of fortune has youth forever, why not just take it out and give Tian Ruoqi one?

Because, favor.

Taking the risk of being discovered by ancient fierce beasts, picking Tian Ruoqi's youth forever will definitely increase her favorability with herself.

Single dogs, look, this is the way of picking up girls.

Everything is in Yunfeiyang's plan. When he took the initiative to pick up the youthful and permanent fruits, Tian Ruoqi's favor with him really improved.


What Yun Da cheap **** didn't expect was.

Being so cautious, he still alarmed the ancient fierce beasts who guarded the youth forever, so he could only let go of his feet and fled.

Unexpectedly, the giant python chased behind, alarming the other ancient beasts of the Pure Land. In just a short time, the buttocks followed at least ten heads, and the strength was comparable to the great Venerable!

Facing one, Yun Feiyang could only run. If he faced so many, he would surely die and escape, and secretly regret it. If he knew this, he took one from the ring of fortune to the woman.

Single dogs, optimistic, this is the result of the inability to force girls to force.

"Roar! Roar!"

In the ethereal space, more than ten powerful ancient fierce beasts roared and killed, with great momentum.

Not to mention Yun Feiyang.

Even if the cloud domain is too elder, seeing this situation, it must be desperate to escape.

"Bash, bash."

Tian Ruoqi waved her wings and rushed into a streamer, complaining: "Is it okay to take one, I have to take so much!"


Yun Feiyang also regretted that he should not be too greedy.


Tian Ruoqi reached out his hand and said, "Catch me, I will take you away from them."

Yun Feiyang didn't consider whether men and women were unwilling to accept each other. (Did you care about it?) She immediately grabbed her hand and came into contact with her delicate skin, and suddenly a strange feeling rose in her heart.

He didn't have time to taste it carefully, because Tian Ruoqi's wings fluttered, turning the speed fully on, turning it into a stream of light and disappearing in place.

This is really fast, so fast that Yun Da Qing God just feels like the wind slaps like a knife on his face, and there is faint pain.

He secretly said: "My strength is higher than her, but in terms of speed, it is far behind."


Tian Ruoqi took Yun Feiyang to gallop like a meteor in the ethereal land, and soon threw away the ancient fierce beast that was chasing after him.


Suddenly, behind him came a cry of frightening silence, and a beast of more than ten feet spread its wings, and the speed was extremely fast!

Tian Ruoqi frowned: "Dapeng Goldwing Bird!"

Yun Feiyang looked back and found that the beast of the bird was similar to Kunpeng he had surrendered, but the speed was significantly faster!

The Dapeng Golden-winged Bird is the **** bird in the Buddha Gate, and its strength must definitely override Kunpeng.

Tian Ruoqi solemnly said: "Catch it, I want to get rid of it!"

Yun Feiyang didn't say a word, tightly holding the soft jade hand, perhaps knowing that the chasing Peng Beast was extraordinary in strength, and was not in a mood to think about it.

"call out--"

Tian Ruoqi once again increased her speed and transformed it into a stream of streamers in the realm of dry glory, and the void space around it was even more chaotic!


Dapeng's golden-winged bird roared, two huge wings fluttered, and the wind was tumbling.

One is the Tianyi clan known for its speed, and the other is the Buddha Buddha for its speed. The two launched a speed duel in the dry and glorious realm.

Yun Feiyang tragedy.

Because as Tian Ruoqi continued to speed up, her black hair was blown and her handsome image was ruined.

"call out--"

The Dapeng gold-winged bird chasing in the back, his eyes flashed, and two strong beams of light came.

It realized that the human in front was not weaker than himself. While chasing, it must also use an attack to limit her speed.

"not good!"

Yun Feiyang was shocked.

It was at this time that Tian Ruoqi suddenly changed lanes during the speed flight, successfully avoiding the two beams.

Seeing the light beam fly by in front of her eyes, Yun Feiyang secretly said: "It's so dangerous, so dangerous!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

Dapeng's golden-winged bird missed a hit, condensed the beam again, and Tian Ruoqi continued to change directions, successfully avoiding repeated attacks.

"It's not a way to hide like this."

Yun Feiyang's evil was born from the side of the gall, and the vacant left hand grabbed the void, and the Hunyuan Qiankun sword suddenly appeared.

Tian Ruoqi said: "What are you going to do?"

The strong arrogant sword gas quickly condensed, and Yun Fei looked coldly and said: "Return!"


In the state of speed flying, he suddenly waved the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, and struck out with a strong arrogant sword gas.

Feeling the pervasive sword intention, Tian Ruoqi secretly startled: "This guy's understanding of kendo is much stronger than when he was in the Star Field!"


Yun Da cheap **** began to divide his mind, and in the longevity Zhong Shen Dao Xuan Xian Xian Xian's sword intentions, although not thoroughly understood, but the understanding of Kendo, there is still a significant improvement!

without any exaggeration.

If you fight against the Supreme Sovereign, if you condense me as a sword, and there is no sword in the world, the power formed will definitely be much stronger than the starry sky in the Huaxing Realm!

of course.

Yun Feiyang is not satisfied.

He needs a thorough understanding of Dao Xuanxian's sword intentions, so that he can make a qualitative leap, and when he does his sword tricks, he must bring tremendous pressure to the Blood Palace Venerable!

"call out!"

The arrogant sword gas pierced the void and slashed towards the Dapeng golden-winged bird. The latter condensed the light beam again and greeted it. The two collided suddenly and shook the space.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tian Ruoqi speeded up and pulled away a little distance from the ancient beasts behind.

"Brush! Brush!"

Yun Feiyang waved his sword again, and the fierce Jianqi flew away, and he did this not to hurt the enemy, but to slow down the opponent's speed!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!--"

The Dapeng golden-winged bird spewed out several beams of light and collided with the incoming sword. Although they were resolved one by one, the speed was obviously slowed down!

Master matchups, there must be no deviation.

The same is true of the speed duel, as long as one side is pulled away and the other side wants to catch up, it is basically impossible.

The Dapeng gold-winged bird also realized that there was no hope of catching up with the two human beings, and suddenly gathered all the power in his eyes, and immediately emitted hundreds of beams of light!

If you can’t catch up, use your strength to destroy!

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

The dense beam of light swept like a sword rain.

Tian Ruoqi's complexion changed greatly and said, "Hold on!"

"call out--"

Yun Feiyang hadn't grasped firmly yet, and her body suddenly shook uncontrollably as the woman kept changing directions.

He grabbed the Golden Spirit Sacred Ape and flicked it crazy, but now he is almost like this.

"Boo! Boo!"

Strong beams of light passed by by the side, and the danger was ringing.

Fortunately, Tian Ruoqi performed very well. While keeping the speed, she could avoid them one by one. It was nothing more than a surprise.

"call out!"

In the end, the two flew out of the rain of bullets and suddenly disappeared into the ethereal land. Dapeng's golden-winged bird couldn't catch up with it, and could not help but stop.

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