Super God

Chapter 2394: You die this heart

There are two Buddha trees named Le and Wule on the southernmost pure land of Kurong. One is prosperous and the other is withered.

With previous experience, Yun Feiyang stood outside the pure land and paused a little before he walked carefully.

"Be careful!"

Tian Ruoqi exclaimed.

Yun Feiyang raised his head, and saw the palm print engraved with "卍字" pressed down, so the corner of his mouth twitched, "Come again?"


The palm print fell and rolled up the dust.

Yun Da cheap **** lay tragicly on the ground.

Although this kind of Buddhist seal with compassion does not cause substantial harm to him, it was very uncomfortable to be bombarded twice in succession.


Tian Ruoqi fell.

Seeing this, Yun Feiyang collapsed and said: "Why don't the palm prints bombard you, and how old bombard me!"

Tian Ruoqi raised her eyebrows and said, "Does it need to be said, it must be that your mind is not correct before it will be attacked by the Buddha seal."


Yun Fei said: "How can I make a mistake in my mind?"

Tian Ruoqi said: "You know for yourself."


Yun Feiyang stood up from the ground, looked at the two buddha trees, and said, "This should be a double tree of joy and pleasure."


Speaking, Pan sat down, and Xiannian communicated with it, just like the previous two trees of impermanence and impermanence, and instantly entered the illusion.

"The so-called four withers and four glory should all come to the Dharma in the same way."

Yun Feiyang murmured, waiting quietly for the scriptures to appear.

as predicted.

Soon, golden scriptures appeared in the magic area.

They are beating from time to time, still from time to time, like dancing butterflies.

With the experience of the last time, Yun Feiyang didn't think about enlightening the Dharma, but remembered the intricate scriptures by rote.

Tian Ruoqi also sat down, but when she saw a scripture like a book of heaven, she could only break away from the illusion and said, "It's too difficult to understand."

"Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly, Yun Feiyang, who was sitting next to her, flashed Buddha's light all over her body again, exactly the same as before, so she couldn't help but wonder: "Has you realized the Dharma again?"

Not comprehend the Dharma.

It is to understand the meaning of the scriptures.

This meaning is actually not a meaning of meaning, but an existence similar to an attribute. After Yun Feiyang reversed and rearranged, it was gradually inspired and condensed at Dantian.

If you have enough intention, you can take away the trees on the pure land.

Throughout the ages, all the powerful people who came to the four withers and four glory can do this, most of them comprehend the meaning, and as for the understanding of the advanced Buddhism, it is less and less.

Yun Fei came to the dry and glorious realm in order to control the mysterious realm of this side, not to practice Buddhism, so he only cares about the meaning of the scriptures, not the others.


After an hour.

Yun Feiyang inspired all the meanings of the scriptures contained in the double tree of music and joylessness, and merged them into the meridians and blood, so that Dantian gathered the meanings of the scriptures.

When he got up, the special breath spread around him became more intense.

Tian Ruoqi said: "Again?"

"That's right."

Yun Feiyang responded, looking at the West, and said, "Go, let's continue to find the Buddha tree."

Siku Sirong has comprehended its fourth, and the meaning of the scriptures contained in the remaining four **** trees must naturally be fully mastered.

If you can do it all, grasp the realm of dry glory and manipulate all ancient gods and beasts. You definitely have the strength to compete with the Blood Palace!

Good idea.

But reality is cruel.

When he took Tian Ruoqi to the west in search of two other Buddha trees, he was discovered by ancient fierce beasts one after another, and he could only escape without a life.

"No, no."

After throwing away a few powerful beasts, Yun Fei frowned and said: "It shouldn't be found so easily."

Tian Ruoqi said: "Is it related to your understanding of the Dharma?"


Yun Feiyang agreed.

When I didn't realize the four trees of Chang Yu Chang Chang, Yue Yu Wu Le, and it was found that it was safe to pick the fruit for the rest of the time.

Now, the ingestion of the verses of the four Buddha trees has been easily discovered by ancient fierce beasts. If you think about it, you can realize that there is definitely a connection between the two.


While thinking, there was a cry from the ethereal area, and immediately saw the golden-winged Dapeng bird rushing over again.

"not good."

Yun Fei Yang said: "found by that guy!"

For other ancient fierce beasts, he has confidence to throw away by speed, but in the face of this kind of Buddha and God Bird, he can only rely on Tian Ruoqi.


Tian Ruoqi held out her hand.

Yun Feiyang didn't hesitate, immediately holding the delicate jade hand, and waving the other party's wings, turning into a streamer and disappearing in place.

As soon as the two moved, the golden-winged Dapeng bird chased past.

So, the two sides started a speed duel again. In order to get rid of the difficulties, Yun Feiyang could only wield his sword again to cut off his sword, to delay the speed of birds and beasts.

This trick still works.

Under the infinite interference, Tian Ruoqi successfully took away the golden-winged Dapeng bird with Yun Da cheap **** and landed on a relatively safe pure land.

"Are you OK?"

Just after landing, Yun Feiyang hurriedly asked, fearing that the other party would continue to condense the light beam just now and hurt the woman again.

"It's okay."

Tian Ruoqi was just a little weak and not injured.

"That's good."

Yun Feiyang breathed a sigh of relief, then frowned: "It seems that it is more difficult to find four other **** trees in the inner periphery than before."

Tian Ruoqi didn't have a good air: "I'm here to find the Avenue Tree, why do you insist on four withering and four glory."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "You can control the state of Kurong by understanding the Dharma in Siku and Sirong. Do you not feel very tempting and challenging?"

"It's tempting and challenging."

Tian Ruoqi said seriously: "But you don't know, do you have to do everything within your ability?"

Everyone wants to control the state of Ku Rong, but if the strength is not strong enough, it is undoubtedly dead.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "As long as I avoid those powerful ancient fierce beasts, I have the confidence to enlighten the remaining four Buddha trees."


Tian Ruoqi gave him a white look and said, "If you were not with me, you would have been caught by the golden-winged Dapeng bird twice."

This is the truth, Yun Feiyang did not refute, but also smiled and said: "Patriarch Tian, ​​are you and I a partner?"

Seeing this smile from Tian Ruoqi's heart was suddenly upset, so he was alert: "What do you mean?"

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "I mean, let's work together once again. You rely on speed to lead the golden-winged Dapeng bird away. I will look for the remaining two dead and two glory!"


Tian Ruoqi refused decisively.

I have been lucky to be able to shake off the golden-winged Dapeng bird twice. If I try to seduce it again, there is definitely a danger of being caught up.

"Heavenly Patriarch."

Yun Fei said: "If you take me back, you can throw away the gold-winged Dapeng bird twice. If you seduce it alone, there will be no danger."

Tian Ruoqi said with a cold face: "I am not going to do such a dangerous thing, you die this heart."

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