Super God

Chapter 2395: My heart is the devil, why fear the **** Buddha

In the emptiness of the inner circle, Tian Ruoqi waved her wings and galloped at the fastest speed of her life. Behind her, the golden-winged Dapeng bird and many powerful ancient beasts were chasing and madly chasing.


"Why would I promise!"

Tian Ruoqi secretly said while fleeing.

Originally, she would never take the risk of helping Yun Feiyang to lure ancient fierce beasts, but she didn't know if she was stupid or lacked roots, so she rushed over.

Not to mention, Tian Ruoqi's speed is indeed a bit faster than before, even the golden winged Dapeng bird, which is famous for its speed, is a bit difficult to catch up.

"call out!"

Taking advantage of the gap that the woman led away all the fierce beasts, Yun Feiyang showed her way, looking all the way to the west, looking for the other two Buddha trees in it.

After half an hour.

He searched for countless pure land, and finally found that the pure land in front was shrouded in Buddha light, with a withering and glory growing on it, so he rejoiced: "Finally found!"


Yun Fei lifted his body and performed it, and landed on the pure land, while waiting for him was still imprinted with the word 卍.

"Come again..."


Under the pressure of palm prints, the big **** Yun was lying in a large shape, lying on the pure land. Although his heart collapsed, his face showed a habitual expression.

After a short break.

He got up and sat down, Xiannian suddenly released, enveloped the two trees representing me and the selfless, and realized the mystery.

With the first two experiences, Yun Feiyang quickly entered the illusion, saw the scriptures like the heavenly books again, and began to memorize them by rote.

This process will not be described much, let's talk about Lao Tzu undefeated.

When Yun Feiyang took Tian Ruoqi to search for the four withers and four glory, he always stood on the spot, releasing the charm of evil spirits and contending with the strongest and deepest buddhism.

The ancients said that evil is invincible.

Today, as a person with extremely evil spirits, he never lowered his noble head in the face of the most sacred and most positive Buddhist spirit.

Carrying unfathomable destiny, he has an unyielding character!

Perhaps he is always contending, and because he has not been purified, stronger and stronger Buddhist energies have swarmed in to try to suppress this evil.


Buddhism is constantly pouring in, squeezing evil spirits, and compressing the space step by step. Lao Tzu's undefeated complexion grows more and more pressure.


In the end, he yelled angrily to vent the pain in his heart, to vent the erosion of Buddhism on himself.

"My heart is the devil, why fear the God Buddha!"

Lao Tzu clenched his fists undefeatedly, and the spirit of evil spirits sprang up wildly. Some of the narrow and long eyes were full of uncompromising and resisting!


In an instant, the evil spirit emerged from the body and quickly spread out, as if turning into a demon god, and fighting with the tall Buddha, doing a desperate fight.

At this time, Laozi couldn't lose undefeated, because once he lost, not only did he have to endure great pain, but the blood veins of the blood refining clan in his body would also be purified by the Buddha Qi.

He must fight, he must fight!

Even Buddha, God, and God!

If Yun Feiyang, who bears the fate of heaven, is given all the opportunities by God, then the undefeated Lao Tzu is the opposite, because this life is fighting with Heaven!

One is God's darling, and the other is God's abandoned child.

They have their own opportunities and their own sufferings.

no doubt.

Lao Tzu, who is not recognized by Heavenly Dao, and even should not exist, is undefeated. He will have to experience and endure more sufferings.

This confrontation with Buddhism is also a huge suffering for him, and also an opportunity to become stronger in the face of adversity!

"Gutter, grunt!"

In the process of confrontation with Buddhism, Lao Tzu fully mobilized the attributes in the body, and the blood seemed to be boiling water, rolling crazy!

At high intensity, the blood and meridians are tempered and are constantly toughening.

As time passed slowly, the pain became more intense, but Lao Tzu's undefeated can truly feel that his own strength is a little stronger.

What can be felt most intuitively is that the released evil spirit attribute, under the envelope of the Buddha Qi, has been showing signs of being evenly matched from the hard support at the beginning.

If God blocks me, I will punish God.

If the Buddha blocks me, I will slaughter the Buddha!

Laozi's undefeated gaze flickered coldly, his arms suddenly spread out, releasing all the evil spirits in his body, and immediately flooded to the surroundings.


The irritable and evil atmosphere, like the devil with open claws and dancing claws, greets the Buddha with positive attitude.

The attributes of Buddhism coming from all directions, counterattacked by unyielding evil energy, gradually appeared unsupported and forced to retreat continuously.

Lao Tzu, who had always stood on the spot, was undefeated, and finally stepped back again, and walked inwards. The gloomy glance of his eyes was horrifying.

Now, he really is like a demon, a demon that can suppress the Buddha!


The ancient fierce beasts that existed in a pure land, when they saw the human being surrounded by darkness, their eyes flashed and frightened, and they quickly slipped their tails!

The fierce beasts that have lived in the dry and glorious environment all year round have Buddha nature, and I was scared away by his undefeated vigor, which was really terrible.


A stronger and stronger spirit of evil spirits emerged, making the aura constantly expanding, and the Buddha's morale retreated, and soon fell.


Tian Ruoqi, who was dragging the golden-winged Dapeng bird around, saw and saw Lao Tzu unbeaten, startled: "This guy is still alive? Hasn't he been purified by Buddha Qi?"

In her understanding, Ku Rong Realm is the nemesis of the evil gate's crooked path. Once entered, it must endure endless torture, ranging from injury to defeat, and from being completely purified by Buddha's qi to become a clean corpse.


The golden-winged Dapeng bird also found that I was undefeated.

Perhaps because it was too late to catch up with Tian Ruoqi, let it rush towards the man, his eyes flashing two powerful beams!

"not good!"

Tian Ruoqi was shocked.

This Buddha is very powerful. Once the guy can't hide, he is hit by a beam of light, and he will definitely die or die!

Do you want to save him?

Salvation is impossible, because she and Lao Tzu are too far away to be undefeated and cannot catch up with the speed of the light beam.


At this moment, the step-by-step Lao Tzu raised his head undefeated, the blood sword came out of the sheath, and cut out two bloodthirsty sword qi with great speed!

"Boom! Boom!"

Sword Qi collided with the beam, and immediately rolled up a wave of gas.

Tian Ruoqi hardly with the breath of the disturbance, trying to look at the bombing area, I saw Lao Tzu undefeated and unharmed, his eyes flashing extremely **** red blood.

"What a terrifying look!"

" this guy a man or a devil!"

Tian Ruoqi secretly startled.


The golden-winged Dapeng bird chirped.

However, looking at Lao Tzu's undefeated eyes, he was deeply afraid and immediately fluttered his wings to fly back.


Tian Ruoqi's eyes widened.

Buddha's God Bird was scared away when he looked at that guy? !


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