Super God

Chapter 2396: Every era has a legend

The golden-winged Dapeng bird ran away.

As Tian Ruoqi thought, I was scared away by Lao Tzu unbeaten!

Just relying on the evil wickedness in his eyes to scare away the Buddha and the gods and birds, this is really terrible and I dare not think about it.

Tian Ruoqi, who gradually calmed down, carefully looked at Lao Tzu's undefeated, and found that this guy's breath of evil charm was far different from the previous one!

Could it be said that in the extreme environment of restraint, let him become more frustrated, stronger and stronger?

"Devil, another evil..."

Tian Ruoqi secretly said.

Why is it again?

Because in her view, Yun Feiyang is also a demon.

Thinking of the previous joint in the Huaxing Realm, they could not help Tian Ruoqi secretly said: "Offended two evildoers, blood palace must pay a big price."

Regarding this point, the blood ancestor seemed to be aware of it, so he sent another Great Venerable to come and capture. However, the latter did not find the target, but lurked outside the cloud territory and was discovered by the cloud elders.

On top of the two top emperors, they played in the vast universe for three days and three nights without a win.

In the war zone, the starry sky shattered, and everything collapsed, and it would take at least decades to heal itself.

This is the duel between masters.

Even if Yun Feiyang teamed up to fight the Venerable Master together, it was not such an exaggeration.

"Jin Jie."

Venerable Lord stabilized his body and smiled strangely: "It is worthy of being the only elder in the cloud."


The elders stood proudly in the stars.

The Venerable laughed: "There is still something to be dealt with by the Venerable, so don't go overboard with the elders too!"

Between the words, the figure gradually disappeared into the starry sky.

The elders did not stop, because the strength is equal, the block cannot be stopped.

His brow furrowed and secretly said: "The Blood Palace sent such a strong man to my cloud domain, it must be for the kid."

"Too elder!"

Yun flew from the field in the wild and looked dignified: "Information from the forest area has been found and the location of the Blood Palace headquarters has been discovered."


Too elders said: "Where?"

Yun Zaiye said every word, saying: "The realm of blood."

"The realm of blood?"

The elder Tai looked at him and said, "It's really not easy to place the headquarters in the secret territory after Hongmeng."

"Too elder."

Yun Zaiye said again: "The Lin patriarch intends to convene the Bai Clan Association again, to discuss whether to go to the Blood Sea to encircle the headquarters of the Blood Palace!"


Too elders solemnly said: "Not to mention the strength of the Blood Palace, let alone the realm of Blood Sea is extremely dangerous. If you rush into it, there must be death!"

Yun Zaiye thought the same way, but said: "There is news from the Lin clan that their elder Lin is far away and has gone out!"


The elder was shocked and said: "That old immortal exit? Is it a breakthrough to Daoxuan Xianxian level?"

The Lin family, as an ancient ethnic group named after the Yun family, naturally also had an elder, but retired all the year round and rarely appeared in the family.

Although Lin Zaiyuan rarely appeared in the world, he was widely discussed by many warriors, and even agreed that if another Dao Xuanxian could be born in the universe, it must be his doubt!


The elder Tai sighed: "This guy Lin Zaiyuan, who is very talented in my generation, is now closed for tens of thousands of years and may have touched that level."

The cloud is silent.

The elder Tai and Lin Zai are far from their peers, and it is a tragedy.

Because the younger generation at that time was the most beautiful in the forest domain, and any genius became eclipsed in front of him.

In the endless years, countless stunning geniuses were born, and eventually became a legend of the times.

Lin Yu, Lin Zaiyuan, is a legend of the times.

His glorious deeds can't be broken by geniuses of all races, such as attending four hundred race meetings and winning four consecutive championships!

Another example is being in a dangerous and secret environment, which not only came out safe and sound, but also killed countless ancient beasts.

At that time, regardless of any martial arts, regardless of any family, when talking about the name Lin Zaiyuan, it was awe-inspiring.

Being in the same age as this legend is a tragedy of many geniuses, and it is no wonder that the elders are talking about him, and their muddy eyes are full of bitterness.

His qualifications were also good, and he had high hopes in Yunyu that year, but he participated in the Hundred Races four times and lost to Lin Zaiyuan's hand four times, reducing it to the strong green leaves of the other side.

"Too elder."

Yun Zaiye said: "The era of Lin Zaiyuan has passed, and now it is the world of young people. Our family Yunfei will definitely become a legend of this era!"

"Not bad!"

The too elder laughed.

I am not as far away as Lin, but the tribes are arrogant.

Not only did he have two-fifths of the blood of his ancestors, but also in the previous hundred peoples' alliance, he defeated a group of second-generation heirs. This strong performance is not weaker than the old guy!

"Too elder."

Yun Zaiye said: "I just received news that Yun Feiyang's kid participated in the Huaxingyu contest, and finally won the championship, became the leader, and won the Dragon King Order."

"And this thing?"

The elder too surprised.

He knows, and even knows, that the face contest has no rules every four years, and most of the locals who participate in the contest are not only strong, but also very fierce and old-fashioned.

His own lineage can win the championship, the gold content is definitely higher than the second generation lineage lineage in the forest!

Yun Zaiye continued: "Too elders, after Yun Feiyang won the championship, the blood palace was killed, he and the Tianyi clan patriarch and a mysterious man joined forces to contend with it."

"Blood Palace Strong?"

Too elders said: "How strong?"

Yun Zaiye said: "According to the It is the Lord of Blood Palace who is fighting with Yun Feiyang."


The elder too widened his eyes.

When I previously fought against the Blood Palace Strong who was lurking outside, I asked about my identity, and the other party replied that it was the Great Venerable.

Can the kid unite with others and be able to contend with such a strong man who is not weaker than himself?

The elder too hurriedly asked: "How is the result?"

Yun Zaiye said: "The four people fought against each other for a while in the starry sky outside Huaxing Realm.

Dao Xuanxian's condensed sword spirit?

The corner of the elder's mouth twitched slightly, and said, "Unexpectedly, the legend is actually true!" Immediately asked again, "Is that kid okay?"

Yun Zaiye said: "It doesn't matter if you rely on Changsheng Zhong to resist the sword spirit."


Too elder is dumbfounded.

With that boy's strength, it is simply impossible to control the eternal life bell perfectly, to resist the sword energy condensed by Daoxuan Xuan Xian. Isn't it the end of the day?


Yun Feiyang used his longevity bell to resist the sword energy, completely hitting the stone with eggs.

But fortunately, the undefeated Lao Tzu and Tian Ruoqi, as well as the assistance of all the women, have turned into danger.

Tai elder said: "Where is that kid now?"

"do not know."

The cloud shook his head wildly.

The elder Tai frowned: "The Blood Palace sent the strong to come to the cloud, it must be for him, find it quickly, so as not to encounter danger."

Yun Zaiye said: "I have sent elders to find him." Suddenly said: "Too elders, shall we go to join the Bai Clan Association invited by the Lin?"

"Participate, of course."

Too elder said: "I haven't seen the old immortal for a long time. I want to see if he has broken through to Daxuan Xuanxian this time!"

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