Super God

Chapter 2397: Avenue Tree


Yun Fei, sitting in the pure land, opened his eyes slowly, the two golden light curtains flashed away, and the whole body again showed a thick breath.

After a few hours of insight, he has spied on the meaning of the scriptures in the double tree of me and the selfless.

This is to thank Lao Tzu for being undefeated, because it is not that he scared away the gold-winged Dapeng bird, and Tian Ruoqi alone cannot win so much time for him.


Yun Fei raised his eyes and said with enthusiasm: "The four withers and four glory have already learned about the Six Trees. As long as you find the last two, you will be done!"

Now he is a little excited. After all, mastering the meaning of the scriptures in the Buddha Tree of Four Withering and Four Glory, it is possible to control the realm of Withering and the ancient fierce beasts inside!

Keep going!

Yun Feiyang, feeling excited, flew away from the pure land to join Tian Ruoqi, and decided to continue to search for the last two remaining Buddha trees.

"It's done?"

Tian Ruoqi saw him.


Yun Feiyang nodded.


Tian Ruoqi was speechless.

The four withered and four glories in the withered territory contain high-level Buddhism. None of the hundreds of thousands of martial artists may be able to enlighten them, but they can easily enlighten them in front of him, which is incredible.

Yun Feiyang found that Lao Tzu was undefeated. Seeing that the evil spirit radiating from the guy was stronger than before, he smiled and said, "Sure enough, it is still resisting!"

Tian Ruoqi whispered: "He just scared away the gold-winged Dapeng bird with his eyes."

"is it?"

Yun Feiyang surprised: "So powerful!"

Tian Ruoqi reminded: "This person is too evil, you better stay away from him."


Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "We go north, looking for two other Buddha trees."

He also wanted to stay away from Lao Tzu unbeaten, but he was an enemy of each other. Even if they were separated from each other, they would meet each other sooner or later.


Lao Tzu followed undefeatedly and said, "I need one to find Dao Dao Guo."

This is why he followed into the dry and glorious realm.

After all, if you can rely on the fruit to condense the Dao body, it will be of great help to the path of cultivation!

Yun Fei Yang said: "Relax, since everyone comes in together and finds Dadao Tree and Dadao Fruit, everyone has a share."

Tian Ruoqi was delighted.

Entering the state of withering glory is all about worrying about Yun Feiyang's comfort. If he can get great results, he will naturally be desperate.


The three went all the way north.

During this period, it is inevitable that the ancient fierce beasts who alarmed and guarded the pure land would be unavoidable.

Perhaps it was because of the evil spirit that Lao Tzu radiated from his undefeated body. They could only shrink in the dark and dared not rush out.

To tell the truth, it is a wise choice not to come out, because the meaning of Yun Feiyang's comprehension of the three sufferings and the three Scriptures and the undefeated growth of Lao Tzu under the experience of Buddhism will not be able to take advantage.

of course.

There are not open eyes.

The three walked to a pure land, and the ancient fierce beasts who guarded the place rushed down from the tree. It was a giant beast like a tiger and a lion, whose strength was comparable to that of the blood palace.

"How to do?"

Looking at the ancient fierce beast, Tian Ruoqi hurriedly said.

Yun Feiyang shrugged and said with a smile: "The three of us, together, attacked the Venerable Master, it is difficult to take advantage of it. It is better to try again today to see if it has grown."


Lao Tzu's undefeated blood sword came out of the sheath, and apparently told them by action-war!



Yun Feiyang and Tian Ruoqi light up their weapons one after another.

Perhaps it was the experience of teaming up, and the three of them broke out together, seeming to be more tacit.


The ancient fierce beast roared, opened the big mouth of the blood basin, and immediately emitted three powerful lights, respectively attacking the three of them.

"Six Thousand Swords!"

Lao Tzu made his first move undefeated, and the sky and the sword shadow filled quickly, blasting the light that struck.

Yun Feiyang and Tian Ruoqi followed closely, and each performed martial arts.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of the explosion was rippling in the ethereal land, and the powerful sword and knife were madly diffused, forming a layer of ripples visible to the naked eye.

"The two men's sword intentions are much stronger!"

Tian Ruoqi secretly shocked.

This strength is not only stronger, but a lot stronger!

Yunfei Yangqiang is because he is always comprehending the condensed sword of Dao Xuanxian.

Lao Tzu's undefeated strength was due to the previous confrontation with Buddhism and the continuous rise of meridian blood.

all in all.

The two are now much stronger than when they were in Huaxing.

If you fight the Great Venerable again, although you can't win absolutely, you can at least be able to deal with it.


After confronting the trio, the ancient fierce beast shone with fear, and apparently realized that the three humans were a bit stronger.

This problem has long been discovered by other members of the same class, so I have been arrogant and did not dare to come out in the pure land, but it is the most joyful one.

How to do?

The ancient beast weighed the pros and cons, and finally chose to withdraw the pure land.

"Want to run?"

Seeing it turn around and retreat, Yun Feiyang held a weapon, and broke out with a strong breath.

"Nine Thousand Swords!"

"If I were a sword, there would be no sword in the world!"

"Great destruction!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"


After an hour.

Yun Feiyang squatted halfway on the ancient head planted on the pure land, and said, "Come on, the soul merges into the scroll."


The ancient fierce beasts grieved in their hearts.

I have known for a long time that the three human beings are so strong that they should not come out and should continue to be sour.

It is a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world. In the face of the three warriors who are destined to heaven, it was violently abused, and eventually it could only succumb to become a flying contract beast.

Some people may ask.

Yun Feiyang now join forces with three people, can you defeat the Blood Palace Lord?

It's hard to say, after all, even if the ancient fierce beasts are comparable to the Great Venerable, they are only fierce beasts in the end, and there is still a gap in front of the real strong.

But one thing is for sure, without the sword awareness and the experience of Buddhism, the three of them, even if they join forces, will never be able to defeat this ancient beast.

"Let's go."

After surrendering to another fierce beast, Yun Feiyang and the three continued to set off, passing by a lot of pure land one after another, but they never found Ku Rong Shuangshu.

"The location is right."

"Why not?"

Tian Ruoqi at the back suddenly stopped and pointed to a piece of pure land in the distance, excitedly: "Look, it's the Avenue Tree!"



Yun Feiyang and Lao Tzu undefeated turned their heads at the fastest speed and saw a leafy tree growing on the pure land in front of them!

Tian Ruoqi only learned from ancient books that Dao Dao existed in the dry and glorious realm, but did not know the form. Why could he say it all at once?

Very simple, the tree stands on the pure land, and there is a rich moral expression around the body, just a little touch, you can feel the infinite vastness!

Between heaven and earth, a big tree exuding such a strong morality, it would be strange if it weren’t the Avenue tree.


Yun Feiyang laughed.

He is sure that this is definitely the Avenue Tree, because the fruit hanging on the branch is exactly the same as the Avenue Fruit he once devoured!


Finally found Dadaoguo!


Suddenly, I rushed past undefeated.

Yun Feiyang had been guarded for a long time. Immediately stepping across the cloud and rushing past, the two immediately progressed in parallel.

Tian Ruoqi said silently: "Isn't it good, do you want to share equally? Why are they faster than one, fearing that they will be gone late?"


Is no problem.

However, Yun Feiyang and Lao Tzu have their own ideas and plans for their undefeated defeat. Naturally, they want to get Dao Guo first, so as to become a beneficial party.

From this point of view, although the two temporarily cooperate, they still do not believe in each other, and they are still enemies.

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