Super God

Chapter 726: Ordered to abuse Yunfeiyang

Martial skills?

Yun Feiyang was a little ignorant.

Was the earthshaking hand he just cast classified the terrace in Little God Realm?

No wonder it will go down and shoot the second-order spirit beast to death, no wonder, this group of guys will rush out and rob themselves.

Yun Feiyang didn't stay in Xiaoshen Realm for a long time, but he also knows that the martial arts in the world are as good as a top treasure.

"The second brother is right." Another warrior jumped from the side and said: "Let's do it directly, don't talk nonsense with him!"

The three men took three positions and surrounded Yunfeiyang, blocking the possibility that he wanted to run.


Yun Feiyang certainly won't, he smiled and said: "Friends, we don't know each other, why do we rob when we meet."

The eldest brother has just worried about it, and now it has been determined that this guy is at most Wushu level.

After all, the strong in the Void Realm will not be nonsense with itself, and will show the momentum it deserves.


The lead brother sneered: "Boy, my two brothers, have a bad temper. If you know each other, hurry up and hand over the martial arts, so maybe there is still a way to live."


Yun Feiyang waved his hand, took out a martial art, and said, "This is the territorial martial art you want."

The three warriors' eyes were hot.

Although not sure, is it the martial arts of the ground level, but it still makes them quite emotional, in case the guy is afraid of death, what is the real thing?

What are you waiting for!


The warrior who ranked second, rushed over first. In order to avoid that guy playing tricks, condensing some kind of finger skills to form the fifteenth pure elemental force!

He believes that with the full outburst of his Wushen Jiuzhong and martial arts, he can definitely handle this weak fellow.

Just when the warrior insisted on thinking, Yun Feiyang gently raised his hand and caught the attacking palm.



The warrior's face was startled.

Suddenly, a violent amount of violence spread along the palm of your hand and instantly eroded the internal organs!


He screamed in pain.

"Second brother!"

Seeing this, the third boy suddenly gathered his fists and flew to Yunfei. This person's strength was also at Wushen Jiuzhong.


He faced Yun Feiyang, a demon who was as powerful as the God of Martial Arts even if he consumed a third of the pure elemental force!


Yun Feiyang kicked the martial arts kicker with a kick. When the opponent landed, the internal organs were completely broken and killed on the spot!

Complete spike!

"I didn't give up."

Yun Feiyang laughed: "Why do you want to grab it."


The eldest brother saw the second brother and the third brother, one was captured, the other was killed, and the eyes were split: "Dare to kill my brother!"


As soon as the words fell, Yun Feiyang threw a punch on the painfully struggling warrior and waited until he died paralyzed. Then he smiled and said, "Is there a problem?"


The eldest brother broke out in anxiety, and he would rush over.


Suddenly, Yun Feiyang suddenly appeared in front of him, clasping his head with one hand, and said coldly: "Without strength, don't learn to rob others."

The words falling, the powerful soul power, just like the flooding of the embankment, instantly harassed the warrior's knowledge of the sea.


The elder brother's screams of pain, his pupils gradually dim and lost all consciousness.

His two brothers have bad tempers.


Yun Feiyang's temper was also bad, so he sent them to Huangquan Road very neatly.


Three mischievous martial artists were easily wiped out. Yun Feiyang closed the three-person space ring and got up and left.

Little God Realm is different from mortal world.

Here is the real weak meat, the real cruelty, so Yun Feiyang will kill people, there will be no kindness, nor forgiveness.

"The strength of the three people is above Wushen Ninth Heavy. There should be many spirit stones in the space ring."

Walking on the way to Jiuxiao Mountain, Yun Feiyang explored three special space rings and found only more than 70 spirit stones.

Special space rings can hold spirit stones.

"Is it too poor?"

Yun Feiyang was speechless.

Already pretty good.

The three martial arts are just scattered repairs without any school, so there are so many, it is also accumulated on weekdays.


At this moment, Yun Feiyang found a cheat book from the leader's space ring, which read "Yellow Tier First Product, Fractured Finger".

"It's a bit hard!"

Yun Feiyang studied while walking.

Although Huang Ti's first product is the lowest martial art, but to get it in the Lingxiao School, it must first be an outside disciple, and then it must be purchased by Lingshi.

Bone Bone Finger is a pure elemental force that condenses the fingers and evolves complex moves. The main move is to break the target bone.

It's a poisonous martial art.

Yun Feiyang learned while walking. After half an hour, he remembered the meridian operation mode and tricks.

"The sky-turning hand just played was mistaken by them for territorial martial arts. They must control their momentum next time to avoid unnecessary trouble." Yun Feiyang secretly said.

Everyone is not guilty, he is guilty.

An arrogant person like Yun Feiyang will also be cautious when necessary.


Lingxiao sent to the mountain entrance.

Many disciples gathered here, gazing at the mountain road leading to Yu Xiaofeng from time to time, waiting for Yun Feiyang to return, with a sneer on his face.

On the front boulder.

A Yingwu man sat cross-legged, although his eyes were closed, but the whole body was filled with strong momentum, giving people the feeling of standing tall.

He is Zhang Qinghai.

One of the nine core disciples of Lingxiao School.

Zhang Qinghai has been here for three days and has remained immobile, in order to wait for the guy named Yun Feiyang to return to Zongmen.

"Brother Zhang really played this time."

"I heard that he has obtained the approval of the head and has a discussion with the new brother."

"Hey, this is ordered to abuse Yunfeiyang."


"At Qingxiao Peak a year ago, that guy was too arrogant, so Brother Zhang should be abused so that he could understand what it means to be outside, and there are people outside."

Everyone laughed.

The core disciples went out in person to see if Yun Feiyang would dare to be arrogant in Lingxiao!


On Zixiao Peak.

Liang Yin hesitated back and forth: "Hope that guy walks the path, don't go through the mountain gate."

"With that guy's character, he certainly won't sneak up the mountain." Lin Zhixi frowned.

"So what to do."

Liang Yin was immediately anxious.

Lin Zhixi didn't say a word, not less worried than the other party.

It seems that the two women also believe that Yun Feiyang is in front of Zhang Qinghai, only the abused part indeed.

One year.

It’s hard to imagine anyone else, Yun Feiyang can have a warrior who shakes the broken body.


In the Chixiao Hall, Tang Ruojian said bitterly: "My disciple dug a year, and returned early and late every day, diligently and diligently, never lazy, and performed very well!"

"This seat knows."

Bai Shouyi laughed.

Tang Ruojian suddenly speechless.

Since you know, why should you agree to Zhang Qinghai to block the clouds? Isn't this just a matter of seeing him being abused!


My disciple is a little crazy, but he also has strength. Such a genius shouldn’t take good care of him!

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