Super God

Chapter 727: Walk down the mountain gate, don't walk the path

Lingxiao sent his disciples to wait for Yun Feiyang to return. They believed that core disciples like Zhang Qinghai could definitely abuse that guy.

There is no suspense.

Because, no one would believe that in just one year, mortals from the Continent of Ten Thousand Worlds would break from the half-step martial arts to the martial arts nineth.

Moreover, the pure elemental force has risen from eleventh to 110th!

Many disciples waited for Yun Feiyang.

In the tens of miles outside the Lingxiao School, Luo Mu and others have sneaked out.

The brothers are very embarrassed now, especially the Lunar calendar, and their wrists are still bandaged, obviously injured.

A few months after Zhang Qinghai left the border, they would block them at Jinxiao Peak if they were okay, and they were all wounded, and there was no good way to do it.

Later, if Tang Ruojian appeared, the brothers would probably continue to be abused.

of course.

As a core disciple, Zhang Qinghai, when he abused Luo Mu and other people, was aptly named to test the strength of his undergraduates.

Therefore, even if Tang Ruojian reported to the head, there was no punishment.


"Brother Feiyang should be coming soon."

"I think he will definitely choose the mountain gate." Luo Mu stood on the side of the road, waiting for Yun Feiyang to appear, and the purpose was to pull him down the path.

It seems.

In the eyes of five people.

Yun Feiyang is not Zhang Qinghai's opponent. This is going to be blocked by the mountain gate. I am afraid it will be more miserable than myself.

"I'm coming!"

At this moment, Yunli shouted loudly.

Everyone hurried out of the dark place, and really saw Yun Feiyang, which was not seen in a year, and was walking in a hurry.


That guy is still in a mood to see the scenery!


Yun Feiyang found Luo Mu and others and cried in surprise: "Why are you here?"

"My brother!"

Luo Mu and Yunli ran over and said, "Go away, we will climb the mountain from the path!"

With that said, I'm going to pull Yunfei.

"Don't go, what path to take." Yun Feiyang broke free and said: "Take the mountain gate."

Luo Mu said bitterly: "Big Brother, Zhang Qingyu's brother Zhang Qinghai, but has been waiting for you at the mountain gate!"

"I know."

Yun Feiyang disagrees.

Everyone collapsed.

Now that you know it, you still go to the mountain gate, are you looking for abuse?


"I saw a few mortals on Jinxiaofeng descending from the path in the morning, so I should wait for Yunfei to fly and give him a report."

"Is that guy going to copy the mountain peak?"

"Hey, even so, Brother Zhang won't spare him."

As everyone waited, they whispered, and these words, without a word, reached Zhang Qinghai's ears, and there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

Yun Feiyang.

You better take the path.

In this way, the Lingxiao School is not qualified to be arrogant and arrogant.

of course.

I still can't hide the revenge of bullying my brother. By then, I will go to Jin Xiaofeng to abuse you.

Just when Zhang Qinghai thought secretly, Yuan Nian was shrouded, and he saw the five mortals that had been abused before appear in the field of vision.

In front of them, there is a good-looking man with a faint smile on his face.


"He didn't take the path!"

Everyone found Yun Feiyang, and his eyes flashed in amazement.

"This guy is quite sturdy, knowing that his brother is blocking him, and dare to go to the mountain gate to find abuse."

Many people still appreciate it. Of course, this sturdy move is only an appreciation, without any goodwill.

"He is Yunfeiyang?"

Zhang Qinghai stood up and his eyes became colder because the plot did not go as he thought.


Standing on the mountain peak, Zhang Qingyu saw Yun Feiyang appear, and sneered in his heart: "Boy, since you chose to go to the mountain gate, be prepared to be maddened by my brother!"


Zhao Yingwu grumbled: "I didn't personally try to abuse this guy."

In the past year.

This guy successfully went from Wushen Yazhong to Wushen Great Perfection. Without Zhang Qinghai, he must be the first to find Yun Feiyang.


Tang Ruojian flew out of the Chixiao Temple and landed on a huge stone beside the mountain gate, with a dignified gaze in his eyes.

Zhang Qinghai was ordered to abuse Yun Feiyang, and as the elder Jin Xiaofeng, he could only watch.

of course.

If that guy dared to fight hard, he would certainly not sit idly by, and even protect his disciples even at the risk of punishment!


Bai Shouyi surprisedly said: "I haven't seen it in a year. Why is this seat not explored because of the cultivation of this child?"

Breaking through to the Wushen Ninefold, the soul power is raised to the broken state, Yun Feiyang always runs against the sky tactics, and has been able to avoid the investigation of the master.

"Is there a hidden treasure for cultivation?" Bai Shouyi guessed, and also looked forward to it.

It can be said.

When Yun Feiyang appeared on the road to the mountain gate, the entire Lingxiao School, almost 80% of his eyes, were concentrated on him, and there was a feeling of much attention.

Liang Yin also looked at Yun Feiyang, she said bitterly: "This guy still chooses to go to the mountain gate."

Lin Zhixi was not surprised. To her surprise, the smile in the man's face showed confidence.

Could it be.

He believes that he can defeat Zhang Qinghai?

"Hopefully there will be a miracle." Lin Zhixi prayed in his heart.


Yun Feiyang walked over step by step, and finally stopped in front of the mountain gate with the three characters of "Lingxiao School" at that moment.

Zhang Qinghai had jumped from the boulder. He stood in front of the door and said lightly: "Yun Feiyang?"


Yun Feiyang laughed.

"This guy is still laughing!"

"Pretend to be calm?"

Everyone scoffed.

Zhang Qinghai said lightly: "A year ago, you were at Qingxiao Peak, let go of the rhetoric, and expected others to abuse you?"

Yun Feiyang said with a smile: "I said."

Have you said that?

He has forgotten.

However, since the other party came to find fault, even denying it had no effect, and simply admitted.

Zhang Qinghai said with a smile: "Senior brother and I today, want to use power to abuse you, so that you understand what power is, is it not bullying you?"

"Not counted."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "I just wanted to get the experience. We Lingpai sent the core disciples' strength."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone collapsed.

It's crazy.

A guy who entered the Lingxiao school for a year, even trying to compete with the core disciples, really takes himself seriously!

Zhang Qinghai was also stunned.

He really didn't expect this guy named Yun Feiyang would say so, as if he could qualify for a battle with himself.

"Fifty miles ahead, there is an open space. Let's go over there and fight."


Outside the Jiuxiao Mountain, the empty meadow was now full of disciples of Ling Xiaofeng.


Many ordinary elders have also come to see the excitement.

They are clear.

Zhang Qinghai chose to compare at the bottom of the mountain, he must want to get rid of the rules and regulations on the sect gate, so that he can let go of the guy and abuse him.

"I can finally see this guy being abused. It's uncomfortable to think of the arrogance a year ago!"

"Brother Zhang will teach him how to be a man today."

In addition to those related to Yun Feiyang, Ling Xiao sent his disciples to stand on the side of Zhang Qinghai.

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