Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1001: Wink

Not far away is the restaurant with peculiar fish. After the two sat down, the waiter enthusiastically served them a drink. After asking them in detail about the taste of normal food, it was not long before , He brought them their signature dishes.

The taste of this dish is very good. The fish itself is thorny and delicious. It has been prepared in bitter ingredients and then baked in the oven. The skin is grilled and it is fragrant. , And then slowly boil it out in a special soup with no name

When it was just served, it gave off the kind of scent that made people want to go crazy. Yanran and Baluti had never eaten such delicious food. So they are very satisfied.

The waiters in the restaurant were also very happy because of their heartfelt rewards. It can be seen that these two young ladies called their dishes from their hearts.

So he specially discounted their bills by 20%, and promised that when they come back when they are free, he will prepare a more delicious fish for them.

They have not yet made this flavor of fish on the market. At that time, I hope they can become the first customers to taste this flavor and like it even more.

Ran and Ba Ludi nodded and laughed, and as Ba Lu reached into his pocket, they began to take out the card and prepare to check out. However, if she started rummaging all over the hall, she knew it was not good.

Sure enough, Baluti pointed up her head with a cold sweat and told her that the card was missing. Although there was a code on the card, who knows if anyone can crack it!

The number on that card is so huge that even people like Ran and Ba Lu who don't care about money have become dangerous.

What's more, their teacher said that during their trip, they might spend a lot of time looking for coordinates, so they had to prepare more fuel and materials for the trip.

And these fuels and materials cost a lot of money.

So this card is very important to them, they must get it back.

Fortunately, I still have some money. Although the price of this meal is not low, the money is enough.

The two hurriedly walked out of the restaurant, found a place where there was no one, and began to calm down to determine whether the card on their body was asked or stolen.

The result of the analysis of the two people was that they agreed that the card was renounced.

And the biggest suspect that they got stuck with was the two of them who almost ran into them and reminded each other, to get a clear idea of ​​what happened so far this afternoon.

When they first chose the street, although some people paid attention to them at that time, it was purely because they looked good.

After they bought the ring in that jewelry store, things changed.

They didn't have the eyes of the clerk at the time, it was an extremely greedy vision and they didn't pay much attention to this.

And in the following, as they were on the street, they kept feeling that they were looking at them more.

But they didn't have any defense until then.

Then they were on their way to eat fish when the person who almost hit them got stuck on their bodies.

At this time, Bingran revealed the heavenly scene with her excellent memory.

After a brief thought, she immediately thought of the characteristics of the thief, with a fair complexion, short hair, a squint when looking at people with both eyes, and a human scent when she was not tall.

Ba Ludi watched Ruo Yanran slowly sorting out the small features.

And I deduce that after just over half an hour, because the place where they and Xiao Yu met is relatively remote, as long as they get there now, they will definitely find a clue.

The two said to leave, but fortunately, the place was not far away, so they arrived quickly

However, she whispered to her, don't let others touch her, let alone rush into her. After seeing her seriously, Yanran closed her eyes and fell silent in meditation.

At this time, she ignored all the things or sounds in the outside world, and those things could no longer interfere with her.

All of her senses are placed in the special smell that is still in the air?

Xunruo moved forward slowly with that special scent, and Ba Luluo gently frustrated her beside her, actually protecting her from other pedestrians. Interference.

As that Xiao Yu left the crowd more and more, the smell he left in the air became stronger and stronger. Finally, after walking for more than ten minutes, he stopped at the back door of a seemingly high-grade hotel. Stepped down.

Ba Ludi carefully observed Ruo Zhou Tian, ​​she asked Ma Ran, "Did Xiao Lun come in here?

After opening her eyes, she nodded, her face was calm, and her voice was firm: "It's here, absolutely nothing wrong!

"And because there are not many people coming and going here, I can find his place directly.

However, she said to Ruoba Luti: "Come with me!" She then sneered again: "If I don't get the card back this time, I will upset the planet Delmar!

There are very few people in the hotel, so Yan Ran can easily track this situation.

They were very strange. After Xiao Lun entered the hotel from the back door, he climbed the stairs in the fire escape to the 17th floor. He didn't actually take the elevator.

Ba Lulu cursed the **** thief in a low voice, causing them to waste time and causing them to climb stairs. Although this is nothing for them, it is not more comfortable than taking the elevator directly.

Ran and Baluti walked into the back door of the big hotel, and according to the fragrance that Xiaolun left behind, they followed a safe passage and climbed to the 17th floor.

After reaching the 17th floor, Yan Ran found the fragrance entered a room.

She winked at Baluti, and the two quietly came to the door of the room. After the two stood still, Ma Ran stretched out her hand and gently pushed the door, but the door did not move.

Baluti is a hot card, and the card that Xiaolun stole was fetched from her, so when she saw Yanran pushing the door without pushing, she stepped forward.

With a sound of "Xiao Dang", the door was opened, and Ran and Ba Luluo rushed in.

They found Xiao Lun in the room inside, but unfortunately the thief is now dead.

Baluti searched all over him, but she was disappointed to find that the card was not found on the thief.

But seeing Ba Ludi's face, I knew that Ka was still not found.

In this case, Ran and Ba Ludi certainly won’t stop there. Ba Lu went forward and checked the thief’s body briefly. As a killer, she knew **** or how people were killed. A certain experience.

The reason for this thief's death was simple. He was stabbed in the heart by a knife and then died directly.

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