Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1002: Slick

The person who started the attack must be a habitual offender. The person who made the attack was a veteran. Judging from the traces left by the wound, the knife was clean and not sloppy.

The most important thing is that Xiao Lun was killed from behind, indicating that the person who killed him was his acquaintance.

Looking at Ruo Xiaolun's corpse, Yan Ran once again began to investigate the scene of Zhou Guo.

Yanran's ability to survive in harsh conditions like the nameless planet said on the one hand that she has considerable abilities, and on the other hand, it also shows that she has relatively strong hunting skills.

In hunting, it includes how to find traces left by monsters.

For example, according to the smell left by the monsters, their footprints, or the traces left in Zhou, are clues worthy of careful study.

So in a sense, Yanran is also an expert who is good at detecting clues and tracking them.

Especially since she started to learn art with Jiang Cheng, she must continue to practice spiritual power every day.

According to her teacher, in the initial stage, what is needed most is the ability to reach a certain amount of mental power, and then オ is to use mental power.

So what Jiang Cheng first passed to Yan Ran was to accumulate spiritual power through cultivation.

And because she is talented and talented, Yanran also knows how to use her spiritual power in Jiang Cheng's course on spiritual power.

The mental power has other uses to improve the sensitivity of the various senses, so although Yanran's mental power is not strong now, her senses have indeed reached a new height.

Waiting for the footprints left by Xiao Yu to look at the door, suddenly several people appeared in her eyes.

When those people discovered that there were two young girls in the room, and they were very beautiful. The expression of the person in the lead loosened.

I only saw him walking up to Yanran and Ba Lurong, and said to Yanran and Ba Lurong, "In broad daylight, your two little girls actually let us kill our people, don't you think our spirits are not in your eyes?

This person looked very slick, and while talking to Ma Ran and the others, he kept shooting up and down like their bodies with his slick eyes.

Ba Lu wanted to talk, her son-in-law stopped her, and she said to the slippery head: "We just passed by here and found that the door here was open. Because of curiosity, we came in to take a look and found a corpse here, which scared us to death. Up.

The slippery head looked at her suspiciously: "Is there such a coincidence?" He suddenly said fiercely that it must be the two of you who killed us! You were actually in my face and he waved his hand: "Take them both Grab it!

Yanran hurriedly stood in front of Ba Luluo, and said to the slicker with a stern voice: "If you have anything to say, but you'd better not move your hands or feet. We are also a backstage person. If things prove that we are innocent, At that time, I can make you go around without eating.

Although Baluti didn't know what Yanran wanted to do, she knew that Bingran must have some plans, so she thought it would be better to keep silent if Yanran told them.

That slicker did not have seen Ran and Baluti a long time ago. Although the two of them are dressed in ordinary clothes, they are dressed in sportswear, except for the small ring on their hands, they have no ornaments.

Yu Yu, one of the young girls was wearing a pair of silver gloves. She was slick and thoughtful, thinking that the gloves were not considered as ornaments.

Otherwise, he found nothing from the appearance of these two girls.

However, these two young girls were visibly moved, and there was an indescribable temperament on their bodies that was not comparable to those of the bitter girls.

So even though the slippery mouth kept saying that the two girls in front of them killed their people, they really didn't move them. What if they had any background?

Wouldn't it be you who will suffer by then?

Now he saw Ma Ran's stern attitude towards them, and he was not sure about it. Although his superior told him that he was in the room opposite, he would come out immediately when he saw someone enter the room opposite. , And then blocked the person in the room.

No matter what the other party says, just kill him with one bite.

He heard something in the opposite room just now, and immediately led his subordinates to rush in. He didn't expect that there were two young and bright girls in the room, which made him feel that things were a bit tricky.

If he finds that it is an ordinary person coming in, he must be beaten up by him now, and then caught up and escorted directly to the police station on the planet Delmar.

But now there are two girls coming in, which makes him feel that things are a little difficult to handle.

(How good is Zhao)

Now the girl in front of him didn't put him in his eyes at all, and with such an open attitude, not only did he not feel angry, but he felt that the two girls in front of him were really backstage.

How would Kuan deal with it? He wouldn't think too much about this kind of headache. Of course, he would give these two girls to their boss.

Okay, since you are acquainted, I won’t tie you up, but I’ll put it in the head first, you’ll go with me, you have to behave properly, don’t resist, you know?

Slick made up his mind and decided to throw the two hot potatoes in front of him to his boss.

He doesn't need to use this brain.

Okay, we won't move, and I have something to say to your boss. "But what I said is neither soft nor hard.

Oh, you are so brave. "Slicker sneered, but he still took Ruo Yanran and Ba Lv together and got on the elevator to the top floor.

While Ma Ran and Ba Ludi were tracking the thief, they discovered that Xiao Lun had entered a very luxurious hotel. According to the smell that Xiao Lun left behind, they entered through the back door of the hotel, and Gu Ruo had come to the safe passage. At 17 machine, then, they found Xiao Yu's body in a room.

Then a group of people rushed in. It seemed that this was obviously a set.

So Yanran blocked Ba Luluo, Ba Luluo's athletes were very hot, she was afraid she would mess things up. But I want to find out all the ins and outs of the matter.

Yan Ran suggested to the leading slippery, she asked to see their boss.

Facing these two young and beautiful girls in front of me, what should I do with them?

Sliphead is having a headache. Now I heard that Yanran wants to see their boss. Isn't this to help him solve problems? So she nodded in a hurry, and immediately took Ruo Yanran and Ba Ludi to the elevator on the top floor.

The top floor is a super luxurious office.

Slider walked in with Ran and Ba Luluo.

As soon as I entered the door, the slick head said, "Boss, I brought you two Yuanliang girls.

The boss is obviously not as slippery as this one, and has no head at all.

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