Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1003: Autograph

He frowned and looked at Yanran and Baluti standing in front of him: "What are you

People? Why did you come to my hotel? Are you the guests staying here?

Yanran was just about to speak, who knew that the slippery head stretched out his hand, and while stretching out his hand, she said in her mouth: "Boss, these two girls are good, you choose one, the other one,

Slippery didn't finish a sentence, so Ba Green took a step forward, slapped her back and drew blood out of the corner of her mouth, and then lifted it up with a kick and dropped the slicker to the ground.

The boss patted the table and stood up: "You dare to act with me because you don't think you can live quite well?"

Ran sneered and said, "You have seen it too. Who on earth was trying to do something just now?

She pointed to Baluti: "Slapped him, kicked him, that was the result of her mercy.

She waved her hand and said to the boss: "I'll tell you these little things later, what I want to tell you now is, who did you let to kill that Xiao Lun?

Zheda's face changed: "Jin said that I let someone kill that Xiaolun? Do you have any evidence?" He sneered, "I think it is almost the same if you killed the thief!

He pointed to the slippery head, and said to his subordinates: "At least (cfd, we still have personal evidence. As for the physical evidence, just look for it. There will be some, hey country."

Ran also sneered and said: "That's weird. This little boy bent the bank card on the two of us. Now that we can't find the card, we will kill him. Do you think we are crazy?

The boss sneered and said, "Who knows if this is the result of your torture! In short, this matter has nothing to do with me, I have called Chalai, you," he pointed to his Nuan Luo: "Give them to I grab it!

When Ronaldinho heard that there was such a good opportunity, they were all happy.

The dozen of them dealt with these two little girls. Isn’t that ten fingers grasping the field?

And in the process of arresting them, looking at the appearance of these two little girls, they will definitely resist, so they will inevitably have physical contact with them. Wouldn't they be able to take advantage of the opportunity?

The Ronaldinhos were very happy about it. What they didn't know was that the two girls in front of them had dealt with enemies that were much stronger than them.

Little beauty, don't force us to be cruel!

Little beauty, you have to be obedient, and you won’t suffer from what we say, oh the same

Little beauty, I'll just catch you like this. If you are struggling, don't blame me for being injured.

Those who showed Brother Pig's face were talking sloppyly in their mouths, and then they all geared up, wanting to take some oil from Jie Ran and Ba Ludi.

Their calculations were all wrong. If they knew what the two girls had done on the planet Harry, then they were definitely not so unscrupulous.

But they don't know the adventures of Yan Ran and Ba Ludi on Harry's planet, so now Ran and Ba Ludi are simply a toy that will soon fall into their hands, a fun toy.

However, she turned her body and leaned on the boss's desk, with her hands casually resting on the edge of the desk, she didn't move, she just watched coldly as Baluti walked towards the group.

The one in the lead saw Ba Ludi, who took the initiative to meet the front, opened Ba Gang to say something, and Ba Ludi suddenly inserted his finger into his Duan Ba, then hooked him with his finger and moved forward. As soon as it was delivered, the little girl lay down on the ground.

Seeing this situation in front of them, Xiaolingluo blew up their nests, some of them pulled out their heads, and some of them set up the stools in the house, scolding them just now, and wanted to embarrass Ba Ludi.

Baluti looked at them with a sneer, she slowly stretched out her hand, and touched it under the large sports jacket, two gleaming short knives appeared in her hands.

With a short knife in hand, I asked for a few tricks. Looking at the bewildered warmth in front of her, Ba Lute stretched out her tongue and slowly licked it along the blade in her hand.

Barrotti's demeanor and demeanor carried an indescribable sense of seduction, but in the eyes of those little guys, they couldn't let it go.

Look at the girl in front of Ruo, look at the skillful movements of the short knife in her hand just now, and her cold eyes, all of this put them in the morning.

"You guys, do you fight or not?" Barretti asked in a soft voice.

At this time, the boss was furious, he slapped the table in front of him fiercely, and shouted: "You rubbish! What use do I want you rubbish?! I was frightened by a woman! You a dozen people , Eat mine every day, mine, and now I need you. At this time, you actually grabbed him by the neckline before he could say what he said. Gu Shou brought him over from the desk, and then cruelly Thrown on the ground fiercely.

Of course, this fall suffocated everyone present.

The boss was stunned, but his eyesight was active, and he knew that the two girls in front of him were indeed not ordinary people. He couldn't help but secretly fear. He knew that if he accidentally engaged in it today, he might die here. Under the two young girls.

Those Ronaldinhos couldn't match to say half a word, and they were no longer moving.

However, looking at the boss who bribed the ground, he said with a sneer: "Hand over my card, I can let you go, otherwise, this matter will never end today!

What kind of Shenfengjue are in front of them, Yanran and Ba Ludi didn't pay attention to them at all, because of the aura of Yu Bingran and Ba Lv, none of Shenfengjue were doing any more.

Then he lifted the boss of Shenfengjue on the ground with a loud slap in the face: "Say! Our card is gone?

That Shenfengjue old Dalian dug his head and denied it: "I didn't see it, I really didn't see your card! I sent it!

Don't wrong me if you don't have evidence!

I'm a legitimate businessman with a clean net worth.

Bingran sneered and said, "At this time, do you dare to lie to me? If that Xiaoyu was not killed by your people, why did the one who slid in and shouted that I killed you? He didn't even look at it. What happened? Know that the corpse on the ground is yours?

Say! Tell me clearly what's going on!" Yan Ran shook the boss in Tiruo.

I have lost my patience, you tell me the whereabouts of the card immediately, otherwise, you will have to bear all the consequences! "But I am really anxious, look at the sky outside the window, night has fallen.

At this time, her teacher must have returned to the hotel. The two of them did not listen to the teacher, and they sneaked out. When they thought that their teacher found that they were not in the room and therefore looked angry, it felt like~ There was a chill on the body.

Her teacher is not so talkative-human.

Taking 10,000 steps back, if they can return to the hotel in time, then their teacher may not say anything, but at this time, they are indeed late to go back.

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