Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1005: statement

What's the mess? "The boss of Yan Ran Pan hoped to make it clear. She's very bad now, and she doesn't want to listen to the boss's nonsense here.

So the boss told the ground exactly what happened.

Bingran and Ba Ludi guessed right, they were after buying the ring and drama card, and the clerk found out that they had a lot of money in the card.

So the clerk reported to the more powerful Kamikaze Hall in this area and told them that there were two girls from different planets, and they carried a huge sum of money.

After receiving the news, the boss sent his subordinates to secretly choose Yanran and Ba Lu, and Gu Bian also "protected" them so as not to have other gangs intervene after receiving the news and forcefully share a cup.

When Xiao Lun took advantage of Ran Ran and Ba Ludi to have no sacrifices, he was very good at it.

Arrived at the card, but the thief was a bit greedy. He knew from the clerk that the amount of money on the card was huge, so he asked the boss to pay him more. The result is conceivable. Now, he was killed by the boss.

After the boss got the card, he discovered that there was a problem he couldn't solve.

His men did not have anyone capable of cracking bank cards.

He doesn’t lack these people for knife fights, but he lacks those who know some high-tech talents.

Of course, he also knows who can crack the code of this card. There are all kinds of talents in the picture of the dark world, but he also knows that, in this way, he can't have all the money. Up.

He Jizhi wanted to send someone to capture the two girls back and force them to tell the password so that he could at least save a lot of money.

But his subordinates reported to him that the two girls seemed to have a little background, and they had been in public places, which was very inconvenient to start.

This boss is also a little bit up and down, because no matter from the perspective of the price, there is such a large sum of money in the card, it is definitely not what ordinary people can have.

So these two girls from different planets don't care where they are from or what they are doing on the planet Delmar, but it is undeniable that they must have a background.

Where else can I get such a large sum of money?

The amount of this amount of money is so large that even the boss who is a little rich man on the planet Delmar has never seen so much money.

He Jizhi wondered if he could make so much money in his life?

So since they couldn't be caught, the boss wanted to do something unconsciously, and didn't want to alarm them both.

So he reluctantly found a partner with whom he had been working together, and let them crack the password. As for how to erase the records left on the computer, etc., he didn't care about all things being solved by the other party, he only needed half of the money. .

His cooperating partner readily agreed.

Danglu, the boss is not an accomplice who absolutely trusts him, he also left a capable man by their side, and he is watching the progress of the matter.

Of course, when he was about to ask who his accomplice was, a group of people walked into the door.

Looking at the uniforms on them, it turned out to be Jingcha.

He really responded to that sentence, and when the matter was resolved, Lucha appeared.

Now that the boss of Zi County has lost his spirits, he hurriedly raised his other intact hand and said that someone was copying him here. As a legal citizen, he had reason to ask Jingcha to protect him.

The leader of these Lucha is obviously blind, he simply ignores that this is the territory of Kamikaze Hall, and their boss and their subordinates add up to a dozen.

And the other party is just two little girls.

As a result, he not only found that Ran and Ba Lu had illegally invaded the residence, but also caused harm to the citizens here. In this way, the two of them must follow them back to the bureau to assist in the investigation.

This Chap was undoubtedly wearing a pair of trousers with the people from Kamikaze Hall. Hearing that he had finished speaking, the boss of Kamikaze Hall actually forgot that he had shed a lot of blood. He smiled triumphantly, feeling this way. It’s so cheerful, and the whiteness of the exam due to excessive blood loss actually looks rosy.

The slippery head and his subordinates also laughed complacently. When the inspectors walked in, they knew that their patron saint was here, and the girls from the two alien planets in front of them could no longer do anything to them. That's it.

On the contrary, they are now waiting to see how the two girls in front of them will appear in front of Lucha.

Although ignoring what the official revealed just now, it was not that she had not dealt with Cha, the most recent time, on the planet Harry, the satellite of Delmar, she and her teacher just fought with Rucha, no I know how much more powerful these chakras are than those of others.

Say, who is your partner? Lives in the ministry?" Then I asked the boss.

However, at this time, the boss obviously didn't think it was the one who controlled the audience. He didn't pay attention to her at all. The boss said to Ruo that official: "Guan, someone is threatening me, I ask for protection.

The officer felt that he had lost face because he was ignoring him, and was furious by the boss's call. He defended his hand, and the four inspectors stepped forward to arrest Ran and Ba Lurong.

Under the pressure of Ran and Baluti, the boss of Shenlongtang had to tell the ins and outs of the matter. It was indeed his subordinate who stole the card from both of them, but now this card is indeed not by his side. Zhang Ka has been sent to his partner by him.

Because he needs that person to help him unlock the code on that card.

This statement is still believed. It's just useless to have a card. It is the most correct way to bring out the money on the card as soon as possible, so she believes the boss's statement.

But when she asked who the boss’s partner was, she was about to spit out the answer from the boss’s mouth when she saw the answer. Who knows, so immortal, a group of Jingcha just walked in at this time.

This made Yan Ran feel very depressed.

Seeing the boss of Kamikazetang and his men were relieved at first, with an expression of "Now it's alright, the bacteria are finally here", then they began to become triumphant, and two of them even took out The cigarettes started to smoke.

They are obviously moving their heads waiting to see the show.

Then why do they know that these investigators will not embarrass them? Why do they know that these investigators will only trouble Yanran and Baluti?

It seems that they have been together with Jingcha.

Although these tired people are acting on the surface of law enforcement, in fact, they are defending these gods and wind halls. The emergence of these jing chases promptly rescued the members of these gangs.

If they didn't hook up, they wouldn't believe it if Yanran was killed.

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