Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1007: Assault

After the boss of Shenfengjue told his partners, she was not surprised, because she saw the relationship between these people and the boss of Shenfengjue, and she felt that their relationship was too abnormal.

Since the boss of Shenfengjue has already said who his partner is, Yanran and Baluti didn’t care about his life and death. After asking where the manager was, Ran and Balu left the building. big hotel.

No matter it was the manager or those Xiaoqing, not a single person stepped forward to block them.

According to the location said by the boss of Shenfengjue, Ran and Balu found there, but they still lacked a certain amount of experience. When they first walked out of the hotel door, the manager took Ran and Baluo's movements to the game. The boss made a report.

In this way, the boss of the manager can take care of his work, make all preparations in time, and wait for Yanran and Ba Lvyu to come to the net.

It was dark and the pedestrians on the road were extremely scarce. It seems that the owner of the hotel where they lived did not intimidate them at all. When it was dark, the street was in sharp contrast with the day.

On the streets during the day, in the special hot spots, there are not many pedestrians. The shops are one after the other, and the goods in the bridge windows are so dazzling that people can't follow them.

Now at night, not only the shops are closed, but the pedestrians on the street have disappeared.

Ma Ran and Ba Lufan were not in the mood to pay attention to these, nor did they notice that some people beside them were watching them from different angles.

These people are the plainclothes of the police station.

The management building is right in front of them.

Yanran and Ba Luluo whispered a few words, and they began to separate their actions.

Barrutti had just walked to the gate of the building. The dark building was suddenly brightly lit. A team of managers were holding guns and aimed at her.

Ba Luluo didn't speak, but stood there quietly, looking at the people in front of her indifferently.

At this time, a person with the appearance of a small captain stepped forward.

He pretended to cough twice, and then said: "We received a report saying that someone was going to sneak attack. It seems that this person is you?

Ba Lu pretended to be innocent and said, "Official, you must have misunderstood something. I am here to do business.

The man looked suspicious: "Scream? What are you going to do?

When I was walking into the street today, I accidentally stole the card from my body. I looked for it for a long time and couldn't find it, so I now come to ask for help. "Balv said.

That's the case, then you come in, I will let people receive you. "That person said so.

A woman led Baluty through the door.

The woman made a primary color to the other teammates, and those people nodded knowingly. They put away the guns in their hands, followed behind Ba Green, and walked into the back of the building, in a place out of light. , Ran was using the steel claws in his hands to crawl on the surface of the building like Spiderman.

She and Ba Lu have discussed it. It is best for Ba Ludi to enter from the gate of the building to attract the attention of the observer. It doesn't matter if it can't be attracted.

And she herself used the steel claw in her hand as a tool to enter the interior of the building.

Two people, one light and one dark, work together in coordination.

There was an office window in the Baluti Building that was not closed. Bing Ran approached the window and stepped in through the window.

The woman Ba ​​Luluo followed came to an office. According to the woman's request, she sat on a chair and started filling out an application form.

There was a chattering movement behind her, but Balutijing did not look back.

After filling out the form, she said to the woman: "Now I can go back?

The woman didn't speak, but someone behind her took her words.

Don't leave since you are here. "The person said slowly, and then slowly passed to her eyes: "Our intelligence shows that you are the person who tried to attack, and you still have accomplices. Tell me where she is?

Ba Luluo squinted at him: "Did you make a mistake, the officer? I'm here to do things, and the card on my body has been renounced by others. This is the reason why I came to you, not what you said would attack you.

The man sneered: "How many people did you imitate in the hotel just now, right? You also illegally invaded the houses and attacked some citizens, right? He looked at Ba Luluo: "Since we have entered the game, Let's be more honest. Tell all your accomplices. You just came to Delmar from a foreign land. Is there any ulterior move?

I advise you to speak honestly, so as not to suffer physical pain! "The man smiled yinly, he snapped his knuckles and crackled, and his eyes shot out a different kind of sickness. Light.

Son-in-law and Ba Ludi followed the instructions of the boss of Shenfengjue and walked all the way into the building.

In the procuratorate, a leader accused Balu Titus of assault. Before that, she and her accomplices illegally invaded the house and attacked teammates and some people.

Now he asks Baluti not to make senseless struggles, and hurries to capture her, and then hand over her accomplices, telling them what their purpose is in Delmar, etc.

The man looked at Ba Ludi with the eyes of a cat looking at a mouse, and pinched his knuckles. He might have made Ba Ludi fear him.

Ba Lu said to the man: "If you have evidence that I am going to attack you, then you should show the evidence, otherwise, don't hide me here.

The man smiled and said, "Hmph, proof? What I said is proof! Don't you look at where it is?!

He stepped back two steps, and several people with various weapons in their hands came up with a sly smile. Seeing that they didn't even mean to catch her first, they just wanted to beat her first. Pause, and then deal with it.

Baluti shook her head and stretched out her hands.

The officer thought that the **** the alien planet in front of her knew that the situation was not good for her, so she was willing to catch it.

Just now proudly said: "This is called knowledge of the current affairs!" Before the words fell, the **** the alien planet who he thought had given up resistance began to counterattack.

Her figure suddenly flashed, and her left foot took a step forward. At the same time, her left hand held a stick that was coming from the man in charge, and her right hand hit the man’s heart. The strength of this moment is so strong, that man even He fell on the ground without humming.

The other Lucha were not idle, they all wielded their weapons against this girl from another planet.

Barretti made a strong left foot and withdrew a step backwards, just enough to let the people in front of her miss her attack. At the same time, she bends her right foot and lifted it up, asking like lightning. Two came from behind her. Cha Shou Kuo Xiao, who rushed up, fell down.

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