Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1008: Trouble

In a blink of an eye, the three personnel fell to the ground, and the few remaining people looked at each other, then looked at the personnel on their side, and rushed up again.

Since these players don't know each other, the Balu Gang has no need to be merciful.

A cold light flashed, and two short knives appeared in her hands.

The family who just wanted to step forward and besieged lives.

The Shaowen of Biecai, who was on a different planet, was in a face-to-face meeting, and knocked down several of them in the same county with his bare hands. Now that they use the bing tool, they, they are even more not opponents.

See if those people flinch and don't move forward, that person would be furious, these rubbish, usually you let him bully Tongren, it is really bravely forward one by one.

Now facing a girl who knows how to fist, they are scared.

The officer secretly made up his mind. After the incident was over, he had to train these personnel well, and it would make them suffer a bit, or they would be so useless, which would really undermine the authority of the personnel.

Get away! "The officer commanded his subordinates loudly. He couldn't help but feel angry when he looked at them. These subordinates didn't even look like a man.

When those people heard this man's words, they were so happy that it was too late, and they hurriedly stepped aside, fearing that their elders would change their minds.

With a sneer on his face, the person slowly walked to a place not far from Baluti, and he began to untie his clothes.

Ba Lu couldn't believe that this person was so kind. Looking at him, it seemed that he wanted to single out with her.

This time Ba Luluo really guessed right.

This person was born in the highest personnel school on the planet Delmar-the highest level royal personnel school on the planet Delmar.

When he was in school, he was a top student. Basically, he was the first in shooting and fighting. This also made him arrogant and even looked down on his colleagues. He also thought that at least he could not fight on the planet Delmar. People who can pass him.

When he was in the school, all the students already knew his name. Everyone avoided confrontation with him when they were training. This made him empty but unable to display his skills. It really made him unhappy. very.

After finally graduating from the personnel school, he was assigned to this team building. At the beginning, some tall colleagues were fighting against him during training, but gradually, these people stopped fighting with him.

They all knew how good he was.

In short, there suddenly appeared an opponent who seemed to have good skills, even if the opponent was a girl from a different planet, this person suddenly wanted to conquer her.

This girl is still very bright, he is interested in leaving a deep impression on her, so that she will always remember him.

When the staff thought this way, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

On the belt behind his back, two daggers are stuck in the same way.

This kind of dagger capital was specially tailored for him by an expert.

ヒThe first blade is long and narrow, very sharp. One side of the blade has serrations. If it is scratched by those serrations, it will not be easy to heal. If a deeper imitation mouth is cut by such serrations, then the scar will not be in this life. Will fade.

See if this girl from a foreign planet with a beautiful face in front of him has an urge to leave a mark on her beautiful face, a unique mark that belongs to him.

Of course, with his dagger.

The man smiled yinly, and he imagined in his heart how interesting the girl's eyes and expressions would become when he drew some patterns on this beautiful face.

Baluti's eyelid color also became more cautious, and she felt that the team members had reached something wrong with the opponent.

As a killer, her keen sense told her that this person is abnormal.

And dealing with an abnormal person is much more dangerous than dealing with other people. Sometimes, you can’t even guess their thoughts, so you can’t be sure of their actions. In other words, you are almost There is no solution, you can only deal with him by instinct.

Baluti calmed down and watched the opponent's movements carefully.

That person was very satisfied with his opponent's face finally getting serious. This little girl still has some eyesight. She also knew how strong she was.

In addition, the people surrounding them also made him very satisfied. He saw them standing on the side holding their breath, and they didn't dare to speak, and their eyes were worshipped—at least in the eyes of this person. It's like this.

He decided that in the next fight, he would definitely exert all his abilities and leave an impression on his opponents and his colleagues that they would never forget.

He secretly blessed him, hoping that his opponent would be strong enough to block his attack. The green spirit met a more powerful opponent in the local team building. Her opponent graduated from the highest personnel school on the planet Delmar. The officer is a top student who is famous for shooting and fighting.

No matter when the top student was in the personnel school or after graduation, he came to this cloud team building, but he never encountered an opponent he thought was suitable, which made him feel like he was "overwhelmingly cold".

Sometimes he also avoids feeling that the world is so big, and there is no decent opponent that is Jikong Leng.

Today, the **** the alien planet who entered the personnel building suddenly caused the dying flame in his heart to burn.

Seeing the young girl in front of him, she cleanly knocked down several people in her gestures, and his eyes were bright.

Although this opponent is, when she wrestled with his opponents, every move revealed that she was an extremely skilled master.

At least better than the opponents he encountered.

This makes that person not eager to try.

He thanked his **** uncomfortably, thanking his **** for giving him such an opponent

How long has it been? That person was thinking silently in his heart, how long has it been since he had fought a decent opponent?

In order to commemorate this day, in order to commemorate this hard-won opponent, this man made up his mind in his heart, he wanted Zhou Tian's people and his opponent to remember this day forever.

Especially his opponent. The officer looked at the beautiful girl in front of him. The corner of his left mouth was slightly cracked, and a sneer appeared on his face. At this time, his heart was thinking about it, using his to compete , What kind of pattern is better to leave on the five of this girl Yuanliang?

Seeing the young girl in front of her with a heavy look, that person began to converge. The most important thing now is to defeat this young girl. As for what kind of impression he left on her? Everything has to wait until he defeats her.

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