Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1009: Master

When she touched the office on the third floor, she walked around the room and found nothing special

The lights from outside the advocacy can be seen, the door of the office is hidden, and the glands are disturbed, and he walks towards Ruoxu's door.

The door latch opened silently, and then slowly expanded. Then, Ran's head slowly stretched out, and there was a long walk before her eyes.

It's dark and there is no light, and I don't know where to go.

After hesitated, he walked out of the office gently.

The corridor was dark and there was no light at all, but with her natural and sharp moving, she was still able to barely leave Zhou Tian's environment.

She fumbled and walked towards the fourth floor.

According to the report of the boss of Shenfengjue, the local personnel building has set up various electronic devices on the fifth floor. If he is right, the boss of the personnel building should be next to the computer at this time, watching his men crack The password of that card.

Quietly in the corridor, there were almost only the inaudible steps from my son-in-law.

This wish went halfway quickly, and the situation went smoother than Wa Ran had imagined, but such a question made Ran more careful.

Just when she was hesitating whether to continue walking along the walking cell, suddenly there was movement in her front and back direction.

Although the enemy's actions were fast, in a short moment, they could still see their movements clearly.

Those people had guns in their hands, and when they first appeared not far in front of her, their guns were aimed at her.

In other words, for her intruder, there is no need to stay alive, and these team members want to kill her directly.

In the drama before they fired, she was in shape Wu Zhang. She stood up on a slope, with steel claws in her hands alternately climbing on the wall, and her figure disappeared with the sound of glass breaking.

This sudden change made the team members never think of it. They stood up, rushed to the broken door, poked their heads outside, and carefully searched for the intruder.

At this time, one of the team members who was looking down suddenly screamed. Before the others hadn’t understood why he screamed, the screams suddenly stopped. Then, the body of the team was soft. Fell down.

His colleagues hurriedly supported him, and one of the team members rushed out and ordered a miniature flashlight to take a picture of his colleague.

The sight in front of them made them take a deep breath, and a blood cave appeared around the colleague, and the blood was feeling cold.

At this time, another person screamed.

In front of this personnel, a girl’s expressionless face was close to the limit ruler, and her cold eyes were looking up at him. The personnel also noticed that the county girl’s two hands were deeply inserted into the wall. The whole person just hangs in the air under the window.

How did she do it?

That player's thoughts ended here, his hands clasped in his throat, he kept wanting to make a sound, but unfortunately he couldn't make any meaningful sound when he was cut apart.

The injured person sprinted, his body slumped, the blood quickly flowed under him, and with a plop, he fell to the ground, his body was constantly twisting and struggling, the last one, The last breath came out of his torn throat.

At this time, his colleagues were already in a bitter battle.

In other words, they are struggling.

When the second team member's scream alarmed them, when they raised their heads, a black shadow had appeared in [书趣阁].

When they turned their guns and wanted to shoot.

The black shadow moved quickly, and her movements were almost extreme.

Her feet are on the wall on the left, and her figure has reached the wall on the right. After walking a few steps on the wall, the dark shadow has come before their eyes.

This person reacted quickly, and they could no longer fire a gun at such a distance, so he pointed the gun at the dark shadow and at the same time drew a dagger from his belt.

The dark shadow flashed past the gun he threw, and through the weak light, the team member saw that the dark shadow's hands stretched towards his heart.

Although he couldn't see what the dark shadow wanted to do, his instinct still prompted Ruo to react quickly.

The original momentum of the body rolled back, and finally the person was dead, avoiding the attack of the black shadow.

He was not the only target of that dark shadow, although he had escaped, but the other players did not have as good luck as him. The cautious look of Xiao Ba Ludi made the top student very satisfied. He thought he had attracted enough attention from the **** the alien planet.

What he didn't expect was that the reason why Baluti would be cautious was not because she found out what is strong in him, but because she discovered his sickly and sick personality.

People with such a personality, if they also possess more outstanding abilities at the same time, their harm to others will double.

Once they find an object for them to vent, their destructive power will be mixed with their morbid emotions, and the harm will be shocking.

Everyone has a unified name for these people-one, and the one who is more particular about it is called the mentally ill.

The opponent in front of Ba Lu is just such a lunatic, a mentally ill person. Moreover, her opponent not only has a "zero eighty-three" mentality, but at the same time, he recognizes his actions directly, his skills should be quite good. .

"Ding Dong" rang softly, and drew Baluti's thinking.

She raised her head and looked over. His opponent had already taken off his upper body clothing. He was only wearing a T-shirt. The thin blood could not block his muscles. At a glance, you could see that this was a very Strong and powerful man.

In his hands, the two shiny bits were rubbing lightly, making a toothy sound.

The muscular man swung like a dagger, and the next buyou moved slowly, slowly approaching Ba Luluo.

Baluti never takes her opponents lightly. This is her good professional training as a killer. At the same time, this is also the prerequisite for her to be able to complete the mission in countless assassination operations.

She usually maintains her due Daozhen to her opponents, and will never be fascinated by his superficial phenomena. This kind of caution allows her to not lose the initiative when facing various dangerous and different opponents. Then she Then wait for the opportunity to find a chance to win.

The green double bends, the front and back are separated, the upper body is slightly bent, the two writings are back and forth, and the short knife is held in the hand, shaking slightly.

The top student couldn't help but sighed in his heart, and looked at the **** this alien planet in front of him, and looked at the posture of her family. He looked like a master of fighting.

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