Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1010: Counterattack

Baluti didn't think about what the opponent in front of her was thinking about, she just keenly felt that the opponent in front of her was slightly distracted, and she wouldn't let it go easily.

In the next two small steps, Baluti quickly approached the top student, and the short knife in her hand quickly slashed in front of his eyes, but the real kill was she quickly got up and hit his shin.

Ba Luluo grew up in the dark world since she was a child. When she was young, she knew what fighting and killing were all about, and when she started receiving various trainings, she also It's just that the drama doesn't learn to walk soon.

When she became an adult, the opponents she had taken over, the people she had killed, to be honest, even she herself didn't know how many.

So, whether it is fighting or killing, she has extremely rich experience.

When the opponent is weaker than her, she will bring the thunder into the anger of all things, and quickly kill the opponent with lightning speed.

When the opponent makes her feel that there is a certain amount of danger, she will often resist her emotions and calmly deal with her opponent.

To such an opponent, she never mentioned it too eagerly, never had the idea of ​​getting rid of him quickly, she would not rush the least, in the fight, constantly get some small victories or excellent work, and then The accumulation of these small advantages and victories makes it play a decisive role.

Barretti, who is currently attacking, is using this style of play.

She had never thought of killing the muscular man in front of her with a single blow. In this attack, the double swords in her hand only played a disturbing role. Her real purpose was to put a shot on the shin of her opponent's calf. Foot, what effect should this foot achieve?

It is enough to make him feel pain.

Baru didn't think of breaking her opponent's leg with one kick.

That is an unrealistic idea.

And if facing an opponent whose strength is very different from his own, if he is holding any unrealistic ideas, then he will definitely die.

Baruti sometimes feels very lucky. Although she lives in a dark world, during her entire year and even her current growth years, there is almost nothing that makes her feel worthy of memory.

But in this burning and painful life experience, she has mastered enough fighting skills and rich experience. If she is not in the dark world, if she is not an important member of the Mazi group, if she If it is not an organization that ups and downs, but never fails

I'm afraid she will not survive now.

She has long been in the fire wells of various factions, in every killing mission, even in the elimination of the fittest within the sunspot, she has long lost her life and has completely disappeared.

The fighting skills and rich experience she now possesses are the only things she has grown up to now, which are worth doing, and they are also things that Dixi will continue to possess in this life.

The top student did not take the bait of Ba Ludi, he dodges Ba Ludi's short knife and at the same time he retreats slightly, opening the secret instant.

Seeing that her attack did not work, Ba Luluo was not discouraged at all, she still followed her attack rhythm if her opponent was shaking.

Coming and not going to be indecent, the top student saw that Ba Luluo stopped the attack, but instead launched an attack.

Compared with Baluti, his offense is much better.

As his figure rotates faster or slower, the two heads in his hand also continuously draw silver light, these silver lights surrounding Ruoba Green, flashing in front of her eyes and heart.

Ba Lu didn't lose her self-sustainability in the dazzling attack on this top student. She saw a trick, and the short knife in her hand struck with her head, making a clinking sound.

Occasionally, she would sneak up and fly towards the height of her opponent.

At this time, the onlookers enthusiastically applauded their team members, but they flattered the wrong place, because their applause and cheers made the top student feel a little annoyed.

In the past, when he was training in school or in Bise, there were cheers and applause, but those voices were far away from him, unlike now, they sounded directly in his ears.

If his opponent is insignificant in front of him, then this kind of cheering is just right, but now, his opponent is not at all disadvantaged in front of him. On the contrary, facing his mercury-like attacks can not only one by one. He's parry, but also can launch an effective counterattack, often interrupting his offense.

Under such circumstances, these cheers are not at the right time.

Green faced his forced opponent, not in a hurry, and cut Lou Lao on the court according to his attacking rhythm.

Dan Ran was on the surface, her opponent, the top student who had been launching into the upright position seemed to be on the defensive, but the two people on the field knew in their hearts that the real form was not what it seemed.

An honor student knew in his heart that although he is still not attacking, facing the counterattack of his opponent, it often takes a certain amount of time for him to resist, and with the topic of time changes, his opponent counterattacks. There are so many tricks, which puts him in a situation where he cannot be defended.

The personnel Tian was next to him belonged to the layman who "experts watch the doorway, but the layman sees Reyin". In their eyes, they only know that the attacks launched by their personnel are many and beautiful.

And his opponent, a girl from a different planet, can only be in the position of mobilization under the attack of their lover. Chen Liao seems to have no other counterattacks except for watching her previous or top drama occasionally. Up.

It is said that these onlookers are laymen who do not help them at all. There is a specific term in the fighting circle that can describe the method that Balu and this outstanding stranger used in this duel.

It is "strike".

In the eyes of the onlookers, all they saw was that their honey was constantly launching an attack, and his opponent could only parry incessantly. Apart from the occasional counterattack, nothing could cause threats to their personnel. Up

What they can’t see is that whenever that outstanding stranger launches an attack on Ba Lurong, no matter how insulting or damaging his attack is, he agrees that this outstanding stranger is a person with gloomy psychology and his personality. It is also abnormal enough, so his tricks can sometimes even be described by the four words "Xia Wu".

He used this tactic with two intentions. The first one is of course to attack the need of the green. In order to hit the opponent in front of him, he does everything he can. He has thought of all the methods to bring the case, he wants Conquering the green trial and satisfying his own desires is based on his own ideas. After winning, he wants to surround the beautiful little text in front of him with his own pattern!

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