Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1011: Figure

Second, he is for green.

Ordinary clerks, when faced with all kinds of actions that men make to her, even those with stop and conduction, the first reaction is to be shy, and then angry

These two reactions will not be discussed elsewhere, but when fighting, no matter what kind of emotions will bring additional burdens to oneself, it will bring more passive passiveness in the face of strength. When opponents are similar to oneself, they often affect their performance.

That outstanding student is a person with gloomy psychology. He has always wanted to find a good opponent and defeat him. This is unquestionable, competitive, and human; but this excellent student wants to be a winner. This is too much to leave a mark on the loser.

Now, his biggest wish for Ruoba Lvluo is to draw a pattern on her exquisite face after defeating Ba Lvdi, so that she will never forget it.

Shen [] came in, and it must be said that this is a kind of abnormal psychology of this outstanding student.

It's a pity that his opponent is Ba Luluo, the black news organization from the dark world belongs to the Dyezi Group, and because of her identity, she has been growing up in the dark world, and she has accepted it when she can walk. All kinds of training.

So when faced with the choice of this top student, Barrotti didn’t react at all. Just like the beginning, she did not attack him in any way. Fight, mixed with occasional counterattack.

Slowly, the initiative on the court gradually came to Ba Luluo's hands.

The top students are already a little anxious in their hearts, although his attacks still appear to be so orderly and systematic.

However, Ba Lu carefully noticed that her opponent’s breathing was not so smooth, especially, occasionally, her opponent would slightly raise his eyebrows, and whenever his emotion appeared, it happened to be his. When his subordinates cheered for him.

Ba Lulu smiled in her heart, both young people, why are some people so uncomfortable?

Baluti’s attack speeded up, her double knives kept attacking, her figure kept flashing, and her shoulders, hands, pairs, and feet had all become offensive weapons.

Her double knives firmly restrained the first-class students. With a series of clanging sounds, Bi-shou could barely withstand the attacks of Ba Luluo's double knives, but in other body parts, they were excellent. Shengren is no longer Barretti's opponent.

However, she is not usually a murderer. She will only fight back when her rights are violated, or someone is about to imitate her, or imitate her relatives and friends.

And as long as the land starts to counterattack, she will no longer have any affection for the enemy's attack. In a word, how can she make the enemy lose combat power faster.

The best way to make enemies lose their fighting power is to let them die.

The people in the team building had arranged for the shackles in advance, and they wanted to die without any disclosure to their son-in-law. Such an unreasonable practice made them feel extremely lucky.

Even as a prisoner, she still feels that she deserves to die, and no matter what the circumstances, she can only be regarded as a suspect at best.

And these people, no matter what they are, they have been attacking her since they discovered her. This kind of unreasonable and non-professional handling method made Mom irritable.

As a law-enforcer, it is too much, and it is really hateful to Song Cao to control the lives of people with such an irresponsible attitude.

If she does not kill these black sheep, more people will be persecuted by them in the future.

Therefore, in the face of Ruo these people, there is no feeling left in the beginning.

When the people suddenly surrounded her, she broke the glass of a window in time, jumped out of the room, and passed their shooting.

But she didn't directly fall to the ground. The steel claws in her hand firmly grasped into the hard wall. In this way, when the people thought she would fall to the ground, she seized the opportunity , Began a Jedi counterattack.

However, Hanang's counterattack was quick and cruel.

At the beginning of her shot, two of the team members taught her to use the claws.

Such a **** scene surpassed the expectations of those personnel. They did not expect that the intelligence showed that it was a girl from a different planet, but she did not expect that she would act with such blood.

Of course, they would never think of what they did. They would not think that, just in the drama, they still wanted to say hello to death of this girl from another planet.

A person promptly attacked clearly, but his companions obviously did not have his luck.

Natural attacks are basically directed at their vital parts, so the team members she has attacked are imitations. Even if they survive, they are re-imitations. Even if they do not die, they will lose their combat effectiveness for a long time.

A team member later said that he was right. He was teaching his injured colleague, but he did not expect that death would also appear behind him.

When his Cheng felt a bit of coolness, he saw a figure of a measuring letter passing by him from the corner of his eyes. When he found out that this was their enemy in shock, he wanted to pick up the gun in his hand, but found My hands are no longer obedient.

He lowered his head in surprise, wanting to see why his hand would be disobedient if he was lucky, and then he felt the blood in his hand, which was warm.

He wanted to make a sound, he wanted to scream, but all his efforts were of no use.

With the loss of blood, his strength slowly disappeared, and then what disappeared was his consciousness.

Another enemy died, but she didn't count how many enemies she had killed, but she knew that as she continued to attack, there were only four or five enemies in the group.

The enemies under Zhe had already moved away from her, and while they took turns firing guns as a guard, they retreated to the fourth floor.

Obviously, these Mi players who survived Song have lost their guts. Even if they are fully armed and still have advanced weapons in their hands, they will never face this girl from another planet.

The only thing she was afraid of was wearing all-round sportswear, she was afraid that she was holding a knife-like cooler in her hand, she was afraid that she was just one person, but they had many companions.

Those team members have completely lost their fighting spirit, have not scared the Nepali people to the ground, and can still remember the methods taught by their combatants, and protect each other in turn, it is already very good.

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