Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1014: idea

Jiang Cheng insisted: "If your commander does not come out, I will never let go of the hostages in my hands.

The floor is here.

When the hostages are released, everything is easy to discuss.

The party first asked for a conversation and looked at the results before deciding whether to let go of the hostages.

Moreover, both sides insisted on their own requirements and said they would never agree.

After a few minutes of silence, suddenly a group hitter shot at Ba Luluo.

Perhaps this group of fighters got the order of the boss, or perhaps the sniper saw that Ba Luluo, the kidnapper, had no weapons in his hands, so he shot first.

In such a close distance, a shot of a cigarette **** is inevitable, and the sniper is confident in his marksmanship.

Sure enough, he shot the **** the opposite side in the head, but in his quasi-mirror he didn’t see that girl’s head was about to split, and the brain was accompanied by blood and flesh.

Just when he was puzzled, he saw in the quasi-mirror that the girl looked in his direction, and then waved her hand.

The sniper was still thinking, why did he hit this girl and she didn't die?

He would never know the answer, because a knife screamed and inserted into the place where his heart was.

The sniper could hardly believe it. He lowered his head, looked at the knife stuck in his heart, and kept shaking his fingers, trying to pull it out.

However, even if he exhausted all his energy, he did not succeed.

His body fell forward heavily.

Someone screamed. Everyone looked up, only to see a figure squirting in the air for a few times, and then it fell straight to the ground, reducing a cloud of dust on the ground.

Several team members ran to the crash site. After a short while, another team member ran to the crowd opposite Jiang Cheng. It seemed that he was reporting the current situation.

Seeing that the three people on the opposite side didn't have any fear of their Baotian, Jing Qi was hitting him when the group hitter took the lead.

The commander of this team felt that the three people in front of him were not good.

This made him feel that giving up the means of force and adopting the method of negotiation might result in better results.

Two people came across, one of them was a negotiator and the other was his assistant

When they faced Ruo Jiang Cheng who had just introduced himself and wanted to continue talking, Jiang Cheng interrupted them.

Now that I know your intentions, please go back and let your highest commander of this operation directly talk to me.

Only in this way can I think that he has the intention of negotiating with us. Please tell him my opinion.

When things got to this point, the negotiators couldn't say anything more, they could only return to their battle with Ye Su's smile.

Jiang Cheng didn't care what kind of results they could give, he just thought that in this matter, his two female disciples were both victims.

The boss of the personnel and the boss of the gods and spirits in front of him must take up the responsibilities they should bear for this matter, and they must all return strictly.

I have already said that Yelaoshr is very protective of his students.

After a while, two people came out from the opponent's array. Both of them were wearing costumes. The person walking in front was slightly older, and the younger one at the back seemed to be his deputy.

Seeing these two people coming forward, Jiang Cheng also took the initiative to welcome them.

Obviously, the two people in costumes opposite were not very interested in Jiang Cheng's proposal. They thought that Jiang Cheng's meeting was simply too slippery.

In their eyes, Jiang Cheng is just a civilian and comes from a different planet. Why does he ask to talk to the highest commander of this operation? What qualifications does he have?

Moreover, now it was clearly his people who attacked the building, killing many celebrities, and holding the boss as a hostage.

Whether they committed crimes on the planet Delmar or elsewhere, they were all extremely serious crimes, and because the impact of such crimes was too great, there would be no chance of mitigation.

The two team members originally thought that meeting this civilian from another planet was a waste of time. If the civilian thought they had the leader of the team hostage in their hands, they could make unreasonable or even exaggerated requests. I was absolutely wrong.

In this matter, these three people from different planets must accept the harshness of the laws of Delmar

The three stood face to face, looking at the impatience of the two players

Jiang Chengjing didn't pay much attention to it, he just stated his request on his own.

The two team members were simply dumbfounded. They had seen various unreasonable requests for countless times, but only this time, the request was so unreasonable that they felt shameless.

Looking at the alien planet civilian [Bequge] on the opposite side with a serious and dangerous look, they knew that he was not telling a joke, and the remarks just now were not the opening remarks to stimulate emotions, but were real. This is his idea.

According to the older player’s thoughts, he would turn around without everything, but the younger player caught him. He wanted to say a few words to Jiang Cheng. He wanted to know, this man from another planet Is there any harm in the travel that caused him to talk nonsense?

The young team member said: "If I didn't listen, do you mean that your two disciples are nothing?

Jesus nodded: "Yes, two of my disciples were beaten back by rumors when they were in danger. Their behavior is self-defense.

The team member shook his head: "I know self-defense, but can it still be called self-defense after killing so many people?

Jesus also dug his head: "One thing you didn't figure out is that so many team members want to kill my disciple, and then my disciple fights back, they will die. Self-defense has no direct relationship with the number of people. Of course, maybe the laws of Delmar are different from other places.

If they can treat my disciples fairly, instead of laying traps like this to catch them, or want to dispose of them at will or even kill them, I think these team members will at least still jump around.

Jiang Cheng arrested the Taoist hand: "They wantonly used the power given to them by the law, but this time they had bad luck and met a difficult opponent, and their opponent punished them for the mistakes they made. , This is their sad decline.

The team member was so angry that he couldn't speak: "What do you think you are? Can you represent the law?

Jiang Cheng shook his head: "Your law has nothing to do with me. I only know that if someone made a mistake, he must be punished.

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