Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1015: understand

So my opinion is to arrest both the boss of this staff and the boss of some kind of Shenfengjue I just mentioned. By the way, the boss of Shenfengjue sent someone to steal my disciple’s bank card. The number is extremely large. I suggest You punish him severely. After saying these words, Jiang Cheng pushed the boss standing next to the two people: "This person should be fully responsible for the death of the team members and the destruction of the building, if not He wanted to own the huge amount of money on that bank card, so that all these repairs would not happen.

Now, take him away. I hope you don’t want everyone to support you. You should let this person get the punishment that you deserve, so that your people will support you even more.

Jiang Cheng had finished saying what he should say. He looked at the two players in front of him who didn't know what to say and nodded slightly to them to bid farewell.

Then he waved to his two female disciples, motioning them to leave here with him.

At this time, the two team members finally got over.

The two of them glanced at each other, and both saw their own expressions in each other's eyes.

It was the young player, he spoke first: "Wait, you are going to leave like this?

Jiang Cheng looked back at him: "Now we have caught a person who is doing favoritism for you. This is a trivial matter. Everyone with a sense of justice will do it. You don't have to feel embarrassed about it.

Ran and Baluti rarely saw his teacher assuring others in this way, so after hearing what Jiang Cheng said, both of them secretly laughed.

The young team members don’t know what to do. Good: "Don’t you have anything to do with this matter in this matter? Then who should be responsible for the dead personnel and the destroyed buildings?

Jiang Cheng became a little impatient. He found out that the people on Delmar were missing one in his mind? He had to repeat the simple meaning a few times.

Facing the two players who came to negotiate, he patiently explained the situation to him from beginning to end: "My disciple chose the street, and the card was discovered by others, so they went to find the card. Then I found that I was stuck at the boss of the personnel building. When my disciples arrived at the team building, they found that they had fallen into the trap of the players. Those players didn't even bother to catch them. They shot my disciples directly, wanting to cause them. To death.

"That's how it happened. Finally, I repeat it again. The culprit is the boss of Lu!" He pointed at the boss of the staff: "And my disciple, because his life is threatened, so I will fight back!

"That's it." He ended his conversation.

The young team member was standing on the side, he was going crazy.

The older team member said, "What if I don't agree with you to leave?

Jiang Cheng's answer was very brief, with only three words: "Try it!

You! "The older player was so angry that he couldn't speak, and the arrogant opponent in front of him was too arrogant.

The younger player comforted him quietly.

After a while, he raised his head and said to Ruojiang Cheng: "So in my opinion, such a negotiation is unnecessary, and it doesn't make any sense to continue.

Jiang Cheng looked at him: "Since you think so, then I can't force you to agree with me, so what do you plan to do next?

As soon as the words were spoken, he put his hand back, and said indifferently: "Whatever you do, we have already taken back our own things.

He looked at the team leader, and said to Ruo those two people: "Then, this person, you are not going to take it back?

The older player looked at him, and he didn't know whether he looked at Jiang Cheng or the leader of the player: "Such a person is of no use to us. We have a lot of people like him. If you like him, just Keep him.

Before turning around, he left a sentence with a sense of drama: "I hope you get along quickly and see that you have lost the value of use. The boss of the staff then knows that he is in danger. He is only in the confrontation between the two sides. A chess piece that can be discarded at any time, his status is not as important as he thought.

Seeing the two team members who were about to turn and leave, looking at the ironic look in Jiang Cheng's eyes, the boss of the staff became desperate: "You can't keep me!

You can't do this!

His stern voice of the city really stopped the two players, and after looking at each other, they turned around again.

The Lichang face was pale, and he said to the two team members without mentioning everything: "My boss, no, no, my friend is the highest leader in charge of commanding the team. You can't just give up me casually. Drop.

The young star person still didn't understand the meaning of the staff boss's words, he looked at him with Ruo Shi's expression: "It depends on you? A small district staff leader?

The boss showed a different smile. He said to the young team member: "Yes, my position is lower than you, but my relationship with the top leader is much better than you. Have you ever been to his home? ?It's the home in the high-end district.

Stop! "The older player stopped letting the leader of the player go on. Seeing what the younger player wanted to say, at this moment, the older player pulled his clothes, and he saw it without interest. The grinning gaze in the eyes of the alien made his old face blush.

The older team members said something in the ears of the younger team members. The younger team members looked at him in surprise, and the older team members nodded to him to show the truthfulness of his words.

The young team members bowed their heads angrily, wondering what Lili said.

The old player patted him on the shoulder, then turned his body, and said to the boss of the player: "It seems that you are still capable, so now, do you want us to take you back?

Of course! And it must be now!" Seeing that the two team members' tone became loose, the boss of the staff became more alive: "I don't want to be with people from these three different planets.

The young player turned to Jiang Cheng because he was ashamed and pointed his face to face him: "Mr. Mo, can we take him away? At least for now, he is still your hostage.

Of course you can. "Jiang Cheng said indifferently: "But I hope you take him away to give him the necessary punishment, not just to take him away from this dangerous place.

Jiang Cheng's words meant something, and both players understood what he meant.

"You don't need to worry about this!" the old player said stiffly.

Seeing that he was about to escape the danger, that boss Lu's expression became obviously happy.

He whispered to Jiang Cheng, "This is your last chance. If you don't have time now or later.

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