Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1021: Strong

Moreover, the weight of the missile launcher does not seem to cause any burden to them. They rely on their agile skills to pierce through the bullets and wait for an opportunity to attack their tank battalion. The tank battalion leader personally saw that no less than five tanks were affected by these two tanks. Wrecked by people.

This is what the three masters and apprentices are really demonic.

Thinking of this, the tank captain had lost the will to fight. He looked at the tank crews under him, and their faces were equally unsightly. No matter who it was, it would be uncomfortable to see a terrifying existence like Jiang Cheng. of.

Retreat. "The tank captain gave the final order. Hearing the command from the chief, his subordinates immediately started to act. At the juncture of life and death, no matter how difficult it is to escape, are they really alive?

However, on the current battlefield, only their lone tank is left. In other words, they have become the only target of the three masters and apprentices. Can they still be able to run?

The enemy appeared at ten o'clock.

The enemy was also spotted at three o'clock.

The tank captain sighed and missed the best opportunity. Now it is a bit late to run. Everything is left to fate.

The main gun was aimed at the two women, "The tank captain began to order: "The machine gun was aimed at the man, all the defensive missiles were fired out, and they retreated at full speed!

The last tank on the battlefield was struggling to death, but even they themselves knew that facing the terrifying enemy that destroyed a group of tanks, their last tank was able to get rid of the teamwork of the three masters and apprentices. Their fate of destruction?

The last tank wanted to retreat. Jiang Cheng Heran and the others saw his intention. Yan Ran and Ba Ludi looked up at Jiang Cheng.

According to the two of them, since this tank is ready to escape, let it go.

In this short and fierce battle, the team on the planet Delmar suffered heavy losses, reaching hundreds of people. An integrated combat spaceship group was completely wiped out. Only one tank remained in the tank group. escape

The opponents of this team that is enough to initiate a small-scale battle are actually three bare-handed men from another planet.

They also ended up with a defeat.

The three masters and apprentices stood there and did not pursue the tank.

Who knew that when the tank was retreating at full speed, it might be to block their attack. The tank captain misjudged the situation and launched an attack on the three of their masters and apprentices.

Jiang Cheng, who was about to turn around and leave the battlefield, suddenly said lightly. "With a quick glance, Ran and Lvdi also noticed. The turret of the tank that was approaching and running turned its turret, and the muzzle of the main gun was aimed at them. , And they also noticed that the muzzles of the two machine guns were also aimed at Jiang Cheng.

Before Jiang Cheng could open his mouth, Yanran and Ba Ludi responded in time. The two of them jumped up and hit the ground a few times when they landed. When they flashed, a beam of light rubbed like them. The human body passed by.

At the same time, two machine guns also opened fire on Jiang Cheng.

It's really "no one will hurt the tiger, but the tiger has cannibalism".

Seeing his two female disciples stumbling and forcing the tank's main gun, Lun Xisu felt relieved, a light shield appeared in front of him, blocking the shooting of the two machine guns.

At the same time, in his hand, the long sword condensed with supernatural power appeared in his hand again

Jiang Cheng held the light shield, greeted the enemy's muzzle, dragged the long sword behind him, the tip of the sword kept rubbing against the stones on the ground, emitting small sparks.

Ran and Ba Lu knew that their teacher was really angry.

They had already decided to let go of the last tank, but what they didn't expect was that the tank would actually attack them while escaping.

This situation not only surprised them, but also made them intolerable.

The facts in front of me proved that you must not be soft with the enemy, and being soft with the enemy can only bring you more Ma Shun, or even imitation.

If it weren't for them to keep enough of their hearts just because they were on the battlefield, maybe the tank that had run in their eyes would have been stolen from them.

And all this is just because they have such a little passion for the enemy who is running away.

What they didn’t know was how regretful the tank captain was. The three aliens in front of them had already beaten them up. They were all frightened now. When they saw a little movement from these three people, Will be regarded as an attack on them.

So when the tank captain saw these three alien planets appearing in front of their tanks in two ways, his first reaction was that the attack on the enemy was too strong, and he had to act first.

When he saw the three aliens standing in place in the king's mirror, and there was no sign of pursuing them, he let out a deep breath, and he completely relaxed.

Because he could see that these three aliens did not attempt to attack them.

He relaxed, but the other members of the tank didn't know what he was thinking. They still followed the instructions of the tank captain just now and launched a counterattack against the three alien planets.

When the light beams from the tank’s main gun shot out, the tank captain knew what was wrong. Their attack would bring him to the point of death. Sure enough, he saw the man on the other planet stand up. The light shield, withstood the machine gun's blast on him, dragged his fearsome long sword, almost angered, and chased him.

The tank captain sighed, but he didn't blame the other members. He knew that this moment would be a critical moment related to their survival.

Increase horsepower and go back at full speed!

"All defensive measures are activated!

"The main gun is aimed at the man on the other planet, and he will pierce at my command.

The tank captain locked his eyes on Jiang Cheng who was periscoped.

At this moment, the man on the alien planet hastened his pace and is rushing towards them. Release!" With the ruo tank captain's fierce command, the tank's main gun returned to Jiang Cheng, and the moment the tanker pressed the button, Jiang Cheng disappeared from the tank captain's periscope.

The tank captain turned his head in surprise to search for the figure of the man on this alien planet, no.

When he raised his head inadvertently, he couldn't help letting out a scream.

Above his head, Jiang Cheng held a long sword on his head and feet, with the tip of the sword facing his tank, straight down!

For one thing, the tank captain wanted to shout, and he wanted to run away, but he didn't do anything. He just looked at the man on the other planet, holding a long sword, and swooping down from the air!

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