Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1022: Leisurely

Bang"! The short fat man who was in charge of the team's operation this time, slammed his head on the table and made a bang, which shocked the men standing near him. They are not asking what happened to their moody boss, they can only say a word undefeated, the room where they left quietly

Humpty Dumpty saw the destruction of the last tank from the monitor. When he saw the man on the alien planet, he jumped into the air with a slight jump, then turned his body upside down, with his hands on his head and his hands stretched straight on his body. Before, when holding a long sword straight down from the sky.

Humpty Dumpty couldn't help sighing. Facts have proved that the man on this alien planet in front of him is indeed not an ordinary person, but a strong man with super powers.

People with such abilities, let alone this little Delmar galaxy, have never seen such a powerful person in the places they have been.

He was deeply regretful. He didn't know the situation in detail before rushing to hit the boss. If he stayed as the boss, the situation might be different.

In fact, it is no wonder that he, because he was afraid that the boss of the staff would tell the two team members that he had bribed himself in order to save his life.

So he had to order the sniper to kill the team leader with one shot.

At that time, he did not regard this person from another planet as a master. Since they killed a lot of team members and destroyed the personnel building, they should accept the severe punishment of the law.

As for why they killed Yi? Why did they destroy the medical team building? This was not what he wanted to know.

This magnificent excuse made him feel a little arrogant about his actions. These three men destroyed the peace of Delmar planet and the solemn sacrifice of justice on Delmar planet.

As the top leader of the team, then he has the power to eliminate these foreign invaders who are trampling their laws under their feet. So when he was commanding those teams to attack the three men and preparing to destroy them, he was so at ease, even if later, when he mobilized the tank brigade in the capital garrison area and the combat flying brigade to join the battle , His confidence is still very sufficient.

But now the result of the battle has appeared in front of him, and the three aliens have not been wiped out by his men as he imagined.

On the contrary, the three aliens not only eliminated his subordinates, but even the tank brigade and combat flying brigade he later sent were all bought by them.

Only then did the dwarf realize that he was in a caked floor.

In the case of very inadequate reasons, he rashly used the power of the team to launch an attack on three aliens from alien planets. This attack not only destroyed the personnel in the area, but also destroyed some residential buildings. , Resulting in the death of some ordinary people.

The key point is that in the case of their loss of bing, they did not achieve results, which is impossible to justify in any case.

A large group of well-trained and heavily armed team members, supported by tanks and combat spaceships, under such an absolute advantage, they did not defeat the three enemies and were beaten by these three people. It is unbelievable to say it. .

And the question that Humpty Dumpty faces now is, how should he explain all this to the supreme leader of Delmar?

How did he get around and why did these three people rashly attack the team building and kill the Lu inside?

How did he explain that he was mobilizing the crowd, and even used heavy weapons to eliminate these three unarmed aliens?

How did he explain, why did he fail this time?

Now this short fat man completely felt that he had fallen into a distressed situation, and he was walking around the house annoyingly, but his men came to report to him again.

Sir, the special envoy of the boss has arrived and he is waiting for you in the living room.

Panzi sighed, the one that should have come is here after all. Since he can't escape, go out and face the envoy.

It was the opposite of the dejected feeling of this short fat man here, and in front of the now abandoned team building, it was a beaming scene.

Yeah! "Ran and Ba Luluo hugged each other, with smiles on their faces, and the two bright faces were covered with dirt and dust. But they didn't care about it, they were both hands-on. Holding hands, leaning together, looking at the battlefield of wolves.

This was the first time that the two of them fought hand in hand. This was the first time that they faced an enemy hundreds of times their own. This was the first time they had achieved victory in the face of an enemy's heavy weapon attack.

They did not expect that something unexpected happened to them when they were about to leave the planet Delmar tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow.

However, it was only the planet Delmar that was damaged. For them, the card stolen by Xiaolun was lost and recovered. Faced with this battle, they were unscathed, but instead received a hard-won experience. They have accumulated valuable experience facing powerful enemies

They turned to look at their teacher.

Jiang Cheng sensed their gaze, and turned his head to look at them.

"Let's go," Jiang Cheng said.

Yeah, I can finally go back to the hotel and finally have a bath. "Ran Zhen, to be honest, the little girl is more or less a clean dance. From last night to now, her clothes are not only full of blood, but also a lot of dust, which makes her feel very uncomfortable.

Ba Luluo doesn’t matter much. She is a killer in the first place. In order to complete the task, she will do everything she can, not to mention that she has not been soaked in a short period of time. If necessary, she can take months and months None of them washes the waterfall.

For the killer, there is no alternative.

However, this Xiaozhanniang also hopes to return to the hotel soon, and she still wonders if the chef's hand is good.

Back to the hotel?" Jiang Cheng looked at Ran and Ba Ludi and laughed: "Jin told you that you want to go back to the hotel?

However, Heba Lurong looked at him in a perilous manner: "Then, let's not even return to the hotel, and directly offer to open this Delmar planet?

no no

Jiang Cheng said: "I mean, we can't do it like this now

If the West wants to be willing and respect others not to hit us, then we must turn our heads and look for them.

Jiang Cheng looked at the distance with cold eyes, and said leisurely.

At the temporary command post of this team operation, the boss envoy sat leisurely on a chair with a cup of tea in his hand. After taking a sip, he slowly put down the cup with a look on his face. Xiao Fei Xiao's expression turned to the chunky boss sitting next to him, who hated the chunky guy in front of him very much. If it weren't for him, he would be the highest man in the team.

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