Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1025: stand by

Humpty Dumpty looked pale, and he knew exactly what punishment he would receive when facing the supreme ruler of Delmar planet.

Even if he would retain his treatment, all his titles would be smashed into a useless salvation person, which he did not want to see.

Once the people on the top of power lose power, their heart will have a huge gap. The vast majority of people don't want this. For some people, it is better to let them die if they lose power suddenly.

So this short fat man used his inexhaustible tricks again.

Wait," the humpty man said to Jiang Cheng, and Jiang Cheng looked back at him, watching him walk towards the boss envoy who was still lying on the ground.

Jiang Cheng didn't stop him. He knew that the short fat man in front of him was a bright man. He would never play any tricks. He didn't dare!

The smarter the person, the less able to bear the pain on the flesh.

Therefore, they like to play with some little Siming or some little ambassadors in order to minimize the imitation of themselves, and even get off quickly.

Jiang Cheng looked coldly at what he was doing with the boss.

When the short group turned around and showed him what was in his hand, Christine, he understood what it was.

This is a trivial matter. Originally, I prepared it for the boss's envoy, but now in my opinion, he no longer needs this.

He smiled and said: "Of course I know this is not enough, but if you are willing to follow the picture below, please follow me to my home now, I will have more for you.

Jiang Cheng shook his head. It's not that he didn't know the important sacrifice of money. Not long ago, in a small town on the planet Delmar, he was still doing art in the town square for livelihood issues.

Fortunately, there was his beautiful and capable female disciple. She was the only one who earned the accommodation fees for both the master and the apprentice by performing the archery art in the square.

And now he, with his two female disciples, is going on a journey that doesn’t know how much time it will take. One by one, maybe soon, they will be able to find the coordinates to the earth. Maybe it will take a long time. Wandering endlessly in the endless universe.

In short, if you encounter the latter situation, it will definitely not be a bad thing to prepare a little more money.

But in his motherland, that ancient country on the earth, there is also a saying from generation to generation that "a gentleman loves money and gets it right."

Jiang Cheng knows the important sacrifice of money, but for him, he can only use the money he earns with his own abilities.

And he wouldn't want a penny for bribing him like this.

This is his principle of life.

So after Jiang Cheng beckoned his head, he pulled the short fat man up and pushed him to the outside of the house.

Humpty Dumpty still didn't give up. He took Jiang Cheng's expression as a kind of hypocrisy, thinking that he was a kind of rejection and welcome.

He stuffed the cheque desperately into Jiang Cheng's pocket, and kept saying in it: "Don't be too little, don't be too little".

Shisu was impatient with him. Of course, he would never be in the mood to explain his outlook on life to this wretched person.

He passed the check in Humpty Dumpty's hand and shook his hand, the check shattered between his fingers.

Dwarf Philip looked at Jiang Cheng's movements as if turning magic, and couldn't believe his eyes.

Let's go, no more tricks. "Jiang Cheng pushed the short group out.

On the way, the voice of the short and fat man still keeps coming: "I still have a few treasures in my house

I know a few extremely charming young ladies, and then the voice of Ba Luluo: "Can those ladies you talk about have our source?

The sound fades away

In the old mansion of the planet Zhenerma, a tall man was listening to the report at his hand. He frowned and listened without saying a word with his chin supported.

Looking at the documents in his hands, his subordinates sounded rigid and diminished.

A total of 650 scholars were mobilized, of which 170 died and about 400 were affected by imitations. The largest imitation was the special personnel team. A total of two squadrons died. In addition, he also mobilized the tank group and the combat flying group respectively. Each one was also destroyed, and all personnel died.

"In the end, this operation also caused ten major destructions, with a total of 430 deaths.

Mr. Boss, this is the latest information we can now grasp. "His men closed the documents in their hands.

So, have the three aliens suffered any damage? I am curious that this large-scale team has been used and so many people have been lost. I want to know if they have received any results?

"His men murmured: "Mr. Boss, regarding the three people from another planet, I don't have any information about them for the time being, so I can't make further inferences.

Got it, go down. "Wang Tong waved his hand and let his men leave his office.

As soon as his subordinates left, the boss couldn't help smiling with joy, and Jizhi waved his head in secret.

This time, Nosaka finally fell the short group.

The boss of the planet Delmar hates that short group so much. Relying on the support of many people, he often mobilizes the team management and takes some actions according to his own personal wishes.

This behavior of acting without asking for instructions not only discredited his current government, but also gave their righteous enemies more capital to criticize them.

So everything that the short group did made the boss of Delmar irritated by others. He always wanted to oust the short group and replace him with someone close to him, such as the boss's special envoy.

He feels that if his good friend can take the place of the short group and become the first player on the team, then his boss's throne will be more stable. Maybe he can still serve as the boss for several consecutive terms.

Now his hope has come. The nasty fat guy finally heard the catastrophe this time. The team members sacrificed for the country, but this action actually led to the deaths of hundreds of ordinary people. What is certain is that the group will definitely Step down.

The person who enters and laughs at the ball is born on the sofa, and is constantly calculating in his mind. After the fat man steps down, what will his best friend do if he is in this position.

At this time, his secretary rushed in, and whispered something in his ear.

Oh 1? "The boss raised his head in surprise, he looked at the secretary's face and asked: "Is there such a thing?

Yishu nodded fixedly.

The boss slowly rubbed his chin. After a while, he patted the armrest of the sofa, stood up and said, "Okay! Let them in.

Then he whispered to the secretary again: "Go and mobilize some special agents." The secretary nodded, he knew what the boss was thinking.

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