Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1026: Old fox

The short group of people walked into the boss's office dejectedly, and behind him, followed the three aliens.

Welcome, "The boss stood up, stretched out his hand and shook hands with Jiang sincerely: "Welcome friends from afar, welcome you to visit Delmar planet, I would like to represent all the people of Delmar planet, and extend my heart to you. Welcome.

Boss Erma is really fierce, but his love is too exaggerated. Not only is it unacceptable for the three of them, but even the short fat guy is surprised. He knows that his stepping down will make Erma's supreme rule. The reader was very happy, but what he didn't expect was that it would make him so happy.

"It is said that you assisted in the investigation and destroyed a local underworld force. Is that true?" After the two parties sat down, the boss asked with interest.

, Probably, it should be like this. "Jiang Cheng didn't know what kind of medicine the boss was selling in the gourd. He wasn't sure what he was going to say for a while, so he just said what Hanhu said.

"This is a good thing. Although you have come from a long way, according to my subordinates' report, you will not go to our capital for one day. It is a good thing for our people. I should thank you." The boss of Erma still goes around This matter is not proper.

Jiang Cheng's eyes flashed, and he knew what he meant.

The boss of Delmar is also a sinister villain, he first squeezed the short fat man with words, and then calmly lifted him.

"Yeah," Jiang Cheng nodded irresponsibly, coping with this boss.

He knows that now he only has to listen.

Sure enough, the boss turned around and looked at the short group, his face was not so good.

How did you meet our friend from afar?" He asked the dwarf: "I think you must have a reasonable explanation?

The short group of people did not expect that the boss would be straightforward and straightforward, without leaving him even a little face.

This straightforward way of questioning made him confused, and he didn't know what to say for a while: "This, eyes, because." The short fat man hesitated and couldn't speak.

Mr. Boss took a document and threw it in front of Humpty Dumpty, his face became even more ugly.

This is a report on your team's action this time," the boss said, "You want me to read all the detailed data above?

Humpty Dumpty sucked and whimpered and was speechless.

The boss said to him: "For your team action this time, I have ordered a meeting. I hope that at the meeting, you have enough reasons to ask others to give a reasonable explanation.

He checked his watch (Li Hao): "Let's go now.

Before leaving, the boss turned around and shook hands with Jiang Cheng enthusiastically, once again feeling their contribution to the planet Delmar, and he assured them that this short group would definitely be punished.

In addition, he also promised that the ordinary people killed in this team action will get reasonable pensions. As for their destroyed houses, they can get another compensation in addition to the house. Compensation.

The boss promised to be refreshed and sincere, he was very thoughtful, and he took into account all the small details.

When he said goodbye to Jiang Cheng, when he knew that they were about to leave Delmar, he smashed it with shame, and felt that a hero like him could not live on Delmar for a long time.

When Jiang Cheng and the others left the old mansion, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but cursed: "A hypocritical villain!

No matter what, the conflict between Jiang Cheng and Delmar finally ended. The result was barely tellable.

First of all, the cards that Yan Ran and Ba Lvdi had been taken by the thief to stretch Fengjue were retrieved by them. After checking, there was no less money on the above.

Second, through this small-scale battle with the Delmar team, Ran and Baluti got a good experience, and they accumulated more experience in fighting with the team.

Thirdly, for the dead fellow of the boss, the tallest boss of the Delmar team, the pudgy man's punishment was also guaranteed by their boss himself.

Ye が heard the conversation between this short fat man and the special envoy of the boss, and he also understood that the boss of Delmar really did not care about this short fat man. Now that the short fat man has committed a crime, this boss will definitely not be easy Let him go.

This is also the reason why Jiang Cheng didn't directly punish the short group, but sent him to the boss of Delmar.

Now, Jiang Cheng and the three of them have returned to the hotel.

After some washing up, Bingran and Ba Luma went to bed comfortably. According to what they said, they wanted to wake up naturally. Not only did they fail to sleep last night, they also paid a large number of Dema teams. After fighting for a long time, it was indeed a bit dark.

Jiang Cheng didn't care. After lying on the bed for a while, he walked out.

However, He Ba Ludi was not as exaggerated as they said. They didn't look up for a few days and nights. When Jiang Cheng came back from outside for the second time, the two of them were already there.

Teacher, are you out for a walk?" Yan Ran asked.

See, seeing you sleeping soundly, I was bored alone, so I went for a walk. "Jiang Cheng replied, but looking at his expression, he seemed to have something to say.

Baluti discovered something wrong with her teacher. After this little girl grew up in the dark world, in order to survive, she is very good at observing words and colors.

Teacher, have you seen something outside that makes you unhappy?" Ba Lu asked him.

Jiang Cheng raised her head, and Bi Wei sighed. Now she even found that he didn't move very much. She also put down the things in her hand and walked in front of Jiang Cheng.

What's the matter? Teacher, don't want to be like this, just tell us. "Yan Ran asked. She has followed their teacher for so long, and she has never seen him sigh.

In her mind, her teacher is not the kind of person who can only sigh, solve the same problem if there is a way, and the same problem that cannot be solved. As long as you do your best and have a clear conscience, let it go.

This is the old practice.

So, his old man is certainly not a blind optimist, but he is also a relatively optimistic person, so he rarely sees when he has Yuwang.

In addition, his teacher has super abilities, but it is almost impossible to imagine, what is his teacher can not solve? At most, spend a little more time and see two female disciples keep asking him To catch up, Jiang Cheng told them what he saw today.

"Although the boss of Delmar assured me that Ying Dandan promised that he would never say to those residents who were injured or died in this operation, but honestly, I don't believe what the old fox said.

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