Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1033: cunning

Now he was pulled in front of him by Jiang Cheng, looking at his sharp eyes, his legs had begun to weaken.

Jiang Cheng coldly told him: "You saw the battle yesterday," the team's highest boss kept nodding: "Yes, I saw it.

"So, what do the civilian houses destroyed by the team's tanks and battleships?

What do the people who made the team kill? Tell me, let me see what solution you have.

The boss of the team who had just taken office looked at the gloomy alien man in front of him, and then looked at the short group of people who were still lying on the ground and humming themselves.

Had it not been for the clothes on Jiang Cheng Tilaruo, he would have sat down.

When a person really has the potential to be a person, he suddenly becomes smarter at this time: "Such a thing, of course, should of course be handled immediately. How can the ordinary people live such a life?

His words became more and more fluent: "In this way, if this matter is let me take care of it, one day, as long as one day, can now make a qualitative change in the lives of the people."

Jiang Cheng and Muran caught their goal, facing the man from this alien planet who was stubbornly angry, the two masters of Delmar knew that he was the one who came and the one who was not good would not come.

Jiang Chenglie slapped that ignorant short group of people. At this moment, he actually took Jiang Cheng in front of him to play with his cleverness. It was really intolerable.

And the old man of the team who just took office, when facing Jiang Cheng, his mind was much more flexible, and he immediately assured Jiang Cheng that he would settle the victims in at most one day.

Jiang Cheng looked at him and asked in a suspicious tone: "Can I trust you?"

The team leader stood up involuntarily, "Absolutely."

As soon as his voice fell, the dwarf next to him connected: "Impossible, it is impossible to arrange all these victims in one day!

The boss of the team doctor turned his head to the short fat man. He didn't understand why this short fat man came to dismantle his platform at such a time? Does this short fat man want to fall into trouble, or want to grab this task with him to please him. A man from another planet?

He just wanted to speak, but noticed that the fingers of the short fibula hanging beside him shook gently with a very subtle, subtle movement.

Although he doesn’t know what this short fat guy wants to do, they are all high-ranking people in the main palace of Delmar. Although they don’t have much contact with each other, they always hear about each other’s character. I still know more or less about the animal character.

Especially the short fat man lying on the ground now is his direct enemy, so his understanding of him is quite detailed, he knows this short fat man has many characteristics.

One of them is that this short fat man must report his sleep canthus.

The tallest boss of the team well remembered such a small incident. When the secretary of the former boss was reporting to the short fat man, he accidentally put it in front of the short fat man when he handed it a document. The glass of water fell over, and the water drained on his pants.

Although the secretary wiped the water in front of him immediately, the well kept saying money to him, and the short fat man waved his hand again and again and said with a smile that it was all right. Everyone present thought it was a trivial matter, since everyone For this reason, they thought it was really all right.

However, Humpty Dumpty didn't think so in his heart. The handy secretary actually put a glass of water and wine on the berry he likes to wear, so even though he was smiling on the surface, he hated the secretary very much in his heart.

After about a month, the secretary was instructed by him to move away from the boss with a small excuse, and then a series of retaliations followed, until the transfer book was expelled, and forever Not hired.

This matter is only mentioned occasionally when they are secrets between their colleagues, and they are also not letting the short fat man know that they are talking about him in private.

Another characteristic of Xiaoqunzi is that he is very cunning, but anyone who knows him, whether it is his enemy or his friend, has to admit this.

Humpty Dumpty is an extremely cunning person.

So, now Humpty Dumpty made a subtle gesture to the top boss of the team doctor. Although he didn't know what the Dwarf Group meant, there was still a tacit understanding between them.

The team didn't say anything, showing the old intention.

Xiaoqunzi said: "In one day, he will never complete the resettlement of the victims. Especially, he is just the boss of a star department. The resettlement of the victims is beyond his control.

The dwarf paused, and then went on: "Even if he can promise, the resettlement work of the victims can be completed in one day, but it will be done carelessly.

Instead of this, it would be better to give him a few more days, and the best way to solve this problem once and for all. "The short group added.

Shisu had to admit that there was some truth in what the short group said.

But he also keenly felt that this short fat man must be preparing to play some tricks.

Although he was not interested in what kind of tricks this short chubby wanted to play, and did not take him to heart, he still wanted to know that this short chubby had suffered their suffering one after another, and he was still smart as a person. People, why can't he think so, he must be right with the three of them?

Do you think what he said makes sense? "Jiang Cheng turned his head and looked at the top boss of the team.

Roar, there is a reason. As he said, I am really just the boss of a team department. I need to ask the boss to report to the boss, and then he can assign the relevant department to be responsible for this. Things.

The team leader looked at Jiang Cheng happily and saw that he did not have any unhappy expressions, so he went on with confidence: "Especially, the resettlement of the victims requires a unified action by several relevant departments. You I know," he rubbed his hands: Many times, the effectiveness of the government department is really poor.

"Okay!" Jiang Cheng waved his hand and interrupted the leader of the team: "Then you two will discuss it and give me an accurate time, but," his tone became harsher: "Don't think again. Count me!

This is the second time I have given you a chance. If you ignore what I said, then you will never be like this next time. Fortunately, Makoto said leisurely: "I think, I just If you can’t speak, I will leave it to you

The impression will not be very deep, you ask, do I leave a mark or something for you, lest you don't take my words to heart.

Let me come! "I don't know when, Yan Ran walked to his side. She lifted the short fat man from the ground. She grabbed Yi Yin on his neck and slowly stretched her right hand to his eyes.

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