Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1034: roar

The short fat man watched in horror as if a layer of metal was covering Ran's hand. Slowly, that layer of metal turned into a claw-like weapon, and the pointed claws approached his eyeballs.

The short fat man leaned back his neck desperately, and he shouted vigorously that I promise to complete what you explained, please let me go, I will definitely do it!

But looking back at her teacher, Jiang Cheng nodded, Yan Ran let go, and the short group of people sat on the ground again with weak legs.

Teacher, there is a team from outside here. "Ba Luluo, who was in charge of the ring, told Jiang Cheng about the situation.

Jiang Cheng turned his head to look at the tallest boss of the team on the planet Delmar.

Teacher, there are a large number of teams outside, they have already contracted here. "Balvidi, who is holding Guijingjie, reported to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng turned his head to look at the top eldest man in the team on the planet Delmar lying on the ground.

The short fat man reluctantly got up: "Let me come, let me come."

In this situation, he can't let his boss speak up.

At the first level of the National People's Congress, he can only be the second eldest man to give orders.

He called over a subordinate. In order to prevent Jiang Cheng and the others from being suspicious, he said in a loud voice: "You, tell them immediately, thank you for saying that the old man and I are here to talk about the same important thing as a few friends. , Let them go back immediately, don't come to disturb us.

When he said this to Ruo's subordinates, he really had the style of being a person. If you didn't see the wimpy look in front of his Jiang Cheng just now, you would definitely be coaxed by his now majestic face.

The subordinate cringed and looked at Jiang Cheng. He didn't speak, but he didn't walk away either. Everyone could understand what he meant.

Didn’t I tell you? We are talking, talking about a very important thing, you tell them immediately!

Humpty Dumpty was very angry, and he wished to slap the ignorant subordinate in front of him.

Why is there such an idiot by his side?

Didn't you see that he and the tallest man in the team are now prisoners of people from these three different planets?

Although there are already their teams out there, what's the use? The last battle used a lot of people? Tanks and battleships were used, right?

Haven't he and the Supreme Elder, who was the special envoy of the boss at the time, easily captured by others?

What's the use of more people?!

It's just a bunch of waste!

The ignorant subordinate who was driven away, the short fat man turned around angrily, complained to Jiang Cheng and the top boss: "Look, we are all around us like this, they are just like fools. , Although you are constantly teaching them what to do, they just don’t understand and need you to repeat with them repeatedly.

He turned to Jiang Cheng: "You said, with such people, can you expect them to complete the work of resettling the victims in one day?

This is not my boast. Don't take office as my boss. When it comes to understanding his subordinates, he does not know as much as I do.

His boss nodded nonstop beside him, admitting that Dwarf Yeast was saying yes.

Disturbed by this small accident, the atmosphere became a bit relaxed.

Let’s continue with the topic just now," the group said, and he looked up at his boss: "I just simply forgot it. I think it takes at least four days for the placement of Shimin. This is what I have done. The fastest time you can think of. What do you think his boss thinks about it, nodding his head: "I guess it will take about this many days, but since you have said it will take four days, then I think You can't go wrong

The two of them turned to look at Ruojiang Cheng.

OK, then as you said, four days. "Jiang Cheng stared at them with cold eyes: "You set the date. If I haven't seen that batch of Shimin be appointed four days later, you'd better flee as far as you can and don't let me. Caught!

Humpty Dumpty nodded with his boss, full of compliments.

What we say is effective.

What we will not violate our promise.

Don't worry.

and many more.

Now that the affair here is over, Jiang Cheng took Yanran and Ba Lurong and was about to leave. When they were about to walk out of the door, two more ignorant subordinates actually blocked their way.

Go!" Zisheng said exhaustedly. He has made up his mind. When this matter is over, no, starting tomorrow, he will replace all these subordinates.

As a wise man, he can't stand the idiotic behavior of these subordinates.

Why are there no eyesight after following him for so long? Are these three people in front of them that these idiots can stop casually?

The two subordinates stepped aside in a shameless manner, and Jiang Cheng and Hunran left.

Humpty Dumpty stood by the window upstairs, his sullen eyes followed Ruo's back until their figure disappeared, and the short sign heaved a sigh of relief.

He picked up a teacup and slammed it against the wall, breaking it.

Unexpectedly, the cracking sound of the teacup attracted their subordinates again, and they came to their eldest again to check if something happened again.

Xiaopizi was like crazy, constantly hitting his subordinates, on the one hand, of course, to vent the anger he had just felt in his heart, on the other hand, he was really angry with these foolish subordinates.

Those subordinates are not moving, they can only stand there properly, letting their superiors beat and scold them.

In the end, Humpty Dumpty was tired from the fight, and his anger was vented. He dragged his tired body, and waved his hands dumbly: "Go down, don't bother us again," suddenly he remembered something, and stopped the few subordinates who were about to leave: You, 650 starts tomorrow On vacation, don’t worry, it’s not expelling you, it’s paid vacation. Those subordinates just got hit and write, saying that they are not angry at all, it must be fake, maybe someone is cursing him pleasantly. But now I heard that the boss was going to give them a holiday, knowing that it was compensation for the beating and scolding that I had just received, and I became happy and felt that the beating was not in vain.

The eldest man in the team looked at his companion happily, saying: "Awesome, slap and give a sweet date. In this way, the subordinates will not feel resentment towards you and will be used by you. , High, really high!

Humpty Dumpty sighed and ignored his boss.

"Why? Still angry about what happened just now?" his boss asked him.

The dwarf group said viciously: "I am on the planet Delmar, my hands are clouds and rain, and now I am stepped on my feet by these three people from different planets. I hit and scold if I want to. I can't swallow it!

His boss looked at Humpty Dumpty's distorted expression and the gloomy gaze in his eyes, and he couldn't help but feel cold.

He didn't know the animal style that this short fat man must report to sleep, and judging from his usual style, his methods are also very vicious. It is indeed a shame to be stepped under the feet of these three aliens this time.

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