Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1035: galaxy

The top boss of the Delmar team looked at this distorted subordinate in front of him. To be honest, although he is the boss, he was really scared to see his face.

As his colleague and enemy, he is basically aware of all the usual behaviors of Dumpty.

The group in front of him doesn’t look like he is mediocre, but he has been able to stand in the realm of Delmar for so many years, and he has become the boss of important departments in recent years, which shows that he There are indeed abilities that ordinary people do not have, and there are enough methods.

But he can't show it in his instructions. If it's too shameful in front of his subordinates, what do you plan to do?" He asked the short group: "You can't be impulsive when dealing with these people, they are not ordinary people.

We have been planted in front of them twice, and the man from the outer planet Gang オ has also revealed to us, if we dare to change any tricks, he will never let us go like this.

"I know, this is the reason why I hinted you not to agree to their request. The short fat man said sinisterly: "If you really fulfill the promise to the three people in one day and arrange all the victims properly, then we There is no time to deal with these three people.

Now that we have agreed to them, we can do a lot in these four days according to the deadline for our reply to them.

The short group said fiercely: "What you just said is also correct. The three enemies in front of us are not something we can easily provoke. Therefore, if we don't do it, we must do it quickly and quickly. very!

His boss said anxiously: "But we have all seen their power. Once we let them escape fortunately, I am afraid that their revenge is not something we can bear.

Yes, so we have to be cautious. If we impersonate our opponents without dying, then we will give them a chance to fight back. In this case, we might as well continue to be grandchildren, do things well according to their expectations, and then send them away. Leaving Delmar Planet々

The short fat man chuckled, he looked at his boss: "But I can't do this kind of thing. People step on me under my feet, and I have to smile at them!

Dumpty laughed disdainfully: "Instead of doing this, I might as well go and die with them!"

When his boss heard that Dumpty was so decisive, there was no room for loopholes, and he was very disapproving.

This dwarf is notoriously infamous in the realm of the planet Delmar. There are many comments on him such as humble, insidious, vicious, and must-reported, but he definitely does not include such words as Yongzheng.

Now that you have made up your mind to do a game with people from three different planets. As your colleague and now a comrade-in-arms with you, I will never quit. You can put 120 hearts.

However, "The highest eldest man in Team Snow changed his tone: "The power of the two of us is still slightly insufficient against the people of the three different planets. Look, did we bring him in?

Humpty Dumpty looked at his boss blankly, wondering where he "was sacred" in his words.

With a pretentious smile, his boss did not speak.

Let's take a look at Jiang Cheng Heran and the others who returned to the hotel. Although it was late at night after this setback, they were not sleepy.

Son-in-law and Ba Lu came to their teacher's room by appointment. Of course Jiang Cheng didn't sleep either. He was sitting at the table, watching the three-dimensional interstellar cloud picture in front of him attentively.

In front of him, there was a toy-like room with dozens of small and small planets that were reduced by N times. They were running according to their own laws. When he saw his two female disciples coming in, Jiang Cheng was excited. Zhiruo said to the greenest planet: "I seem to have seen this planet. At least this is the second time I have seen it in the galaxy cloud chart.

He knocked on the table and said to Ruomaran and Baluti with his fingers: "If we can get on this planet and ask me to confirm, I will be more confident.

He paused: "I have been away from the earth for so long, and I don't know if anything happened there.

Two of his students must not come here to discuss this matter with him.

Teacher, haven’t you noticed that the two masters of Delmar are too easy to talk? "Balluti is an anxious animal, she first asked: "The two of them must have bad intentions!

Well, although the two people had to bow their heads under our control, they were too obedient anyway. If it weren't for us to deal with them, look at their appearance, you would think they are good husbands.

Yan Ran said with a "Bah", and immediately said, "But who knows, their hearts are already broken!

Jiang Cheng nodded.

Seeing that their teacher did not express his opinion on this, but he and Baluti glanced at each other, and both saw a hint of surprise in each other's eyes.

Is their teacher already having a countermeasure?

They didn't believe that Jiang Cheng could not see the handsome minds of those two bad guys.

"You go to bed, it's getting late, we still have things to do tomorrow." Jiang Cheng ignored their questions and gently moved the topic away.

Now that the teacher said so, Yanran and Ba Lu could no longer insist on discussing this topic. They said goodnight to Jiang Cheng, and went back to bed with suspicion.

Jiang Cheng was not sleepy at all, his eyes left the galaxy cloud map in front of him, and he quietly thought.

Now, even his two female disciples have noticed that the two guys are very different, and he will not fail to notice it.

He just hopes that these two people will not challenge his patience. They are smart people, especially the short fat guy. Jiang Cheng can see that this man’s city is extremely deep and he is sinister. If most people associate with him, they really want to fight. Get twelve points to deal with him.

I hope he will not rely on his own cleverness and delusionate to do any unrealistic things. Once the short fat guy dared to do this, he would really lift a rock on his own feet, and he was afraid that it would not be easy for him to end the game.

Jiang Cheng sneered, he lifted his mind, and cast his gaze on the galaxy cloud map again, looking at the various large and small planets that were constantly moving, he thought again.

The night has slowly receded, and a faint light has appeared in the sky.

As soon as the sky lighted up, Jiang Cheng urged Bingran and Ba Lu to get up quickly. After a simple wash, they ate immediately. The victims were still waiting for them to help Ran and Ba Ludi without complaints. What the ordinary people who have suffered from flying disasters do will make them feel less guilty.

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