Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1037: Dangerous

Although the historians have a place to stay, they still return here every day to watch the ruins being sorted into suitable sites for building houses, and then watch the teams of construction workers drive into the scene, watching They are busy

Yanran and Ba Ludi also come back here every day, one reason is because they are really idle, they are waiting for the short fat guys to fulfill their promises.

For four days, in these four days, the short group must come up with a plan that they can trust. In addition, he must take certain practical actions. He only relies on his mouth to say, even if you say that it’s not a good thing. .

Another task of Yanran and Ba Ludi is to supervise the progress of these tasks. The cunning dwarf Tude only does a little superficial article to do them

So the two of them were basically here for the past two days, and they would not rush to the hotel until after dark, and then rush to the construction site at dawn the next day.

Jiang Cheng saw that there was nothing about him, and he was happy and lazy. Originally, he was not such a stubborn person. In fact, he hated dealing with these ordinary people. The fact is that he and them are originally from two worlds. .

And now, he has two more remarkable female disciples. They are strong and talented, and they are his capable assistants.

So Jiang Cheng spent the past two days happily reading books or studying galaxy cloud pictures in the hotel, and he had a very leisurely life.

As for Ran and Ba Lu, he ran to the noisy construction site every day, and he didn't even bother.

The short fat man God also sent his men to report to him about the progress of the resettlement of the victims in the past two days. Although Jiang Chengjing did not want to listen, the short man's subordinates were still faithful and dedicated to telling him the progress of various projects in detail. Listen, it is annoying to make Jiang Cheng.

It happened that the person reporting to him was someone who was too old and looked pedantic. He ignored Jiang Cheng's expression at all, and said everything he wanted to say every day.

As for whether Jiang Cheng listened, or how much he listened to, it didn't matter to him.

After two days of such calm days, on the third day, something unusual finally happened.

On the morning of the third day, not long after the work started on the construction site, a group of people suddenly came and hated the workers to stop their work and stop them from working.

Of course those workers ignore them and do not work. Where can they get their wages? The sooner the project ends, the sooner they can get their wages and get more.

Now a group of people have suddenly emerged to prevent them from working, and they certainly disagree.

First there was a quarrel, and then they fought, and as the situation progressed, they actually used their weapons.

The group of people who did not let the work start must have come prepared. Although they were a bit smaller than the workers, they all had considerable skills. When the situation developed to the point where they started, they drew various sticks from their bodies. , Began beating workers who were caught off guard.

In this situation, even though there are more than a dozen victims standing by, how can they still be involved? Apart from running to a safe distance in a panic, they shouted: "Don't fight. , It's about to fight, and then it will kill people. "In such a way, what else can they do?

When encountering such a thing, of course, and Baluti would not stand on the sidelines, not to mention these workers, it is equivalent to indirectly serving them, they are also innocent passers-by who are unreasonably taken by others, and they are absolutely jealous. Will not stand on the sidelines.


Besides, this incident happened in front of their eyes. It would be better to kill them if they didn't ask.

Therefore, Ran and Ba Lu came forward to stop those mobs who came to week affairs. They told those who came to find troubles that this was a resettlement project from the mansion. If these people are ignorant, it is interfering with the progress of the project. The relevant personnel of the mansion will certainly not let them go.

Unexpectedly, these disciples didn’t put the mansion mentioned by Yan Ran in their eyes. They shouted, pointed at Ran and Baluti with the sticks in their hands, and asked them to get out of here, and then they returned He said something very ugly.

How can Ran and Balu endure these horrible guys splashing dirty water on themselves? So as soon as the thugs spoke, the two of them rushed up and began to punch them.

The group of thugs did not make any concessions at all, they also rushed up with the very fierce club in Ruo's hand, and instantly fought Bing Ran and the others.

Although the number of these disciples was several times that of them, and they still carried murder weapons, they quickly fell to the ground under Ran and Ba Luluo's climb.

However, and Baluti hated their swear words, so they were not polite at all, except that they didn't kill them. They weren't murderers, and they wouldn't kill people if they weren't necessary.

Under such circumstances, it is inevitable for those gangsters to break their circuits.

Looking at the moaning mobs lying on the ground all the time, Ran Heba Lu's anger vented a bit.

Those workers who had been bullied by the disciples also took the opportunity to hit them with courageous feet, picking up sticks and hitting them on their legs.

Suddenly, a large group of mobs rushed up with clubs and clubs. The workers fled, Yan Ran and Ba Lu greeted them.

No matter how fierce these people are, in their eyes, the star disciple in front of them is just a human sandbag, only to make them violent.

The two sides fought together.

For a while, I saw people fighting, **** and swinging their clubs. This fight was more intense than the previous one, and therefore more dangerous.

The fighting power of this group of thugs is much stronger than that of the other group of Doegang. In time, they have the upper hand slightly. Moreover, these followers are not only good at skills, but they also cooperate very well. , They have a degree of advance and retreat, and they play very well.

However, Heba Lu fell under the attack of these gangsters, and Sicha did not get the upper hand. They faced more than a dozen gangsters with murder weapons with bare hands, fighting very hard.

This is definitely not a gangster from Yingtong! Ran and Ba Luluo realized this at almost the same time. If even the gangsters on the planet Delmar could have such skills, it would be too unreasonable.

It's not that they haven't fought against the people of Delmar planet.

Just like last time in the small town of Delmar, Ran was an endorsement for a sports agency. As a result, when the sports agency saw that Ran would bring him unlimited business opportunities, he actually repented of the original agreement and wanted to force Ran to continue to act. Other things.

When Waran categorically refused, the agent had a wrong idea after seeing the action and saying that it had no effect.

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