Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1038: fighting

He believes that these two men and women from different planets seem to be gentle and gentle, and such people will definitely not be dealt with.

So he invited the local gang in the dark world to deal with Jiang Cheng Heran. He thought that after facing these arrogant people in the dark world, he and Jiang Cheng would obediently submit to me.

The fact is of course not what he imagined. When Bingran couldn't bear it, she started to fight back angrily.

Needless to say, the gangsters who were cancerous in the ground were assaulted. This was the result of her mercy, so some gangsters in the county just ran away with imitations.

And her teacher, Jiang Cheng, never saw the gangsters straight from the beginning to the end. He just pulled the agent to let him see with his own eyes how Yan Ran picked up these gangsters, and prevented him from sitting down because of her weak legs. .

However, the local hooligans that have been dealt with are normal, and these outstanding fighters in front of them definitely have a background.

You must know that the opponent of these thugs, Ran and Baluti, is an extremely rare sports genius in the human world. She is born with outstanding physical strength and has shown her ability to excel in sports from an early age.

I don’t know why, but I’m not very interested in other sports.

My favorite is not, Jing Qijing has been able to shoot her archery in the Galaxy Games, and even her teacher Jiang Cheng can't help but wear it.

Later, when she was on the Unknown Planet, she used this bow and arrow to go out early and return late every day, hunting and killing all kinds of things, so as to feed more than a dozen companions, large and small, who lived with her.

During this period, the harsh environment, fierce weirdness, and complicated climate peculiar to the nameless planet had unexpected benefits for her skills, especially Tang Lian in will, and brought her realm to a new height.

And another girl, Ba Lu, who lost her parents since she was a child, was adopted by a high-level member of the Hei Dianzi Group, which belongs to the first echelon in the dark world of the school. She has received various combat training under the guidance of different teachers since she was a child , She later became the most important killer in the Heijiezi group, and was often sent to perform some very handy tasks.

It can also be seen from this that Baluti is also an opponent that does not tolerate mice.

But it is these two girls with outstanding combat effectiveness. When facing these gangsters who don’t know where they came from, they can’t get the upper hand with their bare hands. That shows a problem. These gangsters know who they are. And they came prepared.

Seeing these gangsters with fierce light in their eyes, they waved their sticks and attacked the important parts such as their heads. It was clear that they were going to be put to death, where would they be making trouble?

Just in Biegang, even with the same god, a gangster stabbed her little boy with a sharp stick while she was not on guard. At the same time, another gangster behind her A silent stick to her neck. If it weren't for Baluti's timely pull, the two thugs' cooperative attack almost succeeded.

Such a poisonous and insidious style of play, a terrible trick, coupled with such a degree of tacit cooperation, shows that these gangsters are definitely not ordinary people, and Ba Lu glanced at each other, and the two of them accelerated their attack speed. Zhou Tian's enemies forced a few steps away, and through this gap, they jumped out of Yuanzi, who was surrounded by the criminals.

Yan Ran said: "Who are you guys!?

A gangster smiled sideways and said: "Want to know who we are? Then you call two uncles to listen to me, maybe if I am happy, I will tell you who we are.

The other gangsters burst into laughter, and some of the gangsters were even more embarrassed.

In fact, these thugs are all veterans with considerable combat experience. They want to take this opportunity to anger these two girls from different planets, so that when fighting, they will expose more flaws, so that they have What they didn't expect was that although the two girls in front of them were very young, their fighting experience was unexpectedly rich.

Hearing what these gangsters said, Bingran and Ba Lu not only did not become so furious that they lost their senses as they thought, but on the contrary, their faces were very calm, and even their eyes did not have a trace of emotion.

A bright light appeared on Yan Ran's palm, and the steel claw appeared silently. At the same time, Ba Lu also pulled out her two genus double swords from her waist.

The two girls have already moved to kill, and since the enemy is recruiting terribly, then they have no reason to be patient with them everywhere.

Killing, especially those opponents who are cruel to themselves, for these two girls, there is no difficulty at all.

Seeing the two girls holding weapons in front of them, their expressions were useful, and they put on an offensive posture without rushing. The thugs stopped talking, and they also looked calmly waving like clubs and preparing for another life and death. Kill.

The battle is on the verge!

This time, once the battle occurs, it will inevitably be divided into birth and death. It is not these thugs who survived, but Yanran and Balu.

With Ran and Ba Luluo on one side, the fight of the mob on the other side is about to begin.

Both sides showed heavy expressions, and they both knew that if they started again, they would definitely be born and die.

This battle will truly end if one side dies and exits.

Just when the two parties were about to trigger, suddenly a voice came over.

Stop! What are you doing!" The voice shouted angrily: "In broad daylight, your enemies are fighting openly in public places, and they are still fighting!

You, separate me all and throw away the weapons in your hands.

Everyone raised their heads to see, don't just when they were fighting, because their attention was not distracted, I don't know when they were actually covered by a group of chasing.

It was the Jing Ren who led the team who didn't talk to them.

You guys, don't run away! Follow me to the bureau to give a statement. "The man in the lead is probably in his forties and 25. He is not tall and the door is not small.

At this moment, his face was serious and his brows were tight, making his subordinates step forward and grasp what was in front of him.

Is there anyone here who wants to be caught by Jing Cha and back to the police station? Those mobs want to run for a while, but Jing Cha Jiping can't stop them.

The leader of the team drew a short gun and unceremoniously hit the mob who ran in front. Don't say that his marksmanship was really accurate. He was accurately shot in the calf by the guy.め" With a sound, the escaping thug fell to the ground.

This one really shocked everyone present.

Including Hurun Ran and Ba Luluo also couldn't figure out what was going on.

Originally, they thought that these scouts and these thugs were all in the same group, and if they both cooperated to perform a wonderful show, and the audience was the two of them.

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