Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1039: Watch a play

But as soon as the gunfire sounded, looking at the mob who fell to the ground and calling out, and then at the man's murderous expression, Bingran and Ba Luluo groan.

Could it be that this is what "bitter tricks"? But she can clearly remember that her teacher from the earth explained to her the "36 tricks".

She remembered that there was a lesson called Kurouji", which roughly meant that she hurt herself so as to deceive his goal, gain his trust, and then achieve the goal he wanted to achieve.

The members and disciples in front of them seem to be playing a "tricky trick".

Run! Show me the tortoise again! "The man didn't let the mob who fell down on the ground calling out, and with his move, the star disciple screamed even more you.

Ma Ran arrived at Ba Luluo, Ba Luqian nodded slightly, meaning she saw it too.

Someone was lying on the small wound of a gangster, and his piercing skin was constantly pressing on his feet, and the mob was crying in pain on the ground.

His accomplices were standing by, holding their heads tightly with their hands, but at such a close distance, facing the members of the gunpoint at them, they really didn't make any moves to stab them.

If this showman is really a disciple, and they collude to lure Ran to be fooled by Shang Ludi, then this kind of acting is too superb, too funny, and they have nothing to say about being compiled.

After the exposed person tortured the poor disciple, he leisurely came to Yan Ran and Ba Lu, facing the two beautiful girls, his expression still did not seem to loosen up.

You, also hand over your weapons! "The man said coldly.

We don't have weapons," Ran clapped hands: "Look, we don't. "There is indeed no weapon in her hand. Although there is a pair of silver gloves in her hand, no matter what, the glove is not a weapon.

The man snorted. He turned to look at Baluti. Baluti smiled and handed him the two short knives in his hand: "Jianren, we are defending ourselves. You have seen more than ten of them. , Beat our two little girls, you said we are all self-defense anyway?

That Jing Sheng said stiffly: "Whether it is self-defense or over-defense, this has to be a legal person, I just arrest people.

Ba Lu didn't say anything much like this wood-like guy, but repeatedly dinged the well man and remembered to return the knife to her after waiting for things to settle, because it was the knife she used for fruit.

The person ignored her, and after confiscating her double knives, he left here with everyone present.

The position of the exposed team that Luta is on is relatively safe, and there are only a few sparse players in the exposed team, some of which are old, in the eyes of Guo Ran and Ba Lvzhu, they are about to retreat. Age.

An old team member watched that so many of the most suspects were brought in at once, with a painful expression on the beckoning, and seeing that it was time for lunch, but suddenly so many people were caught back. Needless to say, don’t want to eat this lunch. It's stable.

However, the leader of the team was not too much. After handing everyone to the players, he easily extended a fake warmer and walked outside the excellent team.

Where are you going?" An veteran said: "You threw these guys to us like garbage. Do you want to go out and have fun?

Pleasure? I think too! "The man scolded angrily: "Will they give me this opportunity? They only use me like a dog.

The veteran smirked and smiled: "Oh, you are so capable. Don't those who are humans just like capable men like you? Look, you can still catch so many people when you go out on a street tour. .

240 The veteran couldn’t help it anymore. He whispered: "But this is about to have lunch, and some of my old buddies are still waiting for me to have a drink with them. "That’s none of my business. ," the man said irresponsibly:

Either you speed up the progress, or you can notify your old buddies now and talk to them and the appointment is cancelled.

The veteran smashed a ball of paper at the man viciously, and the man flashed past. He made a gesture to the veteran and left the team.

The old player shook his head, came to Ran and Ba Luluo, looked at them a few times, come with me

In the eyes of this old player Zairan and Baluti, any disguise could not help him hide anything, so the two of them knew at a glance that this old player was indeed an old man.

Moreover, although they don't know the age of retirement of the personnel at the Delmar Planet Mansion, the old man in front of them is probably out of luck.

"The new interrogation room, with so many people, seems to be able to use the new interrogation room." Said the veteran Nandi. He waved his hand to show the two girls in front of him to keep up with him, and he told them: "You better behave, don't try to run! Then I won't have to give you a hand, everyone is convenient

Ran and Baluti were brought into the well team because of a fight with the thugs. At first, they suspected that this was a collusion between the campers and the thugs and played a scene specifically for the two of them.

But as things progressed further, they found that all this did not seem to be a Yin lesson.

Is all of this really a coincidence? Yanran [] and Ba Lu have been watching with cold eyes. If it is a coincidence, it is really a coincidence. If there is a pre-class, unless The members here are all actors and actresses, and all of them are movie kings, otherwise everything they do will never escape Ran and Baluti's eyes.

Now that they are in the team, and the crime is nothing more than fighting, at most it is a "crowd fight". For Ran and Balu, who have experienced the sword and shadow, this is just a piece of cake. Putting things in your eyes, since it's here, then they will "just as they come".

The team of this team member is not big. Like the old team member, they soon came to the door of a house at the end. The old team member opened the door, looked inside, and said to himself, "The room is too big Small, to be interrogated separately.

He let Yanran go in first, and he wants to take Ba Ludi to the next room.

Both felt weird. What did they do separately? The veteran teammate said: "In order to prevent you from colluding.

Yan Ran and Ba Lu stuck out their tongues, and didn't say much.

Waiting for Ma Ran in the interrogation room was a young female team member. Although the five were not bad, her face was almost frozen when she saw it.

She sat in front of a table, coldly watching Bingran walk in front of her, frowning, the female team member said stiffly: "Sit!

On the opposite side of her table, there was a chair. Yan Ran looked at it and sat down.

The girl suddenly smiled at her: "Okay?

Yanran didn't understand what she meant, and replied blankly: "Okay? What's up?

As soon as the voice fell, something unusual happened suddenly.

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