Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1041: Panic

He can no longer control his mood in the face of being locked up tightly. In the past few days, he has been psychologically and physically devastated by people from these three alien planets. It almost made him about to post.

For example, he has lived in a high-ranking family since he was a child. He is a veritable second-generation man. At home, he is a real young master. From his parents to all the servants in the family, they are all like stars. Even his parents would not give him any face, let alone other people.

Ever since he was on the road to official career, he has been even more stubborn. In the past few decades, he has been the only one who beat and cursed others, and there was not even a person who opposed him. As for the number of people who confronted him, there is no such thing.

Who knew that after meeting these three people from different planets, he was not only spiritually repented by them, but Jizhi was treated roughly, and he was actually slapped several times by that man!

What a shame!

If he can bear such a deep hatred, he might as well die.

Now that he has finally caught two of the three women, his plan has been realized two-thirds, why is he not ecstatic?

Humpty Dumpty proceeded and stood in front of his exhaustion. His eyes were frantic and gloomy for a while, and he looked straight at her. He couldn't make up his mind for a moment, whether he was embarrassed to be slapped now, or wait until he got that. Should the men take revenge together after they are caught?

Ran looked at him coldly, watched the short fat man in front of her several times, raised his slap to slap her, and fortunately put it down.

Haven't you gotten the master?" But asking him, her tone was calm, she continued: "If you don't want to do something now, I'm afraid you won't have another chance!

Humpty Dumpty was irritated by Ran's words. He rushed to Yan Ran with a distorted face and his eyes full of anger.

"Is there no chance? Haha," Humpty Dumpty raised his head and slapped haha: "My opportunities will only increase!

If he said: "Wait until I catch the man who is with you, I will show you what will happen to the person who offends me!

Are you sure? "I was not frightened by his words, and there was still no expression in her eyes. She didn't avoid the short fat man at all, she stared straight at him.

The short group of people have never felt burned in such anger. Although the girl from this alien planet is already his prisoner, her expression is calm, and her tone still carries an indescribable sense, as if he has become The same as their parking.

Ran's attitude made Fatty almost crazy, he had never seen someone like this in front of him.

In the past, when he stood in front of the people he was about to deal with, all he saw in their eyes were cringe and despair. Those who deeply knew that once they were caught by the person in front of them, their fate How sad it will be.

If they still look at him at this time, look at his authority, and look at the power of life and death he holds over them, then not only will they die sadly, but their families will be affected by them.

Therefore, when facing this short fat man, the only hope of his prisoners is to plead guilty, begging him to give them a happy death.

And when facing these prisoners, whenever these prisoners looked at him with begging eyes, and didn't even have the courage to beg him to let them go, the pudgy heart would swell like a god. degree.

But the girl in front of me didn't!

Not only did she fail to confess his guilt to him, begging him to forgive herself, on the contrary, she looked at him with a gaze, as if he was the prisoner caught by her, as if she was the one who decided his life and death.

All this really makes the short fat man mad and angry.

He decided to show the color of the **** the alien planet who was full of inexplicable self-confidence before him, so that she could know who it was and the master here!

The short fat man gritted his teeth and slapped his face, thinking hard to look at the bright and lovely face in front of him, but it was very annoying!

Humpty Dumpty even imagined that his slap would leave five deep fingerprints on the battered face in front of him.

Although the fat man caught Bingran and Ba Ludi, Ran Jing did not lose his dignity because of falling into the enemy's hands.

Facing the triumphant short fat man, she was calm and calm, did not deliberately provoke him, but was neither humble nor overbearing, nor did she lose her own opinion in the slightest.

The group did not expect that this seemingly weak little knot mother was so difficult to deal with. He was so angry that he did not admit defeat but had a strong attitude. He could not understand how the girl from this alien planet in front of him was already It's his fourth grade, why is he still such a slapstick?

Ran's attitude made the dwarf very angry. He was even more pleased to see the cold gaze in the girl's eyes. In the kind of gaze that seemed to be contemptuous and ironic, he was very humble to have himself. Biological idea.

Finally, he was completely irritated, and the short fat man waved his hand and slapped him in the face.

The clear voice he imagined did not sound in [Biquge].

His hand was firmly grasped by the other hand.

Humpty Dumpty was taken aback, he could hardly believe his eyes: "You, you are, what?" He stammered speechless.

Ran's hand grabbed Xiaoqunzi's hand~.

How could she not expect that the short fat man who would go in and take off her face was pale, big beads of sweat kept rolling down from his forehead, gentle? His village shirt.

He clearly knew how bad the relationship between this girl and him was. Once she was free, what it meant to him and what he would end up with, the short fat man knew clearly in his heart.

He wanted to break free, but he felt ashamed that he had no strength at all, even though he was a man. After breaking free for a few times, the short fat man became more and more frightened, and he couldn't help screaming: "Let go of me, Ai Wei! Lu Wei!

Then speeded up the speed of taking off.

Although the dwarf caught Yanran, he didn't know much about it to know oneself and the enemy to survive all battles. The words of the earth flower family country must not be fully understood.

So after experiencing the first glorious time, he quickly defeated.

He ignored Ran's weapon.

By the time he was in contact with Ran, he also saw the silver sleeve on the ground, but he did not expect that this glove is made of a special metal, which can be slowed down according to the needs of the user. Slowly became a pair of steel claws.

He ignored Ran's weapon, so he lost.

Humpty Dumpty's horrified Tian Da's eyes, looking at Ran's steel claws, easily cut the steel bars that bound her.

Just now, although the hands of the ground were also tied by steel bars, only the hands were held. Her palms were not controlled, so she could still make the gloves slowly turn into steel claws, and cut the tie with sharp claws. Live her steel bar.

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