Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1042: Fighting

The broken steel bars fell to Ran's feet, and then cut the one that bound her body, and she could be free.

There was a rush of steps outside the door.

With a sound of Xiao Dang, the door was opened without authorization.

The teachers of the teams disguised as thugs rushed in. They took a glance and knew what was happening before them.

Without a word, a man who teaches to stretch out his hand is a knife, and he always grabs the hand of the short fat man.

In this situation, she was unstoppable, she could only retract her hand, and she couldn't resist at all, looking at the new strength that taught people.

The sword taught his boss back, and the teacher said to the others, "Take him away." He turned around and launched an attack on Ran.

This number of people is undoubtedly a veteran, he is experienced in fighting, and his vision is quite poisonous.

Since he discovered the key to solving the problem as soon as he entered the door, he first relieved Tian for his boss, and then he hurriedly ordered his subordinates to send his boss away.

One is that in this chaotic situation, his boss's dangerous beasts have greatly increased the danger of attacking him whether it is on his side or the enemy;

The second is that the dwarf has lost its effect here, and staying here will only get in the way and give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it. It is better to send him away instead, so there is no worries.

After the teacher asked his subordinates to give away the short sign, he casually stabs Yanran's neck. The attack is fierce and accurate, and it is a one-shot action.

Although there is still a steel belt tied to her body, it is not so convenient for her to move temporarily, but her double questions can be moved.

Facing the attack of this teaching person, Yan Ran leaned her neck back, trying to open the attack of that teaching person as much as possible, and at the same time, she was always ruthless to plant the department.

This foot is naturally restricted by her body, and she can’t give full play to her due speed and strength, but the gear is the key to a man. Although the strength of the girl from this alien planet is not very great, but In any case, the teacher is not betting with his cock.

Although if he didn't avoid it, this knife could kill Yan Ran. But what is certain is that his **** will also be kicked by her.

As for the result of the kick, the teacher does not want to know.

So in the face of Yan Ran's inevitable save, that teacher stepped back to open her attack.

It only takes about a second to teach people to hide and retreat and then move closer to Ran. However, don't be too small for this second.

On earth, a creature called a cheetah can run 28 meters per second

In North America, a small hummingbird **** its wings around 70 times per second;

In the universe, light has traveled 300,000 kilometers in one second.

Ordinary people don't think time is precious to them, they just live in chaos and have no special concept of the disappearance and departure of time.

Anyway, the sun rises and sets every day, and when I open and close my eyes, the day has passed.

But it is different for some special characters.

For example, for some scientists, time is so important to them. They work hard and work hard in their fields, hoping to make even a small amount of progress.

Similarly, for Ran, this second is very different for her.

Competing between masters, one second can often affect a person's life and death, which is what Yanran looks like to her.

When a teacher faced Ran's counterattack and had to make a temporary retreat, he left a precious second for Ran!

The steel claw of the last pot that was bound to her broke.

After seeing Ran get up from that special chair with his own eyes, the teachers sighed in disapproval.

The best chance is gone!

A second ago, it was the best opportunity to kill this terrible opponent, but even though the little girl in front of her looked young, the actual combat experience was quite abundant. The fleeting opportunity was seized, and she was originally treated for her. An attack that was a fatal blow is now useless.

The teacher slowed down the pace of the attack. He wanted to wait for more people on his side to come and form a united posture before attacking the girl. In this way, he can also attack the girl. So little.

However, she broke the last steel belt that tied her, and started from that chair, and the freedom she lost and regained suddenly returned to her. This strong sense of satisfaction made her unable to help but send out A long thank you.

However, she took a long breath, facing the guarded look, the country was in her Zhou country's enemies, she had to use great perseverance to reluctantly control herself and not launch an attack on them.

In the eyes of those enemies, although they had already fought against this person from a different planet in the drama, at this moment, Ran gave them a different feeling.

The person is still the same person. That's right, but compared with the person in front of him, there is a different difference from the person in other dramas.

If the girl from another planet who had just fought with them was just a master fighter, then she had already changed from the bottom of her heart.

They couldn't say clearly about this change, but their feelings kept reminding them that the girl in front of them was terrifying.

With a cold smile, she finally made up her mind just now and gave up attacking the enemy in front of her.

However, her body flickered, and when the country's several enemies were fully prepared, she suddenly jumped up, her body volleyed, her hand poked out, the pot claws in her hand touched the wall, her feet A quick one on the ambassador, his figure was easy to rise, passed through the enemies Bao Guo was holding her, and threw out from a window.

Killing the enemy is of course important, but it is definitely more important to teach teammates.

Ma Ran was anxious to get out of the encirclement of those enemies, but was not assured that Ba Luluo was also caught.

There was no one in the next room, but his heart sank.

She looked around in a panic, but still couldn't see Baluti's figure, for a moment she almost wanted to cry in panic.

Where is Ba Lu? Did the enemy take her away?

Behind her, a person's hand quietly put on Yan Ran's shoulder, Yan Ran was shocked, the enemy walked behind her and she hadn't noticed it, she just wanted to launch a counterattack. "

The man made a sound.

Suddenly relax, the voice of this Xi, isn't it her good friend Ba Lu, but it's silly?

No wonder she didn't react at all when she approached her.

A master of such a level, the body is very touching and extremely sensitive, and can easily distinguish different sources of information, and then deal with it in time.

How could it be you? "Balu didn't let it go and looked at Ruoran with confidence: "Did you not be fooled by them? Didn't you get caught by them?"

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