Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1043: task

Baluti is a curious baby who wants to know everything.

Although he was very curious about her encounter, the enemy's footsteps had already sounded outside the door, and it was obviously not the time to satisfy one's curiosity.

How are you? Can you still kill these enemies with me?" Then asked Ba Lu hastily.

I think, yes. "Baluti didn't seem to be completely sure, she went on to say: "Just now, a guy gave me medicine in the water. Although I found out in time, I still drank a little bit. "

Yan Ran picked up a chair and walked away from Ruomen. The enemy who was about to rush in was taken aback by her sudden attack.

However, taking advantage of this opportunity, anxiously asked Ba Lurong: "What then?

Then I felt dizzy and weak in my hands. I knew it was not good. In order not to attract the enemy’s attention, I pretended to go over the stage, "Ba Lüyue also hurriedly replied, and started a few moves. Act as one.

Taking advantage of a few small things to the door, Ba Lu added:

Then the enemies next to me discussed how to take me away. After saying a few words, they suddenly ran out of the house. I took the opportunity to stand up, found their faucet here, and washed my face. Just better

Ran nodded, and said to Ba Luluo: "Since you haven't fully recovered yet, don't go up and fight, let me come.

She looked at Baluti and said something special: "Remember, you are not allowed to follow me!

Ba Lu made an "eye" and walked slowly behind Bing Ran. This is not the time to succeed. If Ba Ludi forcefully joins the battle, the impact on the battle will be small and the enemy will be weak enough to attack. Link.

In this way, not only would she not be able to cause an effective attack on the enemy, but instead would become a breach for her own side, and the cunning enemy would definitely strengthen her attack and restrain her.

Baluti is also a person who has passed through swords, guns and swords. How could she not understand such a simple truth?

But now I was completely relieved, Ba was a little uncomfortable with the green fish, but that was a small problem that could be ignored, and now I have nothing to worry about.

She looked at the enemies who kept rushing into the room, her expression became calm, and she would never forget that these enemies are a group of good masters who cooperate with each other and have good skills.

Yanran's legs were Luwan, her body turned sideways to the enemy, her hands raised to protect her face and upper body, her hands slowly moved slightly, silver steel claws appeared in her hands, and the tips of her claws glowed with a glare.

The enemies who rushed into the room looked serious, and they knew exactly how powerful this girl from another planet was.

They slowly dispersed, and slowly formed a half-encircle to Yanran. The same weapon appeared in their hands. It was a standard shou. The whole shou was completely black, and it was shining with sharp silver. Light.

ーThe person moved slowly under his feet, approaching Yanpen.

This is their tactic. One person is sent to test the enemy, or to provoke the enemy's attack, while other people are standing nearby, putting tremendous pressure on the enemy on the one hand and waiting for opportunities on the other.

The enemy's tactics have been baptized in actual combat and continuously improved, and finally become what it is now. Relying on this tactics, they have won many victories.

The most important thing is this attacking enemy. He is often the most skilled person in the team. He is responsible for attracting the enemy's attacks and trying to resolve his attacks one by one.

At this time, the other enemies in Bao Tian will have two attack methods. One is to attack freely according to the actual situation in front of them, and the other is to attack under the code of an enemy in charge of command. The purpose of the attack.

This plan of fighting more with less has gone through many actual battles. A certain enemy who can defeat any of them in a single fight will often be defeated when facing their Bao Nation. .

Now they use this method to deal with the situation. Can their tactics succeed?

Can their attacks work?

Facing the slow approach of the person in charge of Ruo, she did not do anything to dodge, and she coldly looked at Ruo's opponent who was approaching her.

The closer he gets to the **** this alien planet, the more pressure on the person leading the attack, he can clearly feel that the cold sweat has slowly rolled down his seniority.

He is a special person in the team, and he must be strong, otherwise how can he bring out a special person like a wolf?

He also faced various opponents, various smugglers and robbers in the dark world; team members and special personnel commanded by hostile forces, as well as various prisoners who were arrested at the request of the personnel department.

In the process of fighting these enemies, he has been imitated more than once, and on several occasions he even almost lost his life, but under his leadership, their squad still defeated the enemy, killed the target, and completed the victory. Task.

At that time, he was not afraid of facing his enemies, yes, he was not afraid!

This is not because of his blind optimism or self-confidence. He is really not afraid.

Because he saw the enemy’s weakness, he saw the enemy’s fear, he saw the enemy’s fighting spirit slowly disappearing, so he was afraid that he would be imitated by the enemy, or even bear heavy imitation, he had never been afraid of the opponent, and he firmly believed that they would surely Get the final victory.

But the girl in front of him made him lose his confidence in winning, looking at the opponent in front of him, looking at her lifeless face, looking at her eyes with no trace of emotion, if not for her slightly shaking hands , He felt that he was fighting with a lifeless statue.

The teacher smiled bitterly in his heart. Although he has been in the team for more than ten years and has experienced countless battles, large and small, his opponents are flesh and blood opponents. At least they have feelings, whether they are angry or Rage, fear, they are all human.

But he has never fought against a statue. What is it like to defeat the statue? Does he beat her on a monument?

But Ba Lurong, who stood behind Yanran, had a different feeling from teaching it. Looking at her in front of her, although there was no change in appearance, the good friend Ba Lu Rong must have undergone a certain change in his heart. Slowly feel everything in front of me.

She secretly made up her mind. After the things here are over, she will definitely tell her this change. She feels that her good friend will not know what happened to her.

The teacher really didn't endure the tremendous pressure that he had put on him, so he launched the attack first.

His left hand swayed in front of Yan Ran's eyes, suddenly a palm hit her chin, and the dagger in his hand stab her lower abdomen.

I won’t move, I won’t move, but I will move first! But before Yuren started to move, her steel claws were already one step ahead of the enemy, and she was flying away from the enemy’s sight. Up, sweep the enemy's calf meridian.

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