Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1044: attack

The movements of the two are very fast, which can be described with electric light and flint.

At this time, the respected people surrounded by him had not made any response.

However, the steel claws of the left and right hands respectively resisted the enemy's attack. At the same time, her low sweep swept the enemy's shin bones.

It's just between breaths, before the instructor made any withdrawal or evasive action, Ran's low-position sweep has been sweeping on his calf six or seven consecutively, and a painful expression appeared on the face of the few people. He gritted his teeth and tried not to let himself scream loudly, but in his room, a trace of Ge hum could not be suppressed.

The sharp pain from his shin bone made his one almost flat, and he could only use his toes to touch the ground.

A sneer passed over Yan Ran's face, and the steel claws grabbed the enemy's face straight.

The enemies Bao Tian was holding her started to move.

Following a short and powerful reduction call from an enemy of unknown meaning, the two Jingren beside Yan Ran suddenly launched an attack, and the two daggers in their hands were assisted by Xiang Ran.

All the enemies of Bao Guozhu Juanran moved.

They cooperated with each other in an orderly manner, and in a blink of an eye, the teacher whose shin had been heavily imitated was replaced, and another enemy took his place.

Facing the offensive launched by the enemies on both sides of Ruo, Yan Ran's figure suddenly lowered, her legs formed a word on the ground, and the steel claws of her left and right hands grasped their hands mercilessly.

"An enemy reacted a little slower, Yanran's steel claws scratched on his hand yard. Although the movement was very light, it still left a long and deep wound on the enemy's hand fan. The imitation mouth gushes out. "Dang"

The imitation enemy can't even hold the capital in his hand.

The enemy's Bao Guo flickered again. The imitation enemy just breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to withdraw to the foreign country, but unfortunately he didn't mean to let him go.

The steel gourd waved in the enemy's bag, his body was spinning continuously, taking advantage of the chaos when the enemy was changing defenses, he suddenly launched an attack with all his strength.

In this battle, the enemy well is not the first time to change defenses, but the enemy in front of him has not made any targeted actions against this, which makes the enemy a little careless to a certain extent.

Therefore, when Yan Ran suddenly launched an attack when they changed their defenses this time, it was obviously too late for them to prepare. For a while, the enemy's rhythm was obviously disrupted.

Not to be missed.

This is also the teaching of his teacher from the home country of the earth flower. He once explained to Yan Ran in detail what this sentence means.

Jing cited specific examples to let her understand why this sentence has been circulating for thousands of years.

His cultural sacrifices did not leave him a chance to survive.

The enemy's attack suddenly stopped. He used his hands to enclose his own head, blood spurting out of it, meaningless noises from his mouth, and his whole body facing the sky, falling to the ground.

It's just the first enemy to die on the enemy side.

Of course, this is just the beginning.

Because of the lack of a person, these enemies have more flaws in their tactics, and in the constant battle with them, they have become more and more familiar with their attack methods.

Eyi "Another enemy fell tragically to the ground, his ribs were opened by the claws, and blood spurted out of the fake mouth with broken body tissues.

The injured man touched the ground for a few steps, put his legs together, and stopped moving.

Although two teammates have been killed one after another under the hands of the girls on this alien planet, these teachers have not been confused and lost their fighting spirit.

They just look more solemn and more cautious in their actions.

Yanran immediately understood their purpose. On the surface, they were trying to protect themselves, but in fact they wanted to delay time and wait for the arrival of the aid team.

He snorted, but where would leave them such a good opportunity? They have been out for such a long time this time, if they hurry, they can still have time for lunch.

Yan Ran accelerated the attack.

Another enemy screamed, but his luck was good. Under the attack of the **** this alien planet, he took a step back in time to avoid the danger of being broken by the steel claws in her hands.

Suddenly, an enemy did not retreat but instead moved forward. He tried his best to avoid Ran’s attack on his vital parts and slowly approached Yan Ran. At the same time, his companions also stepped up their offensive. Two people even took a parody of it. But they still did not retreat, and attacked desperately.

A bad omen suddenly appeared in her heart, barely making any pause, Yan Ran's figure was tall, saying that it was too late and then soon, the enemy who risked his death to approach him has opened his double pair, and is struggling to be attacked by Bingran. Have to live her tightly.

The enemy's attack method can be described as all-in-one. When they face the situation, like many enemies, they all know that they will also attack their weakness with the shortcomings of small strength.

It's a pity that Yan Ran's sacrifice was too high and Ji jumped up in time. The enemy couldn't hug her, and the enemy who hugged a Kong couldn't help raising his head to look at Ran who was jumping in the air.

After breaking away from the enemy's Baotian, after leaping up, she waved her hand and inserted the steel claw into the ceiling. After a while, she was in the air and fell outside the enemy's Baoguoyuan.

If the enemy has not yet organized an attack formation, he will not miss the opportunity to attack the enemy again.

After being separated from the enemy's Bao Tianyuan, the enemy's attack was greatly reduced. Under Yan Ran's powerful attack, he could no longer organize effective resistance.

There were two plops, and two more enemies fell to the ground. A hole was exposed in their hearts, blood was poured, and Liang Hong took a big shot on the ground after a meeting.

The teacher who had just acted as an attacker, ignoring the imitation pain of the shin bone, struggled and rushed up. At the same time, he gave an order: "Get out!

Several people in the country attacked as if they hadn't heard them, and they still kept their heads down and attacked.

Retreat! "The leading teacher roared, with an indisputable tone in his voice. Under the cover of his companions, several enemies slowly withdrew from the battle group.

The few remaining people were even more dangerous under the attack of the violent storm, and were struggling.

The instructor rushed up, holding his head with both hands, and his movements were wide open. He blocked all Yan Ran's attacks alone, and covered the rest of the recruits and retreated: "Retreat!

Those few people were dumbfounded. If they retreat again, then their captain can't even think about retreating.

Yan Ran and Ba Ludi were trapped in the team. Although by chance, neither of them allowed the enemy's conspiracy to succeed, but they also fell into the enemy's package.

Moreover, these people from Bao Guo and them are teachers of special people. Not only do they have outstanding skills, they also have a strong sense of teamwork. They don't care about personal gains and losses, and even make sacrifices for the collective or team. consciousness.

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