Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1045: Hard fight

This is the case for the current teacher. As the captain of the team, he has a certain degree of understanding of his opponents. He knows that if he doesn't quickly get his players out, I'm afraid they will all be here today, so he successively Give an order to order his men to retreat quickly.

Under his arrangement, the first group of team members retreated. Although Yan Ran was unwilling to do so, she did not want to let the enemy go so comfortably, but the remaining enemies desperately resisted for a while, and she had no better way to stop her. They retreated.

When the captain ordered the second batch of team members to retreat, everyone understood that their captain wanted to sacrifice him alone to protect the rest, but the more he was like this, the more they could not leave him. Under such circumstances, how could they abandon him?

The captain was holding two daggers, his face was 123 fierce, his eyes were full of firmness, he was desperately attacking Ruoran, and he only slightly blocked the steel claws that Yanran stabbed. He was quickly on the passive side of the team, his ability was already so much worse than before, and now attacking in this way with a body imitation is tantamount to looking for death.

If he adopts a tight defensive position, it will happen for a while, Bingran may still have nothing to do with him.

But in that case, he wouldn't want to block Ma Ran's offensive, let alone protect other people away.

Rewind! "These were the last two words the captain uttered under Ran's attack. He gritted his teeth, and these two words seemed to squeeze out his mouth.

He didn't dare to open his mouth, because he was afraid that he would lose his breath when he opened his mouth. His men looked at him for the last time, with tears in their eyes, and quickly retreated.

Of course, he did not show mercy to the captain because of his heroic behavior. She can remember how the captain wanted to put her to death just now.

Steel Claw made the sound of Slala, although the captain had tried his best to resist, but his skills were not as good as others, so he attacked him with ten moves [八一中文网] He can block four moves at most, and the rest The unblocked attack quickly drew an imitation of different depths on his body. ,

The captain's body was bathed in blood, and every attack was accompanied by a flying rain of blood. Soon, his movements slowed down, his body opened up, and the movement of his gulping body slowed down, finally , After Ran made a heavy blow, he said.

His throat cracked a big mouth, blood gushing out in large sections, the captain's head slowly tilted back, and then the first one died.

Then she took a cold look at his corpse and wiped off the blood stains. She didn't take a second look at the corpse in this place. She turned to Ba Luluo: "What do you think now? Can you go by yourself?

Secretly surprised to kill mercilessly, Ba Lu never expected that this good friend of hers usually looks quiet and quiet, why is it so ruthless once she started, she felt that she must ask her this question 'S teacher replied, maybe he would know something.

Let's go," then urged her: "Can you still go?

"Shout, I'm fine, fine," Baluti wakes up like a dream, and she moves her body joints a few times: "I'm much better, I'm fine.

"You better be careful!" Then he told her: "The enemy won't just be willing to be like this, we must be careful.

, I know!" Ba Luxi said to the ground: "It is so safe now, are the enemies of the brigade waiting outside the exposed team, and when we go out, they will start firing at us?"

Cut, don't mind. "Guoran took the opportunity to hit her: "Your little head knows how to eat. "Ran Xiaoba Luti: "The enemy will not be like last time, they have already learned a lesson.

"Except for some people in close combat with us, they will never send teams to fight us like last time.

"I know I know that they are afraid of overwhelming things, and they are flying and tanking, and they will alarm our teacher, right?" Green asked.

"Quan nodded: "Let's go, let's go out and see how Kuan can go back and don't guess here. "She urged Ba Green: "You pick up two weapons on the ground than the first one. Although it's not the original hand, it's better than nothing?

Good, good. "According to what Ran said, Ba Lu picked up the Bishou who had fallen in a pool of blood from the ground: "Okay, let's go.

The two people were careful and walked out of the room slowly, but there was not a large group of people waiting for them as they thought outside, ready to stop them, and fight to the death with them.

It was quiet outside, not even a single person.

Ran and Ba Luluo glanced at each other, and both saw a hint of shock in each other's eyes.

This is abnormal

Duan has spent so much effort and effort, trying to catch everyone, is it just because they defeated the teachers, the enemy gave up attacking. Although the situation in front of us is very strange, it is true. That is, in this small well team, it is quiet and empty, not to mention that there is no one, not even a little movement.

Yan Ran and Ba Ludi became more surprised as they walked. The gate of the team was right in front of them. They walked a few steps quickly and arrived at the gate.

Although they had prepared for the worst and prepared to usher in another fierce battle when they rushed out of the door of the ringing team, no one appeared, and naturally there was no movement.

The gate of the well team was right in front of them, and they saw that not far from the gate, there were a few pedestrians walking leisurely and talking, and a few women bringing their own children to have a snack over there. Used in the store.

If they hadn't been on the team now, they would almost treat the encounter just now as a dream.

Baluti waved her head. Although she had wiped off the blood on her head, there were still blood stains in the blood trough of the dagger, as if to prove their experience just now.

However, they defeated the offensive launched by the teachers of the Delmar Star team and killed their captain.

Now, they are about to leave this well team, but there are no longer any enemies in front of them, the whole team is quiet, no one can see

This phenomenon is really weird, but even with Ba Lurong, they didn't expect them to come to such a thing quickly.

In their imagination, what they should face is the swarming enemies. Although these enemies are not equipped with those sophisticated weapons, they have not used those spaceships and tanks, but they will still hold all kinds of weapons to prevent her from leaving this well. team.

They were ready to face a large number of enemies, and Barrutti even picked up two rivals left in the enemy's corpse, ready to fight hard with Jingren.

Take a few steps, and the gate of the team is in front of them, they are leaving the team

There is still no movement.

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