Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1046: Thinking

Yan Ran and Ba Luluo glanced at each other and walked out of the gate of Team Jing.

Pedestrians kept passing by outside the team. Several young girls were playing skateboarding on the side of the road. An elderly couple was walking slowly with each other's arms.

The gentle breeze is scented with flowers, blowing Ran and Ba Lvdi’s long hair. Not far away is the green grass and the tree shadow Poan. No matter who the scene is in front of him, he has to admit that this is the whole thing. A peaceful and tranquil world.

"You are out now." Jiaoran and Ba Luluo heard the familiar voices, and the two hurriedly turned their heads.

Teacher! Why are you here? "The two girls were surprised.

Of course they knew that their teacher would find this place. It’s no surprise that he was just guarding the well team. He didn’t seem to worry about them in the well team at all. You must know that just now, they were still fighting with the enemy. We had a fierce battle.

Jiang Cheng was very relaxed, he smiled slightly: "Why can't I come here? He takes the lead to walk towards a transportation spaceship that is not far away: "Let's go, we still have some things to deal with.

Yan Ran and Ba Ludi didn't say much, they took a few steps to follow Jiang Cheng, and boarded the transportation spacecraft.

Jiang Cheng started the spacecraft, and then and Baluti looked at the receding scenery outside the ship, and finally discovered the green belt. She was surprised and said, "Teacher, are we going to the gunboat?

Jiang Cheng nodded: "Just go there.

But, we..." Barretti couldn't speak anymore, she suddenly said: Teacher, are we dying fast?

Ma Ran "pushed" and laughed, even Jiang Cheng couldn't help but laughed, Ba was green and Qiangran

Born in the dark world, he is an important figure in the Heilongzi Group, and he is also a cold-blooded killer who frightens many people.

However, she still has a pure side.

However, she would only show such a simple face in front of people she trusted, which showed that she was completely relaxed.

That's why she didn't speak through the brain, and said whatever she thought.

It just so happened to confirm the sentence "the more straightforward will lose".

Ran smiled and said, "Although I don't know what we are going to do at the gunboat right now, but I know, we are definitely not about to run away." She turned her head and looked at Jiang Cheng: "Teacher, am I right?

Jiang Cheng nodded.

Ba Luluo said unconvincedly: "You said it wasn't a runaway, so why are we going to the gun in a panic?

She paused and continued: "Speaking of fighting, the three of us are not afraid of the wasteful period of the Delmar planet even if we are bare-handed, so why [Chapter Novel] must use a gunboat?

Ba Lu wanted to continue, but stretched out her hand to live her, and the two of them were in a group for a time, and there was laughter in the spacecraft.

Jiang Cheng drove the spaceship on his own, and did not stop him from these two female disciples.

In fact, he likes to have them accompany him very much. He has always been walking in this world as an individual. Although he is drunk, sometimes it is inevitable to be lonely.

Although as a strong man, he hates the feeling of loneliness, to a certain extent he does not reject this feeling, and sometimes he even treats this feeling as if he enjoys it.

But it can't always be like this, right?

Now that he has these two female disciples, he feels different again.

These two female disciples love to talk about love, but they are very divided. They bring Jiang Cheng a happy feeling, but they don’t make him feel smooth. They are his disciples, but more often, he and They are friends, good friends.

When Jiang Cheng thought about this, he couldn't help but feel amused for having such thoughts. Without looking at his appearance, who would know that he is already an "old man" over a hundred years old?

After a long time of baptism, do people his age still need friends?

Jiang Cheng shook his head slightly for the difficult ones.

He wasn't making the action too obvious. Once the two little girls saw them, they would ask him why he shook his head? Is there something unhappy that needs them to enlighten him?

They have to beat him to death and drive him away, they will laugh and stop asking questions

Jiang Cheng calmed down, he wanted to hear what he said.

His female disciple is not only a rare sports genius in the universe, she has top-notch physical talents, and she is also an extremely intelligent person, having the title of "God" since she was a child.

Ma Ran pondered for a while, and slowly analyzed: "Why are there no enemies outside the team, which is so different from what we imagined? I think this is all the teacher, what have you done?

"Otherwise, the enemy would never let the two of us off so easily. They worked so hard to catch us one by one. In such a situation, how could they see if we escaped easily and didn't do it? Stop it? How could they easily stop?

"So it must be the teacher, what you have done! To that short fat guy, or the top boss of that team, maybe there is also their boss who talks face to face with a back cover.

Bingran stopped here when she said that she was sorting out her thoughts. The Ba Lv Gang next to her looked at her in amazement. Yan Ran's analysis was very reasonable. Her analysis relied on facts instead of thinking. Ludi was very impressed.

Then he asked Jiang Cheng: "Teacher, am I right?

Jiang Cheng nodded: "At least so far, it's correct. Can you continue

I think about it. "Bingran's slender eyebrows are thinking again.

I said, I said, it's up to me. "Baluti waved her hand, her words interrupted Ran's thoughts, and Yan Ran gently patted her hand: "You say you say it! It doesn't look like how I can deal with you!

Jiang Cheng couldn't help but smile when he heard Ma Ran's tone of voice.

In the Hua family country a long time ago, there was a saying called martial arts, and another saying called Jianghu. At that time, according to different types of martial arts, they were divided into many sects. Each sect had a master, and correspondingly, there were There will be disciples on the side of the teacher.

And the first disciple accepted by each master always has a higher status than the other disciples. This one who gets started first is called the big disciple. He is the contact between the master and other disciples and is in front of other disciples. At least part of him is a master.

At the very least, he has the right to supervise and even punish them in front of other teachers, the "8030" brothers.

And the tone of Yanran's speech to Baluti just now, although it contains a spoiling for Baluti, but there is also a hint of threat in the words. This tone sounds like a big disciple of ancient times. Up.

When Barrotti heard Yan Ran say this to her, she imitated a grimace at her, and then she cleared Qingzi and spoke slowly.

First of all, I told Cheng Bingran that the teacher must have done something. "Hearing Yan Ran sticking out her tongue at her, Ba Lv ignored her and continued speaking.

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