Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1051: opponent

Humpty Dumpty watched with satisfaction at his constant adjustment of the survivor and making arrangements. He was very fortunate that he had a good eye for understanding people.

This commander was originally a member of the garrison of the capital city. Later, due to life style issues, he was transferred from the capital city and dispatched to a remote satellite to serve as a polished commander.

Once in a chat, the dwarf learned about this commander. Of course, it was not his encounter that aroused his curiosity, but because the commander was constantly shaking his head and sighing.

According to him, this commander is a very capable person. For a small problem, his opponent took the opportunity to retaliate, sentenced to human rights, and sent it to a distant planet. It was too much.

Ai Pizi stood beside him. On the surface, if he hadn’t noticed the conversation between these two men at all, in fact, he kept the content of their conversation in his mind. A few days later, he ordered the command The man was transferred from a distant satellite to the planet where Dumpty Dumpty’s lair was located.

The commander didn't know what was going on at the beginning. He was in his middle age, but was treated so unfairly because of a small crime. His heart was gone, and he even thought of suicide several times.

Now he was transferred here inexplicably. Originally, he didn't care about what he was, but when the short fat man personally greeted him who had just got off the spaceship, he was so moved that he almost shed tears.

What status is Humpty Dumpty? As a team member, he certainly knows very well that now, a person with such a prominent status actually came to meet him personally and pick up the plane for him. There are people who look up to him like this, not to mention being an expert, but a good person. If he did this, he would be grateful.

Therefore, just when this Zhihui person stepped down to Feiqi, when he first saw the dwarf, he regarded him as a confidant.

Especially when the dwarf was straightforward and gave the order to announce that he was the leader of the highest team stationed on this satellite, he thumped and Buyuan was present. "There were many people standing there, and he burst into tears.

On the one hand, I finally found a way to get started because of my grievances. On the other hand, I was excited because someone knew him so well.

Fatty has been in the field for decades. Almost half of him have been playing with various conspiracy methods. No one is more familiar with various methods of pulling people or attacking people.

For another example, he personally picked up the plane for this commander, and in front of so many people, he personally confessed to the treatment of his highest commander, and everything he did was precisely for this commander to be able to give it to him.

This is his elder, and there must be someone who he completely trusts and absolutely obeys him, here to help him guard his final territory.

And the commander in front of him was the most suitable candidate he chose.

The conductor did have two plays. After listening to Humpty Dumpty's account of the grievances between him on the planet Delmar and the three people from different planets, he also pondered for a long time.

According to his boss, these three people are indeed not simple, and listening to his boss’s tone, there will never be a possibility of negotiation between them, either life or death, there will never be a third possibility. .

So how to deal with these three people? The commander thought about it carefully.

Among the three people, that man is undoubtedly someone with superpowers, and the two around him are relatively weak, and it seems that he can only start with those two.

As for how the man will deal with them in the future, that is the future.

And to deal with the two, face-to-face killing is definitely not a good way. In the description of the short fat man, he heard the fighting situation of the special people teaching people to join a foreign planet together.

As a team member, he certainly knows how terrifying the strength of those special people who teach people when they join hands to deal with one person.

Under this circumstance, none of them could defeat that alien planet, and they could only retreat when their losses were great, which had to worry him.

According to this situation, even if they, all the personnel in the base work together to deal with this, they have no chance of winning, not to mention that there are companions on this other planet.

Companion, a man whose strength is no less than hers, and a man whose strength is far superior to her.

The commander thought of this and couldn't help shook his head. With their current strength, it was impossible to be the opponent of these three people. If some of them could not die, they should be thankful.

In view of this situation, the best way to attack is to kill their vehicles in space.

In any case, this method is more likely to win than screen kills face to face with them.

While the commander was still thinking, a messenger came in to report and asked him to accept an urgent document from the capital of Delmar.

The commander and the short fat guy glanced at each other. As usual, their base will also accept various documents from the Dema Star team.

But now in peacetime, there are very few urgent documents of this kind, and no urgent documents have been passed on from the team headquarters for decades.

The conductor turned on the monitor, and he watched the file from Delmar Xingqiu together with the short fat man.

This is a video file. It can be seen from the picture that this is the old mansion of the planet Delmar.

As usual, there is nothing special about the old mansion, and they could almost see a helper yawning because of impending impending surprise.

The two of them watched patiently.

After a while, a man's figure appeared at the gate of the old mansion. He and the guard standing guard were talking about something.

Just when the conductor was still wondering why even such a scene had to be recorded, he felt the short group around him tense.

The commander understood that this man must be the one from another planet, the one his boss feared.

It was this person who made his boss, who had always been arrogant and arrogant because of his position, escape here in a hurry.

The conductor continued to watch the next screen.

He hardly believed what he saw with his eyes. Is the man still a human in the picture?

Watching his ghostly figure in the boss’s mansion, ruthlessly killing him, watching his exquisite and brutal killing methods when facing the brigade’s helpers and well-trained agents. The corpse and bloodstains left behind in the passing place felt the fear and shock from the heart.

He can't deal with this person!

The commander smiled bitterly in his heart, he could not even use human "to describe the opponent he was about to meet

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