Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1052: emission

Humpty Dumpty kept watching his face next to the commander, and finally he was very dull to find that the commander already had fear in his heart.

Humpty Dumpty didn't blame him, no matter what kind of person he was, he would feel scared after facing the man who disturbed him like a monster.

"Now you have seen it all," the short fat man asked in a deep voice, "do you have any good way?

The commander shook his head with a wry smile. He didn't want the boss in front of him. He asked a question that was not what he asked: "I'm very surprised. How did you provoke such an opponent?

You don't have a good way? "The short fat man answered the same question.

"No," the man said frankly and answered the question of the dwarf: "You have also seen such a man," the commander swallowed, "Is he still a human being"

He asked Humpty Dumpty.

Humpty Dumpty nodded and shook his head.

Commander Renjing didn't understand the meaning of Humpty Dumpty's actions at the moment, but he continued to speak for himself.

"Even if he is a human being, he is also a person with superpowers, and I and my subordinates can only be regarded as the strong among ordinary people, but in the final analysis, we are still human

The Command Palace smiled bitterly again: It can even be said that our skill is not too different from the strength of the boss's personal bodyguards, but you can see that those people have no strength to fight back under his hands and can only let him Random mercy.

According to your opinion, then we just sit here obediently, waiting for these three people to take care of us? "The short group's tone is flat.

Of course, Zhihuiren heard the dissatisfaction in the short group's tone, and he quickly denied it.

No, no, it’s not like you said, “I’ve commanded the crowd, I think it’s better to tell the truth: “Although all the people on our base are not the opponents of these three alien planets, we still Yes, we will try our best to ensure your safety. You can rest assured.

Humpty Dumpty snorted coldly: "You are not their opponents anymore, how can you protect me?

I mean, before the three people arrive, you must run away again from this unnamed planet.

The commander looked like a dwarf, with a bit of sincerity in his tone: "You only need to avoid them during this period of time. They are from a different planet and will not stay for a long time on the planet Delmar, but after they are gone , You can come back again and continue your life.

And after I escape, you don't need to do anything with these three people from different planets. You might even become friends, right? "The humpty dumpty ignored the commander's kindness, he was bitterly ironic.

No," the commander stared into the eyes of Humpty Dumpty: "I assure you with the honor of a team that we will never do anything like that.

Moreover, we will be the first to attack them!

No matter from which aspect, whether it is to protect you or to defend the satellite, this is our station. "

In Lao Li where Humpty Dumpty is hiding, Dumpty Dumpty and the highest team commander here are discussing how to deal with their upcoming enemy.

These three men and women from different planets are superb and ruthless, making the commander here feel very accurate.

After reading the information from the capital city in time, he deeply felt that these three people were definitely not something that the hundreds of them here could handle.

After he thought about it carefully, he thought that if he wanted to start a face-to-face battle with these three people, unless there was a miracle, they would never have any chance of winning.

And miracles, huh, probably won't happen to them.

The only way now is to attack the people on these three alien planets before they land, and strive to destroy them in their spacecraft in space.

The commander also suggested that the short group should not be here, but continue to flee between various planets. Only in this way, the three people have no possibility of catching him.

Moreover, as a non-Delmar galaxy person, they will not stay here for a long time.

They wouldn't have been waiting here for short fat guys.

And once the humpty fat guy left here, wandering in the universe non-stop, with the cosmic cleanliness, the three people had no possibility of catching him.

I have to say that the commander's proposal is very reasonable and pertinent.

But Humpty Dumpty didn't listen to him.

Humpty Dumpty saves people’s belly with his own heart, and his heart is gloomy, thinking that others are like

He suspects that this commander is selfish, and once he leaves here, he will hook up with people from those three different planets, and maybe even betray him.

So after listening to the conductor's advice, he was dubious.

In the end he decided that he would not leave here for the time being, and wait until the fighting team became clear before making plans.

Although the commander repeatedly suggested to him that it was the best opportunity to take advantage of the three people before they arrived, but he categorically rejected it.

Speaking to this level, but the short fat guy just didn't listen, the commander only sighed and went to work on his own affairs.

It's almost where the short fat guy is hiding. "Looking at the red dots on the galaxy cloud chart getting closer and bluer, Ba Lulu mentioned her teacher and Yanran.

Got it. "Sit in the gunner's position and start preparing.

With her proficient movements with both hands on the stage, the voices of prompts continued to sound.

The main energy is filled and can be launched at any time.

The energy armor has been fully activated.

The DS attack missile is ready for launch at any time.

The No. 2 and No. 3 laser guns are ready.

An unnamed satellite that was sent to space for ring and patrol missions was slowly cruising, but unlike Jiang Cheng, who was fully prepared, the people in the gunboat were full of people.

Although the team commander of the base asked them to lift off and pay attention to searching for possible enemies, they did not take the commander's words seriously.

Suddenly, a soldier who was monitoring the radar took up his post: "A spacecraft of unknown origin was found entering our defense Fan Tian.

There was an immediate commotion in the gunboat, and Xi Shi walked a few steps in front of the radar, and the machine pulled away the scholar in front of him: "Go to the side! Return to their respective combat positions!

After looking at the flying objects flying fast on the radar, the captain ordered: "Everyone is ready for battle.

The man on duty reported to me the preparations of the gun.

A scholar stared at the console and said loudly: "The main gun has been prepared, and all the secondary guns have entered the battle state.

Another scholar then reported: The gunboat's defenses have been fully opened, and the reserve energy is sufficient.

Eyes, okay!" The captain nodded, and he continued to pinch down: "Immediately contact the No. 2 gunboat and report the situation here to the base. Immediately!

His servants began to get busy.

The captain stared at the radar with heavy eyes. The commander in the base had already issued an order to him just now, pointing out that the enemy coming here is very fierce and must be treated with care.

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