Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1053: luck

He didn't want to die, long secretly thought that he had twelve points of spirit, ready for the upcoming battle.

Compared with the gunboats of the Delmar Star team, Jiang Cheng and the others are far behind. Bi Jing and the others are now driving very well. Although the sacrifices are not bad, they are still incomparable with the Mansion team.

Therefore, the team's gunboats have discovered their whereabouts first, and they still don't know the enemy's location.

In the team’s gunboat, the captain was still working on the monitor, and his deputy suddenly said: "Ha, it turns out it is this kind of boat.

The captain was also happy: "It is actually a model that has been retired 20 years ago. Now we have a greater chance of winning."

He turned his head and asked the man on duty: How long will it take for the second gunboat to meet us?

The scholar looked at the radar: "About four minutes.

The captain rubbed his hands and said excitedly: "Well, then we will attack first and not wait for them.

He said to the deputy: "If we face the enemy alone, do you think our chances of winning are big?

The deputy pointed out that if the monitor disdainfully said: "First, the enemy's gunboats are far from being as advanced as ours. Second, our soldiers are strictly trained; and they.

He shook his head: "As far as I know, after our team’s gunboats are retired, they are often bought by people in the dark world with various excuses. Compared to our taxis, they are at most just a group of people. The birds are all together!

Therefore, I think that we have at least 80% chance of defeating the other side. "He added.

He put his head slightly, he was more cautious than this deputy, not as optimistic as him, but he was the analysis of the deputy.

As a regular team member, they often can't afford other local teams or teams that are not as good as theirs.

As for people like those in the dark world, he didn't even care about it.

The mob! The captain smiled slightly.

Hit it!" The deputy looked at his boss with eager eyes, his tone full of eagerness.

"Meet one" The captain said again, and finally, the hope of winning overwhelmed everything.

"Okay, hit!" He gave the order briefly.

The deputy shook his fist in excitement and began to convey his orders.

Captain Ting took a deep breath with the enemy's guns on the display, and his hands clenched involuntarily.

The enemy had discovered Jiang Cheng and the others first, and they had already entered an attacking state, but Jiang Cheng and the others had no idea about the situation.

This is the gap between the equipment, and this is why the command manpower of the base asks for a battle with people on these three different planets in space.

The target planet was right in front of them, and Jiang Cheng and the others became more cautious.

It doesn't matter if Jiang Cheng leaves any means of transportation, but his two disciples can't. At least for now, they must rely on the spacecraft.

Have you noticed anything?" Yan Ran asked Ba Lu.

No, it's weird. We are all approaching the enemy's planet. Why didn't they react?" Ba Lu replied.

A sign suddenly appeared in Jiang Cheng's heart, and he loudly said to Ba Ludi: "Turn!

Jiang Cheng's voice was filled with a very anxious taste, and Ba Luluo almost subconsciously reacted.

In the enemy’s gun, the captain and the deputy watched in a dull manner if the enemy gunboat, which had been firmly locked, suddenly turned a 180-degree bend, and the strong light from their main gun was rubbing. The tail of the enemy gunboat swept over.

The chief and the deputy looked at each other blankly, they really didn't understand how the enemy could do this.

Jiang Cheng saw that if the beam of light flying outside the window couldn't help but feel a little scared, it was fired by a large-caliber plasma cannon.

If it wasn't for their luck, if the shot just hit the weak part of the gunboat, it would be enough to disintegrate their gunboat.

Looking at his two female disciples again, the two little girls were so frightened by the shot that they turned pale, and they couldn't even speak for a while.

This is not a joke. Being hit by such a strong ion Asahi, only one turned out to be wiped out.

Stop babbling, pay attention to the enemy's movements! "Look at the two little girls who are still in fear, Jiang Cheng reminded them aloud.

Sure enough, of course, and Ba Ludi had just reacted, Ba Luluo easily made another S-shaped maneuver, and a missile flew under their gunboat.

In this way, Bingran and Ba Ludi were not afraid.

Why? Of course it is because there is a predictable humanoid radar around them.

The most important thing is that this human animal radar is much easier to use than the demand on a gunboat.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!" Looking at the table in front of him fiercely, everything in front of him was beyond common sense.

For the first time, their main artillery was the first to attack the enemy in a sneak attack. It was clear that the enemy had been firmly locked, but under the control they opened, the enemy turned a big bay in a ghostly manner.

If it was a coincidence, or the enemy’s luck, they would admit it.

But the missile of the school just now also shot an empty space. This can only be described as "magical".

The enemy's luck is so good, do they still need to fight?

Long gritted his teeth, he gave the order to retreat, Jing Qi rendezvous with the coming No. 2 gunboat.

The enemy is so difficult, so wait until your friend team arrives before making plans.

At the same time, he also reported to the base about encountering and fighting the enemy.

In the command room of the base, the short fat man couldn't help smiling bitterly while listening to the voice coming from the communicator.

The enemy was ahead of the enemy with its equipment, and the enemy was discovered first, and with the initiative in control, the enemy escaped.

The commander doesn’t think it’s the luck of the enemy. He said, "From your point of view, is this the superpower of the alien?

The humpty fat man raised his head blankly when he heard the words of the finger defender: "Although that person has a lot of abilities, if he has the ability to predict, then, is he still a human in the county!

Xiaoqunzi's complex became agitated, his face flushed, his veins violent, and suddenly he violently said: "I just don't believe it, is this person a god!

He ordered the commander: "At all costs, even if all the weapons and ammunition in the base are lighted up, it is necessary to

What should I do? He couldn't continue.

The commander poured a glass of water and handed it to him, while sighing why the person in front of him was so badly lucky that he would actually provoke such a person.

No, the commander quietly made a conclusion in his heart, Superman!

At least a superman.

However, not to mention superman, it is God, as long as it is his enemy, he must do his best to deal with him.

The commander ordered the air defense team to closely monitor every move of the enemy and us. If there is a suitable opportunity, they can fire directly without dispatch.

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