Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1054: sad

Finally, he specifically emphasized, any situation!

Hearing the eldest man’s deliberate horror, the scholar who received the order understood what he meant, that is to say, as long as the enemy's aircraft can be shot down, even the personnel who sacrificed their own side would not hesitate.

The enemy retreated," Ba Lu said loudly: "Teacher, they are frightened.

However, he nodded in support of her view: "I think it is the same. If it is not correct, why do they retreat?"

Jiang Cheng ignored them: "Maybe the enemy is embarrassed. Anyway, we have to be careful."

He glanced around at the **** room: "The enemy has already fired at us, and our radar hasn't even found the enemy's shadow," he said in deep thought, "Our artillery is too old.

Go buy one. "Ba Lulu left the gunboat, took the time to return to Jiang Cheng.

How can it be so easy to buy, you think you can buy it if you have money!" Looking at the radar in front of him, he answered the green belt.

Barrutti also asked, she knew that important team materials like gunboats could not be bought by money.

Even though the ship they were riding on was retired, they spent a lot of money back then. They found various relationships and used different excuses, such as dismantling old ones for research, exhibitions, etc., before they could buy it. of.

If there is no money, or it doesn’t matter, and there is no legitimate reason for Jizhi, and you can’t even see it, don’t mention buying it.

But Barrutti knew that at that time another group in the dark world got the news first that the space team on a certain planet had a gunboat about to retire, and they wanted to get this boat in hand.

What was the result? Although they used a lot of manpower and material resources, it took about half a year. Not only did they fail to buy the gunboat, but they also had conflicts with another faction during the competition, so that the two sides had a large scale. The rush to make a mess.

Just concentrate, the enemy is right in front of our eyes. "When Yan Ran saw Ba Ludi's absent-mindedness, she hurried to mention her.

Got it, coward. "Baluti rolled her eyes to Ruoran.

"Stop talking! Jiang Cheng had to lower his face and said seriously, these two little Y heads are really speechless, and he didn't look at what was going on before him, and was not serious at all.

Jiang Cheng's face was stern, but he and Ba Yilu stopped talking.

"Listen to me, let's change the course of travel." Jiang Cheng said to Ba Luluo: "Let's hide and seek with the enemy first.

it is good. "It's not easy to keep Barretti from speaking.

"The captain of the gunboat looked at Radar: "Where did the enemy go after us just now?

He ordered Ruo's deputy: "Contact the base and ask them to inform the enemy gunboat location in time."

Where is the gunboat number?" he asked another man on duty

"They are in front of us and are coming at full speed." The duty man replied.

The squint stopped speaking, and he looked at the radar in thought.

Bastard! "In the base, the commander was yelling: "Which messenger is in charge of the gunboat? I want you!

Ruo's scolding sounded in the phone, and the gunboat's ruler listened silently, not understanding why the commander scolded himself.

"Why are you going out specially? I asked you to lure the enemy? To attract the enemy?" The words of Zhiyiren were full of anger: "You are fighting the enemy, so why are you running?

However, the enemy too... the captain of the gunboat quietly explained.

Lao Tzu is going to kill you! You are a good guy! "The roar of the commander can almost be heard outside the base.

ーNumber ー, I am number two, I have already seen you, please report the enemy's location. "The call of spacecraft 2 came from the communication equipment.

The lieutenant looked at the captain, and his superior stood there dejected, still not recovering from the frustration of being scolded by the commander.

Number two, I am the deputy. We temporarily lost the enemy's position. Repeatedly, we lost the enemy's position.

The lieutenant came to the captain's side and whispered An Si him: "Under such circumstances, no one wants to have a head-on conflict with the enemy, so don't be too arrogant.

The captain looked at the lieutenant and sighed, just about to say something.

Enemy!" a scholar exclaimed.

The captain rushed in front of the radar. As expected, it was the enemy's retired gunboat. According to the display on the radar, they had successfully broken through to attack the country.

Why are you reporting now? "The captain was angry, and he ordered loudly: "Go forward at full speed!

"The mutual protection is increased to the highest!

Two missiles, launch!

Orders were issued one by one, and the captain had a bad feeling that he would be broken into such a close range by the enemy in a short time.

He shook his head and blamed himself for being too careless.

I hope everything he has done is not too late.

The enemy guessed that they sneaked close to us behind the asteroid Yiwei, "Stop talking!" Long interrupted the scholar, and now it's useless to say this.

I am number two, we are approaching you, please tell me the enemy's location.

Looking at the deputy for a long time, he was also surprised: "It shouldn't be, how can you not find it at such a close distance?"

The captain's face changed suddenly: Asteroid! Their whereabouts were blocked by the asteroid!

He was just about to say something. From the communicator, there was an exclamation of the No. 2 gun: "The enemy was followed by a loud noise. The No. 2 gunboat turned into a huge fire group. The huge shock wave will be not far from them. The gunboat shook.

The boat was quiet for a while.

The number two is over.

A pessimistic complex permeated the gunboat. In just a few minutes, there were no comrades in arms who got along with each other day and night. How can we not make them sad?

The words of the base commander came in: "You must bite the enemy hard, and you don’t want to lose the enemy’s position." There is a trace of fatigue in his voice: "I have ordered No. 3 and No. 4 to support. You, I hope you wait until the rendezvous before starting to fight the enemy.

Zhihuiren rubbed his face. He said to the short fat man sitting aside: "I still ask you to consider my proposal. Even if you leave now, it is still too late.

The dwarf had a sullen face and did not speak.

He also didn't expect that their natives would be shot down in such a short time while driving the latest gun.

The enemy's strength really constantly breaks through his perception.

Humpty Dumpty dug his teeth slowly and shook his head. If he was forced to wander between planets because he was afraid of someone, even if he had a chance to return to Delmar, what face would he have?

The commander saw that he had already made a decision, so he didn't say anything any more, and turned around to do his own thing.

Teacher, am I good? "It is different from the atmosphere on the enemy's side, Jiang Cheng and the others are full of joy.

If I hadn't used my superb driving skills to stay close behind the asteroid, I wouldn't be able to break through the enemy's defenses.

Listening to the voice, you knew that it was Barretti, and the little girl was very proud.

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