Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1055: member

Yan Ran kept complimenting her next to her, and teasing her, why has she become clearer recently? Did she sleep more?

Barrotti insisted and claimed to pull off the flamingo's feathers. Who would let Yanran slander her.

She was originally very smart, but she was as wise as a fool.

The blazing bird had suffered from Baluti's, and once she took advantage of the fact that she was not by her side, and really pulled off the feathers of the blazing black.

And it is the longest and most beautiful feather on her tail!

As the body of the flamingo grows continuously, the spirit animal also grows greatly. After eating the loss of Ba Luluo, stay away from her if there is nothing to do.

Fortunately, Barretti only harmed her once, and as a way, she bought a lot of food as gifts.

The flamingo was moved by her sincerity again.

The food that people bought by Ba Luluo is called food. Zhe Shi doesn’t mention the packaging of the food. Even looking at the exquisite packaging is a kind of enjoyment. A flamingo knows what it is after eating the food bought by Ba Ludi Good food.

What kind of food Yan Ran gave her before.

If it hadn't been for the flamingo who really couldn't bear her peaceful friendship, then the friendship that the locals had established since childhood, she would almost want to mix with Ba Lu.

Although Jiang Cheng's gunboat was a relatively old one that had been retired and was far inferior to the enemy in terms of its performance, they used the terrain and unexpectedly killed one of the enemy's gunboats.

After they used the enemy gunboat to track, Balu fell into a motion, driving the gunboat to hide behind an asteroid, and slowly approached the gunboat.

Originally their target was them, but the gunboat found Jiang Cheng and the others in time. Not only did they react quickly, they immediately started to run into each other, and they also fired two missiles as they approached.

So they changed the goal to number two.

Compared with the artillery, one is that they did not find them, the other is that the enemy is 80% unprepared, and the third is that they can still use asteroids to approach them and attack them by surprise.

Sure enough, they were right to change the offensive goal in time, and they did a good job in attacking the enemy.

In this battle, Baluti did take the lead, no wonder she was so proud.

Jiang Cheng and Yanran both like to see Ba ​​Lvti like this, she now looks like a girl.

When Jiang Cheng was disturbing whether he wanted to accept her, he was worried that she grew up in the dark world and worried that the negative emotions of the dark world would settle in her personality.

Even if such a green fence stays by their side, it is like a time bomb that may be bombed at any time.

He was worried that Bingran would be affected when the bomb exploded.

After such a long time together, he deeply knew how much affection his female disciple had.

Even the Flamingo, just because she grew up with her, is her only little friend in the harsh environment of the unknown planet. She has tried hard to find her, but she has never given up until she teaches her. Go back to yourself.

And once she and Ba Lu fall into a deep friendship, if Ba Lu does anything to disappoint her, I am afraid she will be depressed, and she will live her life in self-pity.

This was Jiang Cheng's biggest worry at the time.

Similarly, he also knew how rare a talent like Ran was, and it would not be too much to describe her once in a century.

She has shown amazing sports talent since she was a child, excellent physical condition, high enough IQ, especially, she also has a strong will that most people lack.

In the harsh and difficult environment like the nameless planet, not only did she not give up on herself, but also regarded this kind of hardship as a process of her growth, which was very rare.

All these are qualities that a super master must possess, and these things are difficult to appear in one person at the same time.

Yanran has come to become a top master.

Jiang Cheng has such a disciple as a dish, and has the heart to make her a person with super ability.

He couldn't bear to see such a genius buried because of emotions.

But now it seems that Ba Luluojing has not contracted irretrievable vices because he was born and raised in the dark world. This is simply a great fortune in misfortune.

When she got along with Yanran, Yanran's sincere friendship also touched her.

The Indian ambassador did not even notice that Ba Ludi herself, in certain things, she is a student of Yan Ran.

Learn her sincerity, learn her beauty, learn her tenacity, and learn her love.

But love all beautiful things and people.

She loves this world!

According to Jiang Cheng's viewers, the reason why Baluti has a fairly simple essence has a lot to do with her.

Balu itself can also be regarded as a piece of uncut jade.

Now seeing that she can restore the girl's original appearance, Jiang Cheng and Yan Ran are so happy in their hearts.

Jiang Cheng looked at the overwhelming Ba Luluo, and couldn't help reminding her that she was still fighting and it was not time to celebrate.

Ba Luluo didn't think it was a pestle, and only after two laughs, he began to drive the 3 boats seriously.

Behind them, an enemy gunboat surrounded them far away, occasionally harassing them by launching a few missiles, making the green ring endless.

Sit down! "Ba Lululuo biting her teeth while Jiang Cheng Heran, she pushed the pressure lever of the propeller to the maximum.

The gunboat made a huge roar instantly, the huge hull was shaking, and the speed instantly rose to the highest

The enemies behind did not expect that they would come to this hand at first, but they didn't have a chance. They relied on the abilities of the boat to surpass theirs. Even if Jiang Cheng and the others used the gunboat's ability to live, they could not match them.

Ba Luluo waited until the enemy's gunboat had just reached full speed, and suddenly manipulated the gunboat to turn over in mid-air. The flamingo had just had time to "four" and it had been used on the wall, and even its feathers had been knocked off. .

The volley of Baluti once again caught the enemy's expectation. Their boat had just entered full speed. Following the movement of Baluti, they suddenly came in front of the enemy.

The tail of the enemy gunboat was suddenly exposed in front of Jiang Cheng and the others. How could Yan Ran let it go at such a good time?

With Ma Ran's slender Bai Zhe's fingers gently pressed, the beam of light from the main gun accurately hit the enemy's propeller.

With a violent sound, the enemy's boat was split in half by a beam of light, and the wreckage continued to explode, with smoke and firelight, falling toward the depths of the universe.

In the base, the commander sat down on his chair. He did not expect that the boat would be shot down by the enemy without insisting on the reinforcements of the No. 3 and No. 4 gunboats.

A period of extreme powerlessness enveloped the conductor.

There is a shop where he wants to call, he wants to smash everything in front of him.

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