Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1056: Gather

The real-time picture clearly showed the enemy's gunboat, which was a model that had long been discontinued. Moreover, the board the enemy was riding in was a retired gunboat if he read it correctly.

And the gunboats they used were at least three generations ahead of the enemy's!

In other words, although everyone is a gunboat, it is only similar in name. Whether it is power or weapon, or manipulating animals, etc., what they use is far stronger than what the enemy doesn't know.

Their personnel are also strictly trained, and the commander can even be sure that these scholars under him, both in quality and tactical training, are among the best on the planet Delmar.

However, it was such an excellent person, such an excellent ground boat, that was actually destroyed by the enemy.

Moreover, it is still two servings in a row.

In the command room in the base, the commander and the short fat man were relatively speechless.

For a moment, there was dead silence in the command room.

It was the commander who broke the silence first. He dumbly ordered again: "Gunship No.3 and No.4 returned to the sky above the base to guard, and the air defense team waited for an opportunity to attack.

Is the enemy gone?" Ba Luti asked Yan Ran.

"It seems to be," Yanran searched the radar hard, but it's impossible that she didn't send anything? The stocky old system actually only has two gunboats? This is too unreasonable. "Barretti can't believe it.

That is, the Zhaojiezi group she used to belong to was just a larger group, and there were several gunboats. As the dwarf of the senior medical boss on the planet Erma, his lair actually only had two gunboats. This is simply too much. It's impossible.

After a careful search, they still found no trace of the enemy.

Go on. "Jiang Cheng said: "The enemy doesn't want to fight with us in space, but we have to be careful. People like Short Fatty don't shed tears if they don't see the coffin.

Jiang Cheng continued to add: "They should have other means to deal with us.

Be careful. "He dinged Ba Lubu.


The gunboat hovered in space, rushing towards the unnamed satellite.

"Found the target," Yan Ran said, "Be careful, the enemy still has two gunboats.

Relying on the superior capabilities of his gunboat, the enemy had already spotted them first, and several beams of light shot at them.

Baluti was not in a hurry, circling around in the smoke boat, clashed in the attack of the enemy's two gunboats.

For a time, the three gunboats smashed together, and the beams of light from the ion cannon and laser cannon appeared uncontrollably.

Yingying’s missile is looking for her target in the air

At the same time, the defensive team in the base also started firing. Of course their target was Jiang Cheng and his gunboats, but because the gunboats in mid-air were very fast, it was not only Jiang Cheng and the enemy who were in danger. The gunboat is also dangerous.

With a "bang", Jiang Cheng's gunboat was hit by a missile, and the gunboat's jitter speed instantly slowed down.

The protective cover loses its protective energy.

The left dazzle caught fire "inadequate power, insufficient power.

All of a sudden, all kinds of public announcements from the computer sounded continuously.

Their artillery embryo Bi Kuan was still inferior to their opponents, and it was immediately revealed in the close quarters.

In the base command room, the commander and Dwarf Felix had quiet eyes. They did not let out the atmosphere, staring at the display area.

This is their last chance to defeat the enemy. Once lost, they will fail.

Fortunately, they could see that with the support of ground and ground fire, the two boats could cause great passivity to the enemy.

The commander's sense is low. At such a close distance, the enemy's Xu can see more clearly. This is not a few decades ago. What is the kind of boat that was discontinued because of major defects?

The enemy actually used this old and rotten thing to strike an alliance with his two latest gun classics, which really made him wonder what to say.

Jiang Cheng's boat was full of smoke, and the flames made a terrible noise, but at this time there was no time to bother her.

teacher. "Ba green turned her head, Jiang Cheng's figure has disappeared from the boat.

I don't know when, their bodies have gained more protection, emitting a faint light.

There is even one on the flamingo.

In the command room, seeing the enemy's cell boat being hit, it kept emitting fire and smoke, and the commander let out a long breath.

The enemy's gunboats have slowed down. Under the attack of the two own boats and the ground defense team, they were hit again, and Jizhi was destroyed very quickly.

Suddenly, he threw himself in front of the monitor, hardly trusting his eyes.

This, is this the person?" The commander's voice was shaking, and he asked unconsciously that he didn't want the short fat guy beside him to answer, he already knew the answer.

Jiang Cheng rushed out of the gunboat with heavy smoke, and a light wound glowed with a faint silver light in his hand.

His figure stayed in the air, avoiding a beam of light that was shot at him, his head, front and feet, with long swords in both hands, straightly facing the general gunboat not far away.

If the speed of light is fast, then the speed of this Jiang Cheng exceeds the speed of light. Before the enemy can make any response, the long sword in his hand has entered the side of the enemy boat.

After the indecent long sword stabbed into the boat, the well did not stop and flew around the gunboat. Jiang Cheng used Changchuang to cut a huge hole in the gunboat.

Almost cut it in half.

The commander watched blankly as if his gunboat spun from the air and landed on the ground. There was a loud noise, and thick smoke and flames came out at the same time.

Jiang Cheng in mid-air didn't stop at the slightest. The last gunboat left by the enemy was like crazy, and Jiang Cheng kept firing in desperately.

The eagerness to avenge their comrades drove them, although the man in front of them was very tough, so tough that they exceeded their cognition, they wanted to crush him.

Jiang Cheng's figure descended, and in a blink of an eye he reached under the gunboat, and the enemy was passing over him above him.

With a loud shout, Jiang Cheng's figure spun, faster and faster, ascending rapidly while spinning.

Just like a powerful head turning, Jiang Cheng held a long sword and penetrated through the abdomen of the enemy gunboat. The rotating figure made the gunboat a big hole, and Jiang Cheng's body disappeared in the gunboat.

In the blink of an eye, he spun out of the gunboat again.

Jiang Cheng stopped, holding a long sword in his hand, his body slowly floating in the air. He watched if the gunboat that he had pierced fell on the ground, and after a loud noise, the wreckage was scattered everywhere.

Give up resistance! The defensive team ceased fire, and all the soldiers gathered in the base. "The commander gave the order in a heavy tone.

The short fat man next to him did not speak, he understood what the commander meant.

In the face of such a "person", resistance has no meaning. Instead of letting the ground team declare fire and arouse the anger of that person, it is better to stop in time and let the scholars die in vain.

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