Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1060: power

The more the commander speaks, the more fluent it is: "I ask you to give my superiors, including me, we will definitely arrange the victims. Isn't this what you want to imitate?

Jiang Cheng groaned and said nothing. What the commander said was not unreasonable. When the first conflict between them ended, their request for the short fat man was indeed to resettle the victims.

Moreover, Jiang Cheng also believes what the referee said. He has dealt with the superiors of Delmar. With the **** of those superiors, it is not impossible for those people to turn back after they leave. Yes, they were gone as soon as the time came, but it was inevitable that those experts would be angry with Shi Min.

If this happens, it would go against their original intention.

"You are right, but how can we believe what you are saying?" Jiang Cheng looked at the commander and asked, "If you wait for us to leave, you take the victims to calm down, we are still the same. Method.

"Yes, I can ask my boss to spend a sum of money to resettle the victims. I mean, you can analyze all the situation to them and let the people choose to stay.

The commander must have some plan in his mind, so he seemed very clever: my boss took out a sum of money and then issued certificates to the victims. They could choose whether to stay in the capital or go to Delmar. Satellites, or just go to other planets.

In this way, even if my boss wants to retaliate against them, he will spend a lot of time, and if time passes slowly, this matter will soon become less important, and BYK has more things to do. of.

The conductor was right. Jiang Cheng felt so. He turned his head and looked at Ma Ran: "Do you think what he said makes sense?

I think it's not bad, I feel that this Zhihui person still has sincerity in his words.

Then answer if.

Jiang Cheng nodded, and he turned to Aipanzi: "Then you, have you heard the opinions of your subordinates?

Humpty Dumpty didn’t speak for a while, and the commander looked at him pleadingly, “Well, it’s better to be immortal or immortal. Ants are still happy. As for money, it’s not a problem for Dumpty. Anyway, his money comes very much It's easy, not to mention his money.

In a position like him, how difficult is it to use his power to draw a sum of money casually?

Humpty Dumpty has never done such a thing less, and the money can be used to kill his life, it is not a problem at all.

Humpty Dumpty even considered that if it is not convenient to use public funds now, he can use his own private small treasury. Anyway, he will have the opportunity and method to get it in the future. "I agree with his suggestion." The short group nodded and said.

You have a subordinate who is loyal and loyal to you. This time your life will survive, all due to his credit. The opportunity is hard-won, and I hope you will cherish it. "Jiang Cheng looked at the short fat man: "This is your last chance. If you want more tricks, then no one can teach you!

Without further ado, Jiang Cheng asked the dwarf to go back to the capital city of Delmar with him immediately. He wanted to watch the dwarf personally handle the resettlement of Shimin early, and the commander must follow them. Jiang Cheng already thought Okay, let the commander do the specific details.

He didn't believe other people at all, but this commander was worth trying.

When this man faced them, although he was very scared, he still stood up and begged for mercy for his boss, not the kind of villain who begs for glory, and his character was quite good.

After the decision was made, Jiang Cheng asked the short fat man and the commander to leave immediately, and then followed him to the capital of the planet Delmar.

The gunboat they were riding in would not work if they did not enter the repair shop for overhaul. In its current state, it is even uncertain whether it can take off.

Jiang Cheng looked at the spaceship that Humpty Dumpty was going to use to escape.

This spacecraft is completely black, and the entire hull is slender and flat, which is completely different from ordinary spacecraft.

Seeing Jiang Cheng walking towards the spaceship, the commander didn't understand what he meant, but he saw on the monitor that the gunboat they were riding in had been seriously broken.

The commander immediately opened the door of the spacecraft for Jiang Cheng, asked him to enter, and started to introduce him.

This kind of spacecraft is a concrete manifestation of the latest technological level and production level of Delmar planet. This kind of spacecraft has been built a total of three. Dumpty, as the highest boss of the team department, did my part to get one, because Delmar planet has been calm for too long. Qunzi basically didn't need to use this spaceship in the capital, so the short group hid the spaceship in his lair.

This is a very fast spacecraft, far surpassing most of the aircraft on the Delmar star team.

A special vehicle for the head of the planet Delmar, this spacecraft is extremely fast in addition to its protection capabilities.

According to the commander, the protective cover of this spacecraft can withstand the continuous firing of the main guns of the team's gunboat. After all, the people riding in it are experts. The lives of these experts are very precious, so the protective performance must be excellent.

Jiang Cheng found a spacecraft from the base of the dwarf, which was very distinctive, which made him feel a little moved.

The base commander saw what he meant, so he introduced the spaceship to Jiang Cheng in detail.

At this time, he said that this spacecraft not only has extremely fast speed and excellent protection capabilities, but it also has strong firepower.

When talking about this, the commander pressed the various buttons on the console, and if there was a sound, the ship that looked like a scout spacecraft revealed its true face.

Although there are no powerful ion guns and the like, but there are a lot of missiles, large and small, plus electromagnetic guns with a small caliber. Generally speaking, the firepower on this spacecraft is enough to handle one. A small-scale armed conflict.

Of course, the original purpose of such a spaceship is not for combat, so the weapons it is equipped with are only for self-defense.

However, compared to other spaceships of the same size, its firepower is already strong enough.

Therefore, the base commander concluded that this is a combat aircraft with high speed, high protection, and a certain intensity of firepower.

"This kind of spacecraft is most suitable for long-distance travel between planets," the commander said to Jiang Cheng with a smile: "Moreover, its power system is also extremely good, and it can make full use of light energy as auxiliary power.

The alien in front of him promised to let go of his boss’s life, and the commander returned to his original appearance. He talked and laughed freely in front of Jiang Cheng and the others. He no longer had the same cringeness that he had just looked like. A bit of the style of the base commander.

Humpty Dumpty stood beside him without saying a word, maybe he was calculating where to find a large sum of money to settle the victims.

The commander asked Jiang Cheng to enter the spacecraft.

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