Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1061: status

Jiang Cheng saw that the spacecraft's internal space was very compact, because the powerful power and protection system it required took up too much space, but the team was very reasonable, and there was still a small bedroom.

After all, this is the car of the planet Delmar. In addition to ensuring the energy they need, the most important thing is comfort.

These lords are always paying attention to this point.

So in order for these masters not to be too boring when taking the spacecraft, the designer of the spacecraft not only made the passengers more comfortable as possible, but also provided some entertainment facilities. Jiang Chengji found the game in the bedroom. The handle of the machine.

It's so thoughtful to test Zhong.

After the commander introduced the spacecraft, he handed a starter to Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng didn't pick it up. He just looked at the commander in front of him. He seemed too salty to himself.

Jiang Cheng wanted to hear what reason he had.

The commander shrugged his shoulders and said to Jiang Cheng: "First, you let go of my boss, me, and my taxis. As a district oil, this spacecraft is a small reward.

Secondly, the animal of this spacecraft is really good, and it is most suitable for long-distance travel in the universe. I can see that you need it very much, and the gun you used to ride has been badly replaced.

Third, "Speaking of here, the commander smiled bitterly: "No, my boss is erratic. Although he personally promised that you will treat the victims of the disaster, I can't guarantee that he will be like this, so , This spacecraft was a kind of compensation at that time.

Jiang Cheng didn't say much, he just looked at the base commander deeply, and then reached out and took the spacecraft to start.

Baluti was the happiest seeing such a spacecraft. When she heard that the spacecraft in front of her already belonged to them, she threw the flamingo in her arms into the sky with a "wow".

Then she rushed into the spaceship at one end, and the interior of this Delmar planet's master's car was really not comparable to that of an ordinary ship.

Ba Lu was very enthusiastic about the spacecraft.

Ba Luluo has a great interest in driving, and she also has a strong sky. It seems that there is no aircraft that she can't control, and her driving level is also very superb, often many years of veterans are also defeated by her.

However, it was very strange why she was interested in driving. Ba Luluo told her that when

When she was in the Black Dragon Group, because she was a killer, she was usually very mysterious and could not easily appear in front of other people.

There is a problem with this. Ba Lv can't spend her usual time in the house all day long.

Ba Lu can't stand this kind of boring life, she is still young, and going on like this will drive her crazy.

Especially every time she finishes her assassination mission, she urgently needs a radical way to relax herself and vent her depressed emotions in her heart.

Then she can't show up in front of others casually, what should I do? The senior management of Heijiezi Group also didn't want to see any problems with her sharp knife. Bi Jing is still very useful to the group.

So, someone thought of letting her learn to drive.

The reason he said is quite reasonable.

First, driving, just let Ba Luxu from the room into the aircraft, except during the time on the road, almost no one can see her.

Second, as a killer, driving is of great help to this profession, and it is not a bad thing to let Ba Lvsu learn.

Third, driving is also enough to spur, which can make Ba Ludi a good distraction and relax her enough.

As a result, Ba Green got the opportunity to learn to drive.

But to everyone's surprise, she actually has a very strong sky in driving.

Needless to say, ordinary aircraft in front of Babe green, it's too pediatric

It is large aircraft, such as some combat spacecraft, she can easily control them, and compared with those old fritters that have been soaked in spacecraft all the year round, she can always fly faster and more than them. dexterity.

Sometimes, those old fried dough sticks will feel like "It can still be like this".

Soon, Ba Lu's reputation for being a genius driver spread wildly within Heiziezi, which was beyond the expectations of those high-levels.

But that's not bad. Ba Luzhe appeared in front of everyone as a genius driver, disguising her true face as a killer.

What is the high level of driving in green?

Anyway, whenever there was a mission, the internal members trusted her so much. The aircraft she was flying was always crowded, even if the other aircraft were empty.

Everyone used their feet to vote to determine the status of the first person in the Baluluo Group.

So now that Ba Lurong sees a spaceship with a cool appearance and a unique shape, how can he not be excited?

The little girl kept looking at the things in the spaceship. From her expression, she could tell that she loved such spaceships from the heart.

She was eager to try the feeling of piloting this spacecraft, so she said to Ruojiang Cheng and Yanran: "What are we waiting for? Haven't the things here been resolved?

Jiang Cheng looked at the base commander who was confessing to the subordinates, then turned to Ba Lu and said, "You are not in a hurry, there will be one on the day of your crunching soon, think about how we are going to spend it on the spacecraft. How long will it take?

Cut, I’m not you, you don’t know how much I like flying aircrafts, especially those with fast speeds like this, which drive very far. "Baluti stroked the spaceship in front of her eyes: "No matter how long I drive it, I won't feel the nets. During the driving, I feel that I am communicating with them.

Wish to feel a little bit mysterious, right? "Ba Luzhao also knows that his statement is difficult for others to accept.

Humans and machines communicate, this kind of statement really makes people feel very alienated.

However, Ba Luluo has the best teacher and best friend who understands her best. They didn’t feel any fuss about her statement. On the contrary, they hope Ba Lurong can tell them how to communicate with the machine in the future. Send feeling.

After all, even a teacher who is omnipotent, he can do some simple communication with small animals, and even with some plants, but he did not have to communicate with the machine after Ma Ranjizhi suggested, this spaceship will fall in green. The spacecraft will be named Ba Luluo from now on.

Yanran's proposal made Ba Lurong laughed happily. Although she loves flying various aircraft so much, she has never owned a spaceship named after herself.

Ba Luzhu and Yanran looked at their teacher Jiang Cheng together. Bi Kuan Jiang Cheng was the last one to decide. Jiang Cheng shrugged. It didn't matter what he called the spaceship. Since Yanran they want to call this spaceship Ba Ludi , That's it.

Yeah! "Ba Luluo jumped up, and after hugging Yanran, she ran away anxiously.

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