Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1062: complain

When Jiang Cheng Heran didn't understand what she was going to do, she ran back in a hurry, still holding a bucket of paint in her hand.

It turned out that the little girl was an urgent animal. Since Jiang Cheng and Ma Ran had agreed that the spacecraft was called Ba Lvzhe, she couldn't wait.

Fortunately, the materials in the base are very rich. Almost everything is available. When Ba Lu asked a scholar where he can find paint, the scholar readily gave her a bucket. When he learned about the woman When the child wanted to paint something, he enthusiastically helped her carry a ladder.

So, with the help of the enthusiastic native, Balu stepped up the ladder and began to write the name of the spacecraft on her head.

How? "Ba Lu jumped off the ladder and looked at Jiang Cheng and Son-in-law standing aside proudly

What Jiang Cheng and Yanran didn’t expect was that Ba Ludi did not name the spacecraft “Ba Ludi”. Although they both agreed on the name, Ba Lu was obviously not that kind of selfish girl. The name left on the bow is Ran VS Ba Lu".

Although she hugged Ba Luqian, she moved her way very much. Although she didn't care what the name of Fei was, but Ba Lu's doing so undoubtedly made her feel very warm.

Jiang Cheng was also very happy, and Ba Ludi's approach at this time made him very comfortable.

He has been secretly worried about his disciple from the dark world, worried that her essence will be tainted.

But now he is optimistic about her future journey in life, the little girl is still very good at nature, so he can rest assured.

He glanced at Ma Ran who was hugging Ba Lu, her female disciple was the greatest influence and help to Ba Lu.

However, starting from small things, slowly instilling some concepts that are in line with human morals into the depths of Shang Ludi's soul, gradually clearing away the dirt that may exist in the depths of Ba Lu's heart.

The friendship between her and Ba Lvzhe, like a spring rain, dived into the night with the wind, moisturizing things silently and silently, continuously moisturizing her heart.

Now her hard work has finally paid off, so it is not so much that Bingran embraced Ba Ludi because of her generous food, it is better to say that Ran was moved by Ba Lu's goodness.

The command of the base came over, and he had already confessed what to say with his subordinates. Now he came to ask Jiang Cheng if they could take off at any time.

Jiang Cheng, Ran, and Ba Luluo the three of them, shouting, and the flamingo. This is a more important guy. You can't forget her casually. Of course, the three of them ride on this latest battleship. Up.

The base commander is riding an ordinary combat spacecraft.

Although the guns in their base had been destroyed by Jiang Cheng and others, there were still some other aircraft.

Everything was prepared, and the two spaceships rose into the air one after another and went straight into outer space.

Baluti sat steadily on the pilot's seat of the spacecraft. While driving the spacecraft, she kept spraying and saying that this spacecraft is indeed the crystallization of Delmar planet's top technology and manufacturing process.

The spacecraft is very easy to drive. Although it has the functions of manual driving and computer driving like other spacecraft, the artificial intelligence on this spacecraft is much higher than other aircraft.

Powerful pre-well capabilities and remote prediction capabilities, and powerful artificial intelligence make it very easy for pilots.

Although Ba Luluo knew that this was built specifically for the leader of Delmar planet, the little girl didn’t think much about it. She didn’t know that since it was built for the leader of the mansion, she even did the driving for the leader. Yes, of course you can't neglect that.

If the pilot reports to the leader that the spacecraft is very uncomfortable and tiring to drive, the number of accidents will increase greatly, and it may even be life-threatening to ride on the head of the spacecraft. .

Who will those leaders listen to? They will definitely listen to these pilots. Isn't this something that you can tell?

It can only be the designer of the spacecraft that is inverted.

As the old saying goes, this is the truth that you would rather offend a gentleman than a villain.

Although these people are in low positions, they often stay with the leaders. Once they fan the flames and whisper something in the ears of the leaders, the troubles are really endless.

Baluti had never piloted such an advanced spacecraft before. She couldn't extricate herself from being immersed in this fresh experience. She didn't even want to talk to Jiang Cheng and Yan Ran.

Seeing that she didn't want to take care of people like this, she punched her arms for a while, and even the flamingo took the opportunity to fall to the rocks, and if she was unprepared, she used it to peck a few times on her head.

Jiang Chengqian was already lying on the bed.

Although he doesn't need sleep anymore. But why do you have to sit upright if you are comfortable?

Next to him, Lihuo Wu lay there, his eyes half-opened, and it was obviously enjoyable to see her.

Yanran looked at Ba Lu who was immersed in the fun of flying, and then at Jiang Cheng and Lie Huo Wu lying on the bed comfortably. She shook her head and slowly [Penquku] entered a state of thinking.

Behind their ship, the base commander and the humpty humpty ship are following them

I really can’t figure out why you gave them our spacecraft. Don’t you know that there are three ships in total? It’s rare. "The Humpty Dumpty Kanruo said, pointing to Huiren, with a hint of complaint in his tone.

860 Now, he has truly regarded this commander as his confidant, so he no longer has any scruples when he speaks.

Before changing, he would definitely say with a smile on his face that it's okay, but in fact he has secretly kept in mind the fact that the person is in charge. The next thing to do is to wait for a right time, if there is no such right opportunity, then create one by yourself, and the rest is to deal with the subordinate who made the mistake according to his mood.

If he was in a good mood on the day of disposal, then the subordinate would undoubtedly be lucky, at least he would not be crushed by various terrible charges.

If the opposite is the case, then the subordinate can only ask for more blessings. If he has any beliefs, it is best to tell him more. Maybe his **** will treat him at some point.


Humpty Dumpty is such a person, smiling to his face, stabbing a knife in the back.

But if such a villain takes a person seriously, then he will trust him more than others.

This is how the humpty dumpy treats the base command palace in front of him.

Facing the terrible alien man, Dwarf Philip's calves trembled in fear. When he felt that he must have died in the hands of these three people this time, Bi Kuan and the others shrank and chased him to the boss. He comes right away.

But he did not expect that the base commander in front of him was actually speaking in front of the terrifying alien man.

When the commander was talking with the man, the dwarf stood behind him, so he could see clearly.

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